
大样本恒星演化与特殊恒星的形成 | 本周物理学术讲座

2016-09-06 中国物理学会期刊网







2Recent stop searches at the LHC


时间: 9月6日(周二)16:00



Will briefly review the recent stop searches at the LHC and pay special attention to the 3-sigma excess in a signal region. 

3Wheeler's Inventive Mind 

报告人:黄卓然,Oak Ridge National Laboratory

时间: 9月7日(周三)15:00



John A. Wheeler's inventive mind covered vast areas, from nuclear physics, single-electron universe, wormholes, blackholes, quantum delayed-choice experiment, and many others. We will review the history of Wheeler's notable ideas and trace how they eventually led him from the pictures of "everything is particles" and "everything is fields" to the acceptance of the concepts of blackholes. He then proceeded to tackle the difficult question on the existence of the Universe. We will review how he combined his knowledge of blackholes and quantum mechanics to reach his new picture of the Universe as "It from Bit".

4Evolution of Stubbornness

报告人:Shun Kurokawa,Institute of Zoology

时间: 9月8日(周四)10:30



The existence of cooperation demands explanation since cooperation is costly to the actor while cooperation is beneficial to the receiver. In repeated interactions, when players adopt the strategy "If you cooperate, then I cooperate. If you defect, then I defect.", the evolution of cooperation is possible. And this is a major mechanism which is called direct reciprocity. Direct reciprocity is based on the assumption that players can use the information about the opponent's behavior; however, the information about the opponent's behavior is sometimes imperfect. And it is not obvious what behavior is most likely to evolve in the case wherein information about the opponent is absent.

Here, I consider the game in which there are two strategies; one is conditional cooperators and the other is unconditional defectors in a repeated prisoner's dilemma. And by analyzing evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) analysis, I have revealed that the strategy with stubbornness which behaves "If I cooperate in the last move, then I cooperate also in the next round. If I defect in the last move, then I defect also in the next round." in the case wherein information about the opponent's behavior is absent, has the loosest ESS condition. This indicates that the evolution of stubbornness is favored by natural selection. I also would like to discuss the relationship between this study and studies on win-stay, lose-shift.

5Effective Description of Black Holes via Hydrodynamics  

报告人:张云龙,APCTP, South Korea




In this talk, I will summarize the progress on effective descriptions of the black hole via hydrodynamics,especially on the approach through membrane paradigm and Rindler fluid dynamics, as well as the near horizon properties of black hole in the viewpoint of a dual fluid.

6Black hole instabilities and the formation of singularities in general relativity

报告人:Pau Figueras,Queen Mary University of London

时间: 9月8日(周四)16:00



Black holes play a central role in our understanding of general relativity, the currently accepted classical theory of gravity. The recent discovery of gravitational waves by the Ligo-Virgo collaboration confirmed their existence in Nature. But the importance of four dimensional black holes to describe some of the observed compact dark objects in the Universe hinges on their dynamical stability under small perturbations. In recent years, motivated by more fundamental theories of gravity such as string theory, there has been a lot of interest in the community to study black holes in spacetimes with more than four spacetime dimensions. In this talk I will show that in dimensions higher than four, black holes can be dynamically unstable. Furthermore, I will present results of numerical simulations of these instabilities in full non-linear regime that suggest that unstable horizons develop a fractal structure that leads to a naked singularity in finite time. Moreover, I will argue that the mechanism behind these instabilities is universal. These results provide evidence that the weak cosmic censorship conjecture, which is the greatest unsolved problem in general relativity, is false in spacetimes with more than four dimensions.

7Testing Foundations of Modern Cosmology 

报告人:Pengjie Zhang,Shanghai Jiao Tong University

时间: 9月8日(周四)16:00



The establishment of the standard cosmology is not only a great success, but also a greater challenge. It has already revealed the existence of elusive dark matter and dark energy. But it may also imply the existence of deeper unknown unknowns. It is time to scrutinize key ingredients of cosmology, some of them are century old, with state of the art observations and analysis. I will report some recent progresses in these retrospective researches.

8The first nonsymmorphic topological insulator: prediction and discovery

报告人:Aris Alexandradinata,Yale University




Spatial symmetries in crystals are distinguished by whether they preserve the spatial origin. I will show how this basic geometric property gives rise to a new topology in band insulators, which we propose (and subsequently discover) to lie in the large-gap insulators: KHgX (X=As,Sb,Bi). These insulators are described by generalized symmetries that combine space-time transformations with quasimomentum translations in the Brillouin torus. This provides a natural generalization of space groups, such that real and quasimomentum spaces are placed on equal footing. A broader consequence of our theory is a connection between band topology and group cohomology.



1.   纳米技术与肿瘤医学

2.    黑洞有量子软毛

3.    中子三轴谱仪的原理、技术与应用

4.    二维半导体中电子能谷研究新进展

5.    低频声学全吸收点——解决低频噪音的一种有效方法

6.    二维半导体中的能谷电子学

7.    转瞬九十载

8.    从乌蒙山到念青唐古拉——百年宇宙线研究的中国故事

9.    物理学咬文嚼字之七十八:Reciprocity——对称性之上的对称性

10.  纳尼,室温超导体来了!?



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