索引:《安息日会》以正统自居,背诵“使徒信经”,高举“回归圣经”,唱着传统诗歌,主持 SOSTV 网 ,讲论“圣经预言”,开办“启示录讲座” 发行“文字布道”和“棕树月刊”,满口是感谢主、以马内利、荣耀归神;足迹遍满“豆瓣网”,“搜狐网”
他们相信安息日会的创始人怀特夫人(Ellen G.White)的作品与《圣经》有同等的权威性。
在他们的《事工杂志》(1981年10月版)中写到:“我们相信《圣经》与怀特夫人的作品同是神所默示的,并有同等的价值。圣灵如何严谨细腻的启示了《圣经》,也照样启示了怀特夫人。” 他们如今仍然持守此立场,从未撤回。
原文如下:"We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other".(“Ministry”Magazine of Oct. 1981)
启示录 22:18 我向一切听见这书上预言的作见证,若有人在这预言上加添什麽,神必将写在这书上的灾祸加在他身上;19 这书上的预言,若有人删去什麽,神必从这书上所写的生命树和圣城删去他的分。
原文:"...Satan has taken full possession of the Churches". (Spiritual Gifts V.l,p.189-90) They also believe our prayers are an "abomination" to God. (Spiritual Gifts, V1 p.190).
启示录 3:9 那撒但一会的,自称是犹太人,其实不是犹太人,乃是说谎话的,我要使他们来,在你脚前下拜,也使他们知道我是已经爱你了。
原文:Seventh-day Adventists, in the early days, denied the Trinity, but now they accept it. However, they have "leftovers" from this heresy. Ellen G. White wrote in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 761, "...He (Jesus) was revealed to them as the Angel of Jehovah, the Captain of the Lord’s Host, Michael the Archangel".
来 1:5 所有的天使,神从来对那一个说,你是我的儿子,我今日生你?又指著那一个说:我要作他的父,他要作我的子?
原文:If you receive Christ as your Saviour through the SDA’s, only your past sins, up to that moment are forgiven. Now you must get to work to earn your salvation. Ellen G. White said in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald of 10-26-1897 this statement, "...The terms of salvation for every son and daughter of Adam are here outlined. It is plainly stated that the condition of gaining eternal life is obedience to the commandments of God".
弗 2:8 你们得救是本乎恩,也因著信;这并不是出於自己,乃是神所赐的;9 也不是出於行为,免得有人自夸。
原文:Of course, it is the fourth commandment that is stressed, since Ellen saw this one glowing in one of her visions. Salvation now becomes dependent on which day of the week one observes.
西 2:16 所以,不拘在饮食上,或节期、月朔、安息日都不可让人论断你们。17 这些原是後事的影儿;那形体却是基督。18 不可让人因著故意谦虚和敬拜天使,就夺去你们的奖赏。这等人拘泥在所见过的(有古卷:这等人窥察所没有见过的),随著自己的欲心,无故的自高自大。
彼后 2:1 从前在百姓中有假先知起来,将来在你们中间也必有假师傅,私自引进陷害人的异端,连买他们的主他们也不承认,自取速速的灭亡。