
Chinese Vocabulary for New Year

Study Mandarin 2024-01-05

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With the beginning of 2024, it’s the perfect time to set meaningful resolutions and learn Chinese vocabulary to prepare to welcome the dawn of a promising new year!

Let’s begin by looking at the name of the New Year itself:

元旦 (yuándàn) - New Year’s Day (lit. “first-daybreak”)

For New Year you can say “新年” (xīnnián) as well, but be aware that this term is also commonly used for the Spring Festival. To avoid the disambiguation, use “元旦” (Yuándàn) which is a bit more specific.

元旦前夜 (yuándàn qiányè) - New Year’s Eve (lit. “first-daybreak-before-night”)

元旦 (Yuándàn) is observed with various celebrations, gatherings, and cultural festivities, symbolizing new beginnings, hope, and opportunities for the year ahead.

New Year’s Vocabulary

As we step into the New Year, what better way to celebrate than by exploring some essential Chinese words and phrases associated with this joyous occasion?

As the clock ticks closer to midnight, engage in the 新年倒计时 (xīnnián dàojìshí) activity, counting down to the stroke of midnight:

新年倒计时 (xīnnián dàojìshí) - New Year’s countdown

Gather your friends and loved ones for a joyful ‘聚会’ (jùhuì) - party.

Known as ‘香槟酒’ in Mandarin, champagne is a bubbly favorite for New Year’s Eve toasts, making the celebration more sparkling.

香槟酒 (xiāngbīnjiǔ) - champagne

起泡酒 (qǐpàojiǔ) - champagne

The sky illluminated with dazzling 烟花 (yānhuā) — displays, adding brilliance to the New Year’s Eve festivities.

烟花 (yānhuā) - fireworks

New Year’s Recap & Resolutions

Before stepping into the new year, it’s good to reflect on the past year’s experiences, learn from them, and set goals for the upcoming year:

年末回顾 (niánmò huígù) - year-end review; recap

The New Year is a time for a fresh beginning when people worldwide make new plans and set goals, known as New Year’s resolutions.

小目标 (xiǎo mùbiāo) - resolution

定小目标 (dìng xiǎo mùbiāo) - to set New Year’s resolutions

What are your resolutions for 2024?

2024年,我要 … (2024 nián, wǒ yào …) - In 2024, I will…

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