
卡斯滕 · 霍勒个展“方法论”即将闭幕 | LAST CHANCE TO VISIT "METHOD"

常青画廊 2021-09-26

常青画廊于今年三月带来比利时顶级艺术家卡斯腾·霍勒在中国的首次重要个展——“方法论”。“存在于世界便是要对其进行划分”,这句话之于卡斯腾·霍勒,与其说是在形容政治现实,更像是在阐述数学真理。这位曾攻读自然科学、并钟情于分割法则的艺术家,探索着线条如何穿过平面、并不断衍生出迷人 的新形式。霍勒在方法论上的探讨,显然很有实践性且成果颇丰——他创造了无穷尽的色块和⼀一系列几何体。 霍勒理性主义的本能关注对时间的分割,这也提醒着我们:全球时间同质化,作为对万物相关性达到空前程度的回应,仅是近期发生的。在霍勒无尽乘衍的“分割”中,他对知识的追求同时依靠⼀一种“幻觉认识论”:被更改的精神状态能够加强我们对世界的理解。在历经自然科学的训练,这位前实验室工程师表明了研究者和圣人之间的某种选择性联系。艺术家通过对多重媒介的运用,充分展示了其艺术实验中不可缺少的元素之⼀一恶意颠覆的风趣,令观众重新审视自身感官的基础和界限。为了认知这个世界,我们该如何将其“划分”? 艺术家在此次展览中展示了⼀一系列新近作品,为表明现代科学与古老智慧之间触手可及的和解——霍勒在此提供“方法论”。


Galleria Continua is pleased to present Method, the first major exhibition of Carsten Höller in China. To inhabit the world is to divide it. For Carsten Höller, this is not so much a political fact as a mathematical reality. Fascinated by partition principles, the artist explores how lines cut through surfaces and incessantly yield captivating new shapes. Höller’s discourse on method is an eminently practical and productive one, giving rise to infinite shades of colour and a panoply of geometrical objects. His rationalist instincts even turn to the division of time reminding us that the global homogenization of time occurred only recently as a response to the unprecedented degree of planetary interconnectedness. If Höller astutely multiplies divisions, his quest for knowledge also relies on a psychedelic epistemology: altered states of mind that can enhance our understanding of the world. Trained in Natural Sciences, the former laboratory engineer points to an elective affinity between the researcher and the sage. By using a multitude of medium with mischievously subversive wit, one of the indispensable instruments in his artistic laboratory, Carsten Höller challenges the limits of our own perception. How do we divide the world to make sense of it? The artist proposes in this exhibition of new and recent work a reconciliation of modern science and ancient wisdom that appears tantalizingly within reach. Höller gives us the Method. 

The exhibition is going to close on June 3rd, thank you for your supporting and don't miss the last chance to visit!

卡斯滕 · 霍勒(Carsten Höller)中国首展"方法论" 于3月23日揭幕,呈现多重代表创作

一楼现场 First Floor

二楼现场 Second Floor

三楼现场 Third Floor

全部图片摄影©:Jonathan Leijonhufvud


雷安.莱安德罗·埃利希(Leandro Erlich)大型个展 “虚·构” 即将于6月1日登陆上海昊美术馆

OPENING | 即将开幕

预告 | 安尼施·卡普尔 ANISH KAPOOR & 丹尼尔·布伦 DANIEL BUREN 即将联合于常青画廊圣吉米那诺展出



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