
常青画廊推出古巴艺术家亚历杭德罗 · 坎平斯(ALEJANDRO CAMPINS)首次个展,用绘画诠释探讨“公共宣言”的合法化

常青画廊 2021-02-06


'Declaración Pública'

亚历杭德罗 · 坎平斯 | “公共宣言”

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13/05/2017 — 28/08/2017

常青画廊很高兴于画廊意大利圣吉米那诺空间推出古巴艺术家亚历杭德罗 · 坎平斯 的首次个展“公共宣言”。



Galleria Continua San Gimignano is pleased to present "Declaración Pública", the first solo show by Alejandro Campins in Italy.

The Cuban artist, who graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) in Havana, works with painting as well as photography and drawing. In Sanis exhibiting a selection of paintings from the series “Declaración Pública”, as well as a fresco. Begun in 2015, this series portrays amphitheatres built in Cuba after the Revolution. As of 1959, these facilities were constructed to spread and legitimize the so- called discurso político official. More recently, this type of activity has been reduced to certain annual occasions.

展览现场 Exhibition Views

常青画廊意大利圣吉米那诺展览现场,2017年。2017, exhibition view Galleria Continua / San Gimignano.

常青画廊意大利圣吉米那诺展览现场,2017年。2017, exhibition view Galleria Continua / San Gimignano.

“公共宣言”系列——“峡谷”,2017年,布面油画,257 x 390厘米。BARRANCA - De la serie DECLARACIÓN PÚBLICA2017, oil on canvas, 257 x 390 cm.

常青画廊意大利圣吉米那诺展览现场,2017年。2017, exhibition view Galleria Continua / San Gimignano.

常青画廊意大利圣吉米那诺展览现场,2017年。2017, exhibition view Galleria Continua / San Gimignano.

“公共宣言”系列——“电气”,2016年,布面油画,178 x 260厘米。EL ELÉCTRICO - De la serie DECLARACIÓN PÚBLICA, 2016, oil on canvas, 178 x 260 cm.

(局部)“公共宣言”系列——“电气”,2016年,布面油画,178 x 260厘米。(Detail) EL ELÉCTRICO - De la serie DECLARACIÓN PÚBLICA2016, oil on canvas, 178 x 260 cm.

常青画廊意大利圣吉米那诺展览现场,2017年。2017, exhibition view Galleria Continua / San Gimignano.

"仪式",2017年,定点壁画项目,尺寸可变。Cerimonia, 2017, project for a fresco, site specific dimensions.

