
Yes, Foreigners Can Use Alipay (Here's How)

2015-07-10 theBeijinger

My trials with Chinese online payment methods are well-documented, from using Taobao to setting up WeChat Wallet. However, Alipay (also known as Zhifubao) has taunted me for years with its apparent need for a shenfenzheng (Chinese ID) number.

The chief appeal was being able to pay for flights without having to dip into my Canadian bank account. A few months ago, I applied for a Chinese credit card at China Merchants Bank but was denied for undisclosed reasons despite fulfilling all the prerequisites.

However, that's moot since I recently figured out how to use Alipay. The process was maddeningly clunky and filled with trial-and-error, but luckily for you, I put together a step-by-step guide with screenshots.

To see the entirety of Sijia Chen's wrestle with Alipay, kindly captured so as to make it easy for you, click 'Read more' below.

