
[VIDEO] Woman Slut-Shamed on Beijing Metro

2017-08-12 Charles L. theBeijinger

Beyond inappropriate touching, women commuters on the Beijing Metro also have to contend with disparaging remarks on their clothing, as demonstrated in a recent altercation in which a woman was called "licentious" for wearing a cosplay outfit.

As seen in a video uploaded online, an unidentified young woman wearing a blue wig and a costume dress was publicly humiliated by a middle-aged female commuter on the Line 10 subway. As China Daily reports, the cosplayer was blamed for being a bad influence on children.

"My granddaughter has taken after you. Now, she doesn't study anymore. She doesn't even do homework," said the woman. "She has been harmed by people like you."

Without explaining any further, the disparaging woman then makes superficial character judgments.

"You haven't done an honest day's work in your life," the woman said before shaming the unidentified cosplayer for her lascivious ways.

"You dress so scantily, show so much skin," she said. "What are you trying to do? What do your parents think when they see you dressed like this? Dressed in such little clothing when going out."

"So licentious, and for whom to see?"

At this point, the person taking the video pans down the length of the cosplayer's body, showing her to be wearing a full-length dress that runs down to her ankles. From behind, the only bare skin visible on the cosplayer is on her upper arms, shoulders, and face.

To her credit, not only does the cosplayer stand up for herself, but she does it in a dignified manner. The cosplayer explained that she is wearing a cosplay costume that is not "licentious", and that she is a "normal" 20-year-old student attending her third year of university.

A bystander was later quoted as saying the cosplayer demonstrated a high degree of restraint against the dama (middle-aged women largely associated with square dancing and controlling family finances). He said the two female cosplayers were taking selfies when they were unexpectedly publicly shamed. After standing up for herself, the cosplayers left the train without any further incident.

Online comments were largely made in defense of the cosplayer, praising her for her restraint in a country where subway arguments are common and ugly. Other people thought the dama was trying to blame other people for her own problems. "This is a classic case of 'my child has a bad education because of you,'" wrote one person.

Beijing hasn't been kind to residents that choose to dress up. In 2015, the Beijing Metro outright banned zombies from its trains. More recently, expats choosing to meet the titular requirements of the
Red Dress Run faced an online wave of backlash.

Watch the video below:https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=x05367h2u69&width=500&height=375&auto=0

Images: Sina.com.cn

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