

2016-01-30 鹏媒体娱乐


  1 rose : love at first sight,you are the only one 一朵玫瑰:一见钟情,独一无二

  2 roses : Mutual feelings,a commitment, an engagement or coming marriage 两朵玫瑰:两情相悦,承诺,订婚或者将要接回

  3 roses : I love you 三朵玫瑰:我爱你

  5 roses : I love you very much 五朵玫瑰:我非常爱你

  6 roses : I love you, I miss you六朵玫瑰:我真的很想你

  7 roses : I'm infatuated with you 七朵玫瑰:我深深迷恋着你

  9 roses:I'll love you forever 九朵玫瑰:我将会爱你一生一世

  10 roses:You're pretty 10朵玫瑰:你真漂亮

  11 roses:You're my treasured one 11朵玫瑰:你是我最在乎的宝贝

  12 roses:"I love you" and I am grateful for your presence 12朵玫瑰:我爱你,感谢你在我的生命里出现

  13 roses:Forever friends 13朵玫瑰:永远的朋友

  15 roses:I'm really sorry 15朵玫瑰:我很抱歉

  20 roses:I'm sincere towards you 20朵玫瑰:我对你是真心的

  21 roses:I'm committed to you 21朵玫瑰:我对你承诺

  24 roses:You're always on my mind 24朵玫瑰:你在我心里(我天天想你)

  25 roses : Congratulations. 25朵玫瑰:恭喜你

  36 roses : I'll remember our romantic moments 36朵玫瑰:我会记得我们那些浪漫的时刻

  40 roses : My love is genuine 40朵玫瑰:我真的

  99 roses : I'll love you till the day i die 99朵玫瑰:我爱你,至死不渝

  100 roses : 100% love, I'm totally devoted to you 100朵玫瑰:100%的爱,我全身心的爱着你

  101 roses : Best of all, you're my one and only 101朵玫瑰:你最珍贵,你是我的唯一

  108 roses : Proposal,"Will you marry me?" 108朵玫瑰:求婚语“你愿意嫁给我吗?”

  365 roses : I love you every single day 365朵玫瑰:我一年365天,爱你不停歇

  999 roses : my love will last till the end of time 999朵玫瑰:我爱你,矢志不渝爱你



