
Notorious Misogynist and Homophobe Chris Brown in BJ, Sep 30

2017-07-06 Kyle M. theBeijinger

As much as it pains me to tell you, Chris Brown, one of pop music’s most infamous figures, will be performing in Beijing at the LeSports Center (formerly Wukesong Arena) on September 30 at 7.30pm (tickets range from RMB 380-1,680).

Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll also list off the reasons why I would never go to a Chris Brown show. The most obvious reason – if it's not already obvious – is because he was charged in 2009 with felony assault and making criminal threats against his then girlfriend, and fellow popstar, Rihanna. Horrific photos of her visible injuries dominated the news cycle shortly after the incident. Brown accepted responsibility, releasing a statement to the media that read: "Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired,” before apologizing via a YouTube video. The couple temporarily resumed their relationship in 2013, after which Rihanna said in an interview that was published in The Telegraph that she forgave him, before saying, “We don't have those types of arguments anymore. We talk about shit. We value each other."

Yet Brown’s alarming controversies didn’t end there. This past February his then girlfriend Karrueche Tran, a fashion model, filed for five-year restraining order against Brown, which the court granter her. Brown did concede to an allegation of stalking Tran, though he denied her claims that he made threats on her life

These aren’t the only instances of Brown’s erratically violent behavior. In early 2013 he and (infinitely more talented) R&B artist Frank Ocean clashed over a parking space in Los Angeles. Brown allegedly hit Ocean during the altercation before threatening to shoot him, and Ocean says that one of Brown’s bodyguards called him a “faggot.” Brown purportedly used similar homophobic slurs later that year. While taking a photo with two female fans, a pair of male fans attempted to get in the picture as well, and one of those men said Brown then told them: "I’m not into this gay shit, I’m into boxing," before Brown and his bodyguard attempted to punch one of the men. This lead to Brown being charged with a misdemeanor, though he maintains he didn’t throw the first punch.

As much as his behavior appalls me, I can’t deny that he’s one of the most commercially successful artists of his era. He’s released chart topping singles like “Run It,” and “Kiss Kiss,” since the beginning of his career in the mid-00s. What's more, Brown's fans and much of the music industry seemed to forgive him of his transgressions in 2011, when his album F.A.M.E. topped the Billboard 200 lead to his first Grammy win for Best R&B album.

Many may argue that art should be separated from the artist, and that a song shouldn’t be judged by a singer’s personal life. I can personally make that distinction for many artists, but not when they brutally cross as many lines as Brown has. And even before all those controversies, Brown's music seems uninspired, especially when compared to the hypnotic grooves and melodies created by his contemporary Ne-Yo, the tongue-in-cheek fun to be found in the music of fellow chart topper Bruno Mars, and the distinctive creativity showcased by younger R&B stars like the aforementioned Frank Ocean and Miguel.

News of Chris Brown’s Beijing gig comes on the heels of two other major pop engagements in the capital – Arianna Grande (also at the LeSports Center, August 26) and T-Pain (at Sir Teen, July 21).

For more information on the Brown show, click "Read more".

Photos: Baidu, waleg.com

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