
Twice as Many Unmarried Men as Women in China by 2027

Tracy W. theBeijinger 2018-10-17

While all the love birds were worried about what gift to get each other for Valentine's Day, or busy getting divorced, others had none of these issues. That's because, according to new research, in the coming 10 years there will be over 1 million more men than women approaching legal age of marriage; and in 30 years, about 30 million men will never marry but instead remain single throughout their entire lives, and not out of choice, reported The Beijing News.

Thirty years of a birth imbalance (blue line is 100:100)

The report also states that the ratio of newborn boys to girls has been in imbalance for the last 30 years, which at its peak in 2004 reached 121 boys for every 100 girls.

Currently, the ratio of male to females in the unmarried* 80s generation (those who were born 1980-1989) is 136:100, whereas the ratio for the unmarried 70s generation (born 1970-1979) is 206:100. In 2020, China will be home to 15 million unmarried men, a number that is estimated to reach 30 million by 2050.

On top of that, the number of unmarried men aged between 35 and 39 holding only lower education (elementary or below) is predicted to increase from 12.7 percent in 1990 to 15 percent in 2020.

*Unmarried means someone who has never gotten married before.

Photos: Forbes, The Beijing News

