
蜂巢公告 | 三重展金秋开幕 国庆期间蜂巢照常开放

蜂巢十月三重展:“卜镝 2016”个展、“野生动物:宋陵新作展”、“线·索:顾亮个展”于9月30日正式拉开帷幕。

“卜镝 2016”个展、“野生动物:宋陵新作展”、“线·索:顾亮个展” 开幕现场/

Exhibition scene of the opening



Hive Center for Contemporary Art will be open during the National Day Holidays ( 1-9 Oct.),the three exhibitions(Bu Di 2016, Wildlife: Song Ling Solo Exhibition, Clue: Gu Liang Exhibition) opened 30 Sept. will be on show until 3 Nov. .

Wish you have a nice October!

开幕现场 | Exhibition Scene

“卜镝 2016”展览现场 A厅 / Bu Di's exhibition at hall A

“卜镝 2016”展览现场 A厅 / Bu Di's exhibition at hall A

“卜镝 2016”展览现场 A厅 / Bu Di's exhibition at hall A

“野生动物:宋陵新作展” 展览现场 / Song Ling's solo exhibition at hall B

“野生动物:宋陵新作展” 展览现场 / Song Ling's solo exhibition at hall B

“野生动物:宋陵新作展” 展览现场 / Song Ling's solo exhibition at hall B

“线·索:顾亮个展”展览现场/ Gu Liang's solo exhibition at hall C D E

“线·索:顾亮个展”展览现场/ Gu Liang's solo exhibition at hall C D E

“线·索:顾亮个展”展览现场/ Gu Liang's solo exhibition at hall C D E

开幕现场拍摄/ Photography for the exhibition scene: 李珊珊/ Shanshan Li


Hive Center for Contemporary Art


Hive Center for Contemporary Art was founded by XIA Jifeng and stated to operate as a gallery in 2013. Located in the renowned 798 Art Zone in Beijing, the gallery owns five exhibition spaces in a 4000mbuilding. By representing outstanding artists and providing high quality artconsultant service, Hive Center for Contemporary Art is committed to building itself as one of the most professional contemporary art galleries in mainland China.




Instagram&Facebook: @hiveartcenter

电话/ Tel.86 59789531/30 传真/ Fax.86 10 5978 9536

E06,798 Art Zone,No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd.,Beijing,China

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