
莱安德罗 · 埃利希于巴黎乐蓬马歇打造现场装置“天空之下” LEANDRO ERLICH « SOUS LE CIEL »

常青画廊 2021-09-26





2018.01.12 - 02.18

巴黎乐蓬马歇百货公司 Le Bon Marché  

24 Rue de Sèvres 75007 Paris, France


▲ 展览现场 Exhibition view 


▲ 展览现场 Exhibition view 

On January 12th, Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche gives free rein to Leandro Erlich. Entitled “Sous le Ciel” (Under the Sky), the exhibition pays a tribute to the famous sky of Paris and invite visitors to have another look of their surroundings. Thanks to astonishing installations, realized exclusively for Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, the artist managed to transform the perception of the different spaces of one of the most legendary Parisian store. A romance written with his own style along several chapters ; first in the store fronts where downy and light shapes are suspended and floating, just like actual clouds. Then inside the store where the course of these nimbus and cumulus continue and unwind onto the top of the central glass roof. Finally, like taken out of a fairy tale, the iconic escalators of Bon Marché Rive Gauche leads customers to a place where reality and fantasy are merging together. Should the visitors prefer to use the elevators, Leandro Erlich also sows seeds of doubt by playing with misleading appearances.

▲ 展览现场 Exhibition view 

Le Bon Marché is the first ever modern department store opened back in 1852. Started in 2016 with Aiweiwei, the famous Parisian store has been collaborating with world renown artists to organise exhibitions by inviting them to take total control of their wonderful venue and present in-situ installations and various works.

▲ 展览现场 Exhibition view 

 开幕活动 OPENING & TALK    

▲  莱安德罗·埃利希在开幕式上发表讲话

Leandro Erlich was giving a speech at Le Bon Marché during the opening.

▲  莱安德罗·埃利希与法国艺术史学家Thierry Dufrêne于法国文化中心的常青沙龙进行对话

Artist talked with the french art historian Thierry Dufrêne in the Salon Galleria Continua in CentQuatre-Paris (frenchcultural centre).

 关于艺术家  ABOUT ARTIST    

莱安德罗·埃利希于1973年生于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯;现工作生活于布宜诺斯艾利斯和乌拉圭蒙德维的亚。他曾参加了诸多国际展览,包括:2000年惠特尼双年展(纽约);第49届威尼斯双年展(2001年);第26届圣保罗双年展(2004年)和2008年利物浦双年展(英国),2011年在巴黎蓬皮杜举办的展览“巴黎-德里-孟买”。他曾在罗马当代艺术博物馆、纽约MoMA PS1、马德里通信基金、纽伯格艺术博物馆举办个展。在日本,他曾参加越后妻有三年展,濑户内海三年展,以及2014年在金泽二十一世纪现代艺术博物馆举办了首次个展。

Born 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently based in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, Uruguay. He has participated in a number of international exhibitions such as Whitney Biennial 2000 (New York), La Biennale di Venezia: 49 (2001), The 26th São Paulo Biennial (2004) and Liverpool Biennial 2008 (U.K.), as well as “Paris-Delhi-Bombay" held at Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2011). He's had solo exhibitions at MACRO - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Rome (2006), MoMA PS1 (New York, 2008), Espacio Fundación Telefónica (Madrid, 2017), Neuberger Museum of Art (NewYork, 2017) amongothers. In Japan, he participated in The Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale (Niigata, 2006/2012) as well as Setouchi Triennale 2010 (Kagawa, 2010), and in 2014 held his first solo exhibition in Japan at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. 



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