
空间磁场测量仪器的发展 || 本周物理学术讲座

2016-08-17 中国物理学会期刊网


报告人:陈斯文, 中国科学院物理研究所

时间: 8月18日(周四)14:00



本讲座内容分为下面分五部分:1.1970年以前的磁场测量仪器;2. 八、九十年代的磁场测量仪器;3.近十几年来磁场测量仪器;4.我国上天的磁场测量仪器仪器;5.上天的主要磁场测量仪器原理简介。

2Graphene nanophotonics: from fundamental to optoelectronic applications

报告人:Sanshui Xiao,the Technical University of Denmark  

时间: 8月17日(周三)10:30



With unique possibilities for controlling light in nanoscale devices, graphene has opened new perspectives to the nanophotonics community with potential applications in metamaterials, modulators, photodetectorsand sensors. In this talk, I will firstly give a brief overview of recent activities/highlights in our group, e.g.,advanced theory for investigating light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, electron spectroscopy to probe quantum plasmonics, plasmonics laser color printing, and graphene for optoelectronic applications.  Then, I will discuss how to push graphene plasmons to the near-infrared region and how to explore graphene for optoelectronic applications. I will present our recent results on graphene based silicon ring-resonator modulators, graphene plasmonic waveguide modulators, and high-energy-efficiency graphene microheats with the aid of slow-light effect arisen from the photonic crystal waveguide.



时间: 8月17日(周二)10:40



传统的经典扩散理论常常将分子和物体一律假设为简单的球形, 这些分子和物体的扩散是无偏移各向同性的。当我们将视角缩小到分子尺度去看这些分子和物体时,它们呈现出各种不对称的个性结构。在这个报告中, 我们将看到体现这些分子和物体的个性结构的自由扩散:它们表现出与它们的初始方位相关的特性,即,在有限时间内分子和物体会朝它们自身的不对称方向产生定向运动,表现为活性物质的特性。这种定向运动来源于分子自身不对称导致的各原子受到溶剂分子施加的阻尼力不平衡,不平衡的阻尼力产生了非零的合力,从而驱动分子产生定向运动。这样的自发不对称扩散丰富了分子的扩散理论, 应该对生命和其他自然界现象的理解具有重要的意义, 同时也可能提供了一种通过控制分子的方向来驱动分子的方法。

4Exotic bound states and Bethe-ansatz solvability of a two-particle Hubbard model


时间: 8月18日(周四)10:00



We study the one dimensional two-particle Bose-Hubbard model with a defect site. The continuum case of the model was claimed by McGuire to be nonintegrable fifty years ago, but now it is shown that the odd parity sector is integrable. More precisely, the odd-parity eigenstates are all in the Bethe-form.

Interestingly, this model offers a long-sought kind of exotic bound state: Bound state in the continuum. This kind of state was shown by von Neumann and Wigner eighty years ago to exist, but for the first time, we have found such a state with simple wave function and in a simple, realistic model.

We also show explicitly that the even-parity eigenstates are not in the Bethe form. However, some of them are close to the Bethe form and can be considered weakly diffractive. As a by-product, we bring up a method based on the Prony algorithm to check whether a numerically obtained wave function is in the Bethe form or not, and if so, to extract parameters from it. This algorithm is applicable to many other Bethe ansatz relevant models. 

5Observing Gravitational Waves with Advanced LIGO

报告人:Haocun Yu,MIT

时间: 8月18日(周四)14:00



In 2016, LIGO has announced two signals were detected from the merging of two black holes, contributing to the direct detection of gravitational waves. As an MIT graduate student also working at LIGO Hanford Observatory, in this talk, I will introduce and explain the LIGO detector with its sub-systems. I will also talk about the current situation of LIGO and the optomechanical experiment conducted at the MIT LIGO laboratory.



时间: 8月18日(周三)14:30



高能粒子加速器的过去,现在和未来:Particle accelerators are one of the most important tools for modern scientific research and many applications. In this talk, I will review the development of particle accelerators in the last 80 years, introducing its past, present and the future research directions.2.曼彻斯特大学介绍,曼彻斯特大学物理和天文学院介绍:I will introduce the University of Manchester and the School of Physics and Astronomy, including its past glories, present achievements and future aim。

7Particle-vibration coupling effects on Gamow-Teller response and beta decay  

报告人:牛一斐, Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics

时间: 8月18日(周四)15:00


地点:6420 ITP New Building

Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions in atomic nuclei not only provide valuable information on the spin-isospin-dependent parts of the nuclear effective interaction, but also play dominant roles in weak-interaction processes, such as beta decay. Random-phase approximation (RPA) model is widely used for the calculation of GT response and beta-decay half-lives. However, RPA cannot reproduce the width of GT resonance, and sometimes overestimates beta-decay half-lives. To overcome these problems, the particle-vibration coupling (PVC) effect is included on top of the RPA model. It turns out that the RPA+PVC model gives a good description of the line shape of the GT strength function, and reproduces particularly well the measured width; the half-lives in magic nuclei are reduced due to the increase of the phase space available for beta-decay, which leads to a very good agreement between theoretical and experimental lifetimes. The extension of the RPA+PVC model to the study of superfluid nuclei will also be briefly introduced.


报告人:Massimiliano Esposito,University of Luxembourg

时间: 8月18日(周四)16:00



A unified thermodynamic formalism describing information transfers in autonomous as well as nonautonomous systems described by stochastic thermodynamics will be presented. Information is generated in an auxiliary system and then transferred to a relevant system that can utilize it to fuel otherwise impossible processes. Indeed, while the joint system satisfies the second law, the entropy balance for the relevant system is modified by an information term related to the mutual information established between the two systems. This formalism will be applied to various model systems, including an electronic Maxwell demon.

9A method to describe a proto-neutron star with its corresponding neutron star


时间: 8月19日(周五)15:00



We present a method to describe a proto-neutron star (PNS) with the observational results of its corresponding neutron star (NS). With this method, the mass of the PNS PSR J0432+0348 is determined and its other properties are calculated. We find that the temperature has a great influence on the properties of the PNS PSR J0432+0348.



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