
莱安德罗·埃利希(Leandro Erlich) 最大规模回顾展“Seeing and Believing”于森美术馆揭幕

常青画廊 2021-09-26


莱安德罗 · 埃利希:所见及所信


策展人 Curated byTsubaki Reiko


NOVEMBER 18, 2017 - APRIL 1, 2018

莱安德罗 · 埃利希,这位在全球享有誉名的阿根廷艺术家刚刚于日本森美术馆开幕了迄今为止的最大型个展“所见及所信”。莱安德罗 · 埃利希在日本最广为人知的作品大概是目前在金泽二十一世纪现代艺术博物馆的永久装置作品“游泳池”。



Leandro Erlich, an Argentinian contemporary artist of global repute, just opened his largest solo exhibition "Seeing and Believing" in the Mori Art Museum. Leandro Erlich is perhaps best known in Japan as the creator of The Swimming Pool, a permanent installation at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa.

From massive installations to videos, Erlich’s works employ optical illusions to shake up our notions of common sense. Though what the audience sees may at first glance seem familiar, on closer inspection it proves to be a surprising, unsettling deviation from the usual, in the form of, for example, a boat floating in the absence of water, or people sticking to the wall in various poses. Viewers begin to doubt whether what they see is actually reality, and notice just how much unconscious habit influences the way they look at things.

Covering the entire 25 years of Erlich’s career to date, “Leandro Erlich: Seeing and Believing” will be the largest-ever exhibition devoted to the work of this fascinating artist. Of the 44 works on display, 80 percent will be making their Japanese debut. Through Erlich’s works, we will realize by ridding of our inertia, habit, preconceived notions, and received wisdom that the visible is not all there is to reality, and experience for ourselves, with our newly unclouded vision, the advent of a new kind of world.



Comprehensive Coverage of Erlich’ s Practice from Early Days to the Latest.


An Exhibition that Gives a Feel How Much Fun Contemporary Art Can Be.    


Social Messages and Criticism Infused in the Works.


The World Will Never Seem the Same Again!- Works That Offer New Ways of Looking.


Showcases a Huge, Architectural Installation with Incredible Photo Opps!    


▲ 建筑,2014,2011年巴黎-104装置现场

Building, 2004. Installation view: 104-Paris, 2011

▲ 游泳池,2004,收藏:日本金泽21世纪现代艺术博物馆。摄影:Kioku Keizo

The Swimming Pool, 2004. Collection: 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. Photo: Kioku Keizo

▲ 民主的象征,2015年,喷墨打印,145 x 100 厘米(每幅)

The Democracy of the Symbol, 2015, Inkjet print, 145 x 100 cm (each)

▲ 港口倒影2014年。韩国首尔国家现当代美术馆,“2014盒计划,韩进海运”展览装置现场

Port of Reflections, 2014. Installation view: "Hanjin Shipping The Box Project 2014," National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Seoul, 2014

▲ 更衣室,2008年,2016年圣保罗伊瓜特米购物中心装置现场

Changing Rooms, 2008. Installation view: Iguatemi Shopping Mall, São Paulo, 2016

▲ 精神分析学家的办公室,2005年。2013年布宜诺斯艾礼斯,PROA基金会装置现场。摄影:克拉拉·卡伦

The Psychoanalyst’s Office, 2005. Installation view: Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires, 2013. Photo: Clara Cullen

▲ 蒙特产业-终极搬家,2012年,南特之旅,法国南特

Monte-Meubles. L'Ultime Demenagement, 2012. Le Voyage a Nantes, Nantes, France.


莱安德罗·埃利希于1973年生于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯;现工作生活于布宜诺斯艾利斯和乌拉圭蒙德维的亚。他曾参加了诸多国际展览,包括:2000年惠特尼双年展(纽约);第49届威尼斯双年展(2001年);第26届圣保罗双年展(2004年)和2008年利物浦双年展(英国),2011年在巴黎蓬皮杜举办的展览“巴黎-德里-孟买”。他曾在罗马当代艺术博物馆、纽约MoMA PS1、马德里通信基金、纽伯格艺术博物馆举办个展。在日本,他曾参加越后妻有三年展,濑户内海三年展,以及2014年在金泽二十一世纪现代艺术博物馆举办了首次个展。

Born 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently based in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Uruguay. He has participated in a number of international exhibitions such as Whitney Biennial 2000 (New York), La Biennale di Venezia: 49 (2001), The 26th São Paulo Biennial (2004) and Liverpool Biennial 2008 (U.K.), as well as “Paris-Delhi-Bombay" held at Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2011). He's had solo exhibitions at MACRO - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Rome (2006), MoMA PS1 (New York, 2008), Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Madrid, 2017), Neuberger Museum of Art (NewYork, 2017) amongothers. In Japan, he participated in The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (Niigata, 2006/2012) as well as Setouchi Triennale 2010 (Kagawa, 2010), and in 2014 held his first solo exhibition in Japan at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. 

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