
5 Exotic Summer Fruits (Part 1)

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As you wander through local markets, big or small, day or night, you’ll encounter fascinating fruits you haven’t seen before.

Here’s a list of the top 5 must-try exotic fruits of Asia, along with their Chinese names!

Durian 榴莲

Our journey begins in Thailand (泰国; tài guó), which is renowned for its famous durian. The Chinese word for durian is 榴莲 (liú lián).

榴莲 , often called the “King of Fruits,” is not only popular in Thailand but also grown in other Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. Thailand, however, is the world’s leading exporter of this unique fruit.

Durian is easily recognizable by its large, spiky shell. Its distinct smell, which can be polarizing, ranges from sweet to pungent. Some people even compare it to the smell of blue cheese.

Inside, the fruit has a creamy texture, often described as a mix between custard and cream cheese. Despite its strong aroma, durian is beloved for its rich, complex flavor.

Mango 芒果

Next, we explore the beloved mango, known in Chinese as 芒果 (máng guǒ).

Unlike the polarizing durian, mangoes are adored by most people and considered delightful tropical treats. These sweet and juicy fruits are now commonly found in most supermarkets in Western countries, making them a familiar favorite.

Mangoes have smooth, thin skin that ranges in color from green to red to yellow, depending on the variety and ripeness. Inside, the fruit boasts vibrant orange flesh that is both sweet and slightly tart.

In addition to being enjoyed fresh, mangoes are used in various products such as smoothies, salads, desserts, and even savory dishes like the Indian chicken and mango curry dish.

Passion Fruit 百香果

Our next tropical delight is the passion fruit. Its Chinese term is 百香果 (bǎi xiāng guǒ).

Passion fruit is adored for its unique flavor and aromatic fragrance. This small, round fruit, typically purple or yellow when ripe, is native to South America but is now grown in many tropical and subtropical regions, including Southeast Asia.

The outer rind of the passion fruit is tough and inedible, but inside, you’ll find a treasure trove of jelly-like pulp filled with small, crunchy seeds. The taste is a delightful mix of sweet and tart, often described as a blend of citrus, pineapple, and guava.

Passion fruit is not only delicious but also an excellent source of vitamins C, A, K, and B. These nutrients contribute to its numerous health benefits, including boosting the immune system and improving digestion and skin health.

In many Asian countries, passion fruit is enjoyed fresh, scooped straight from the rind, or added to drinks, desserts, and salads. Its vibrant flavor makes it a popular ingredient in juices, smoothies, and even cocktails.

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