
Burger League Unite! Taobao Superhero Costumes for Burger Fest

The Beijingers theBeijinger 2020-10-04


Calling all Caped Crusaders, Dynamic Duos, Boy and Girl Wonders! In two weeks’ time, the city’s finest grill masters will wield their super spatulas and wage a heroic battle against the enemies of dry patties as the Beijinger and JSS  present Burger Fest 2020, Sep 18-20 on the north end of Wangjing Walk. In order to ward off the evil-doers, however, we need to assemble a team of heroes the likes of which haven’t been seen since the Justice League saved the world from Xotar the Weapons Master. That means it’s time to step into the proverbial phone booth and emerge your most super self! 

While our Early Bird Packages do include a superhero eyemask, it wouldn’t be a superhero party without some serious spandex, capes, and onesies walking about. Just because we’re restricted from using trademarked characters, that doesn’t mean you are too! We did a little Taobao searching and found some of the finest costumes to keep you feeling super all weekend. And remember, when it comes to superheroes and super outfits, the sky is the limit! So don't be afraid to get creative and dream up your own hero for the day. Bonus points if it's burger themed!

Classics on the cheap

Want to play the part without breaking the bank? Then this selection of capes and masks is definitely for you. Pick from such iconic characters as Spiderman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman. What’s more, if you’re a fan of Spiderman but always felt a purple color palette was more fitting for his personality, then this Taobao shop's got you covered. 

Classics at a cost

If spending a bit more money doesn’t affect your wallet like kryptonite affects Superman, then there’s plenty of full-body options to truly transform you into your favorite comic book character. Wonder Woman runs a reasonable RMB 109, while RMB 120 will deck you out in Superman’s finest (muscles and all). On the other hand, if a superhero-themed burger festival is the culmination of your life's deepest desires, then RMB 957 will get you, what appears to be, a pretty high-quality Deadpool costume. 
Not all heroes wear capes

While the conventional route suggests that you should don a cape and a utility belt, not all heroes can be found in the canon of DC and Marvel Comics. In fact, here at the Beijinger, we would argue that 2020’s greatest superheroes were the frontline medical professionals who worked tirelessly to stave off the worst for COVID-19 patients. At RMB 88, you can get a doctor costume to honor these brave souls and show your appreciation for all the work they did. If you want to be particularly cheeky about it, then perhaps this plague doctor costume for RMB 465 is more your speed. It may look spooky, but it is in fact what the medical professionals of the time wore. 

READ: Tickets Now On Sale For Burger Fest 2020, Sep 18-20

Images: Michelle Cassar (via UNSPLASH), Taobao


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