

徽剑 徽剑 2023-07-30


Why are most of the top leaders of the Khmer Rouge of the Chinese ethnicity?






Not only are most of the leaders of the Khmer Rouge ethnic Chinese, but the leaders who oppose the Khmer Rouge are also largely ethnic Chinese. Even the current Cambodian leaders such as Hun Sen and Defense Minister Dipan are all of Chinese descent.

Most of the leaders of the Lon Nol regime before the Khmer Rouge, including Lon Nol, were also of Chinese descent.

Further back in time, Sisowath Monivong, who succeeded to the throne in 1927, had a Chinese mother, and later King Sihanouk's wife, now Queen Mother Monirai, was also of Chinese descent. In other words, the Cambodian royal family is of Chinese descent.

In other words, the Chinese have infiltrated the whole Cambodia.

In fact, this is also true in Thailand, where the Thai royal family is the descendants of the Chinese. Nowadays, from the opposition party to the ruling party in Thai politics, no matter how they rotate, there is an absolute majority of politicians of Chinese origin.

In Burma, ethnic Chinese have even simply taken over several local regimes.

Even in Vietnam, there are many leaders of Chinese descent. For example, Chu Van Jin and Pham Van Dong, who are clearly of Chinese descent

Some researchers have pointed out that by referring to the percentage of Chinese origin in Thailand and Cambodia (estimated to be over 30%) to assess, Vietnam and Laos should also have a large number of Chinese origin, just not clearly marked as such when registering (Vietnam's public data shows only 1% Chinese, which is clearly problematic by referring to Cambodia and Thailand's 30%).

If people are interested, they can come to China to get a genetic test, it's like only $7













Why did China support the Khmer Rouge?

This answer tries to channel the Khmer Rouge atrocities with China and the Chinese. It tries to explain the Khmer Rouge massacres as being caused by China's desire to control Southeast Asia, and Chinese culture.

But she forgot a few core things

1. In the Khmer Rouge massacre, the Chinese had the highest percentage of deaths, in other words, 10 out of 100 Khmer were killed, while the Chinese were 40 out of 100. (This disproves the claim that the Chinese massacred the Cambodians)

The Khmer Rouge massacres actually targeted intellectuals, even making a fuss about the practice that anyone wearing glasses was a bad person. The Chinese were generally better educated and richer, so they were the main targets.

2. The main rulers of Cambodia in the last 100 years have all been ethnic Chinese, including the Cambodian royal family, including the pro-American Lon Nol, including the current Prime Minister Hun Sen and the opposition leader Sam Rainsy. (Most Cambodian leaders have not slaughtered their people as the Khmer Rouge did)

3. While citing the photo of Mao and Pol Pot together, she forgot another photo of the group. That is the photo of Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot together.

This is a photo of Ho Chi Minh with Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot and Lao leader Khe Sanh in 1966, 10 years after Mao met Pol Pot.

The Chinese leader knew Pol Pot because of King Sihanouk's introduction and because China supported Cambodia as a country, not the Khmer Rouge. King Sihanouk later ran away to Beijing when he and the Khmer Rouge fell out.

This shows that China was not helping the Khmer Rouge at all, in which case how could Sihanouk have run to Beijing, and how could the Chinese government have taken in King Sihanouk if they were allies with the Khmer Rouge?

4. Most importantly, the Vietnamese never say where the Khmer Rouge came from. Especially not the history of the Khmer Rouge before 1970, why?

The predecessor of the Vietnamese Communist Party was the main body of the Indochinese Communist Party. Why do I say main body? Because the Indochinese Communist Party also separated out in 1951 from the Lao Communist Party and the Cambodian Communist Party, this Cambodian Communist Party, later the Khmer Rouge.

As you can see, the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Communist Party of Laos and the Communist Party of Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) were in fact three brothers, with the Communist Party of Vietnam being the oldest.

The Khmer Rouge did not take power until the mid-1970s, and what were they doing before that?

Take a look at this photo of Sihanouk inspecting armed Khmer Rouge men trained in Vietnam in 1973, wearing the characteristic Vietnamese hats.

The leaders of the Khmer Rouge and their military organisation had actually been trained with the help of the Vietnamese.

5. After the Khmer Rouge seized power, why did they fight with Vietnam?

Quite simply, because historically Vietnam had appropriated a great deal of Cambodian territory, the Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City, all of which was owned by the Kingdom of Cambodia 400 years ago.

After the Khmer Rouge came to power, there was an armed conflict between the two sides over border territories. Then Vietnam invaded Cambodia straight away.

6. Did Vietnam really overthrow the Khmer Rouge?

Vietnam always claimed to the outside world that they overthrew the Khmer Rouge and liberated the Cambodian people. They forget that after driving Pol Pot inside the jungle, Vietnam supported the other Khmer Rouge faction, Han Samrin and others, to power. This includes the current Cambodian Prime Minister, Hun Sen, who was the head of the Khmer Rouge back then and later became the Foreign Minister in Han Samrin's government.

It should be noted that Hun Sen is also of Chinese descent and a very large part of his cabinet is also of Chinese descent

So, Vietnam only overthrew one of the factions of the Khmer Rouge that was at odds with Vietnam, not the Khmer Rouge.



1. 在红色高棉大屠杀中,中国人的死亡比例最高,换句话说,100个高棉人中有10个被杀,而中国人是40个。这就否定了中国人杀柬埔寨人的说法)。



2. 柬埔寨过去100年的主要统治者都是华裔,包括柬埔寨王室,包括亲美的隆诺,包括现任首相洪森和反对派领袖桑兰西。(大多数柬埔寨领导人没有像红色高棉那样屠杀人民)


3. (一些越南人)在引用毛和波尔布特的合影时,她忘记了另一张合影。那就是胡志明和波尔布特的合影。




4. 最重要的是,越南人从来不说红色高棉的来历。尤其是1970年以前的红色高棉的历史,为什么?






5. 红色高棉夺取政权后,为什么要和越南打仗?



6. 越南真的推翻了红色高棉吗?















