WeChat ID dibaichina Intro 迪拜中华网是阿联酋华人最大综合门户网站,拥有活动策划、杂志、视频、网络、APP五大优势,并荣获迪拜政府颁发的最佳战略合作伙伴奖!迪拜中华网亦是您来迪拜投资、考察、旅游、文化交流最佳合作伙伴! 提示:点击上方 迪拜中华网 ↑↑快速关注 迪拜警方逮捕与孩子一起待在5五星级酒店的女性乞丐迪拜警方逮捕了70个这样的“5星酒店”乞丐迪拜中华网 转载请注明出处迪拜警方6月7日开始的的反乞丐行动曝光了一类新的乞丐,他们通过商务签证进入阿联酋,驻扎在迪拜的五星级酒店中,Emarat Al Youm 的一份报道称。迪拜警方逮捕了70个这样的乞丐,迪拜刑事调查局旅游安全部门的主任Mohammed Rashid Al Muhairi上校说道。他们在清真寺、购物中心前乞讨,穿着破烂的衣服在大街上游走,还根据驻地穿衣服。迪拜警方刑事调查科非法入境者和非法部门的主任Ali Salem 中校在回忆一起事件时说道,当时警察准备逮捕一名阿拉伯女性,她祈求警官不要逮捕她,因为她还有4个孩子没有人照料。警方发现孩子们年龄在3-9岁之间,都呆在一个五星级酒店中。她以商务签证进入阿联酋并在酒店进行日租。警方从她身上没收了13000迪拉姆。她声称她的老公现在正经历艰辛,所以她必须出来乞讨挣钱。Dubai Police arrest female beggar staying in 5-star hotel with childrenDubai Police arrest 70 such '5-star' beggars(From emirates247)The anti-begging campaign by Dubai Police, which began on June 7, has exposed a new category of beggars, who stay in 5-star hotels in Dubai and enter the country on business visas, according to a report in Emarat Al Youm’.Dubai Police arrested 70 such beggars, said Colonel Mohammed Rashid Al Muhairi, Director, Tourism Security, CID.They stand before mosques, malls and roam the streets in poor clothes, but otherwise dress according to their station.Recalling an incident, Lieutenant Colonel Ali Salem, Director, Infiltrators and Illegal Department, CID, Dubai Police, said when cops nabbed an Arab woman she pleaded with officials not to arrest her as she is a mother of four kids and they are all alone. Police discovered the kids aged between three and nine years in a 5-star hotel.She had entered the country on a business visa and paid hotel charges on a daily basis. Police seized Dhs13,000 from her. She claimed that her husband was suffering from some hardships and so she had come to beg and earn. 迪拜中华网微信订阅号: dibaichina ■ 有迪拜中华网是阿联酋华人最大综合门户网站,拥有活动策划、杂志、视频、网络、社区五大优势,并荣获迪拜政府颁发的最佳战略合作伙伴奖!迪拜中华网亦是您来迪拜投资、考察、旅游、文化交流最佳合作伙伴! 合作&投稿&房产微信: QQ600001000 ■ 网站、杂志广告投放、投稿、迪拜房源和投资建议及合作咨询! 招聘视频剪辑、新闻记者、网络程序、活动策划人员,非诚勿扰! 申请迪拜如意金卡微信: QQ600001000 ■ 迪拜如意金卡,已有两大水上乐园门票享受买一送一折扣! 申请只需:照片、名字、ID号码、生日、电话及邮箱 中阿国旅有限公司微信: QQ364640080 ■ 网站旗下迪拜中阿国旅有限公司提供商务个人高端团队地接社! ↓↓点击阅读原文了解更多阿联酋信息,迪拜中华网温馨提示! Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account