

徽剑 徽剑 2024-01-25

徽剑备注:美国国务院最近发了一篇《2022 年国家恐怖主义报告》有一个附件叫《  2022 年统计信息附件》,附件里面把缅甸民地武和民盟参与恐怖袭击数据给曝光了,于是引起民地武和民盟的抗议。然后美国删了这部分内容。




The inclusion of Myanmar’s anti-regime ethnic armed groups and resistance forces in a terrorism report prepared by a US State Department contractor has attracted condemnation from security experts and the Myanmar community in the US while putting the US government in an awkward position.

The Annex of Statistical Information 2022, which is attached to the department’s Country Reports on Terrorism 2022 was made public on Nov. 30, 2023. The State Department’s Reports on Terrorism itself makes no mention of Myanmar or the resistance groups.

The annex was prepared by Development Services Group Inc. (DSG)’s Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center for the State Department.

In the annex, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), People’s Defense Force (PDF), Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) and Chinland Defense Force (CDF) are named as “perpetrators of incidents” of terrorism in 2022, implying they are terrorist organizations.

The annex says there were 391 incidents in Myanmar in 2022, with 2,130 fatalities, with the People’s Defense Forces being the main perpetrator of the incidents, responsible for 50 percent of the total. It added that the CDF and KNDF were each responsible for 7 percent of the incidents.

The KNLA is the armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU)—one of Myanmar’s oldest ethnic armed organizations. The PDF is the armed wing of Myanmar’s parallel National Unity Government (NUG), while the KNDF and CDF are local armed groups in Karenni (Kayah) and Chin states.

Mostly importantly, all of the armed groups named in the terrorist report have been fighting against the Myanmar regime since the 2021 coup with the aim of rooting out the military dictatorship in Myanmar. The PDF, KNDF and CDF—among many others—were formed in the wake of the takeover to fight against the regime. Furthermore, all four groups named in the report enjoy popular support for their missions.

Dr. Zachary Abuza, professor at the National War College in Washington, DC, told The Irrawaddy that the DSG report was “appallingly bad”, adding that it was devoid of any context  or expertise and displayed nothing but ignorance about Myanmar.

“It has put the US government in an awkward position, and more dangerously, been used as propaganda and succor for a brutal military regime,” he said, referring to the junta’s use of the report to attack the groups.

Calling the DSG “utter charlatans” and “a for-profit consulting firm”, Abuza said they hire inexperienced people to do the coding and are automatically predisposed to consider any sub-state actor a “terrorist.”

“The State Department did not properly vet the piece or engage in any quality control, they end up looking terrible. A US taxpayer-funded product was used as propaganda by a regime that both the government and Congress are opposed to,” he added.

The Myanmar regime used the inclusions of anti-regime armed groups in the annex for propaganda purposes last week, claiming that even the US State Department has designated the PDF and others named in the report as terrorists. The junta has denounced the PDF and NUG as terrorist groups.

The junta’s claims prompted a strong reaction from democracy activists from 26 Myanmar diaspora organizations in the US.

“After brainstorming, we agreed to send a letter to the Burma Desk at the State Department to express our concern about the inclusion and demand their explanation,” said James Shwe, a member of the Los Angeles Myanmar Movement (LA2M).

He sent the letter to the Burma Desk on Dec. 6. Burma Unit Chief Jack Dart replied that the annex was compiled by a contractor based on open source data and “it doesn’t represent a statement of policy or reflect a legal determination made by the United States government.”

James Shwe told The Irrawaddy that even though it was done by a contractor, the State Department is responsible, and Myanmar diaspora organizations wanted an official response from the department on the issue.

“They are supposed to review what the contractor submitted. Given what had happened, we want something like a press release on the issue. We will have a meeting with them next week,” he added.


国务院《2022 年国家恐怖主义报告》所附的《  2022 年统计信息附件》于 2023 年 11 月 30 日公开。国务院的《恐怖主义报告》本身没有提及缅甸或抵抗组织。


该附件由国务院发展服务集团公司 (DSG) 的全球恐怖主义趋势和分析中心编写。


附件称,2022年缅甸共发生391起事件,造成2130人死亡,其中人民国防军是事件的主要肇事者,占总数的50%。它补充说,CDF 和 KNDF 各对 7% 的事件负责。



克伦民族解放军是克伦民族联盟 (KNU) 的武装派别,克伦民族联盟是缅甸最古老的民族武装组织之一。PDF 是缅甸平行民族团结政府 (NUG) 的武装派别,而 KNDF 和 CDF 是克伦尼邦 (克耶邦) 和钦邦的地方武装团体。

最重要的是,自2021年政变以来,恐怖报告中点名的所有武装组织一直在与缅甸政权作战,目的是铲除缅甸的军事独裁统治。PDF、KNDF 和 CDF 等众多组织是在接管后成立的,目的是对抗现政权。此外,报告中提到的所有四个团体的使命都得到了民众的支持。

华盛顿特区国家战争学院教授扎卡里·阿布扎博士告诉《伊洛瓦底报》,DSG 的报告“极其糟糕”,并补充说,该报告缺乏任何背景或专业知识,除了对缅甸的无知之外什么也没有。


阿布扎称 DSG 是“彻头彻尾的江湖骗子”和“一家以营利为目的的咨询公司”,并表示他们雇用缺乏经验的人来进行编码,并且很容易将任何次国家行为者视为“恐怖分子”。


缅甸政权上周利用附件中的反政府武装组织进行宣传,声称连美国国务院都将PDF和报告中点名的其他人列为恐怖分子。军政府谴责 PDF 和 NUG 为恐怖组织。


洛杉矶缅甸运动 (LA2M) 成员詹姆斯·瑞 (James Shwe) 表示:“经过集思广益,我们同意致函国务院缅甸事务处,表达我们对这一内容的担忧,并要求他们做出解释。

他于 12 月 6 日将这封信发送给(美国国务院负责)缅甸事务处。缅甸事务处负责人杰克·达特 (Jack Dart) 回复说,该附件是由承包商根据开源数据编制的,“它并不代表美国政府政策声明或分管缅甸的部门做出的法律决定”。”

詹姆斯·瑞(James Shwe)告诉《伊洛瓦底江报》,尽管这是由承包商完成的,但国务院是负责的,缅甸侨民组织希望国务院就此事做出正式回应。






徽剑 徽剑

