
20 for 20: DJ El Mar

Aaron Eagles theBeijinger 2021-12-26


In celebration of our 20th anniversary, we’re profiling 20 movers and shakers who, much like The Beijinger, have called the capital home for 20 years or more.

In the Merriam-Webster English dictionary, music is defined as "sounds that are sung by voices or played by musical instruments". Actually, music is so much more than that. It's a tool which can connect people from all walks of life. It's the background soundtrack to our very existence. For everyone around the world, Beijing included, music is -- to paraphrase a metaphor attributed to Confucius -- another means for people to connect and produce a better society.

If this is true, DJ El-mar has been bringing Beijing together with his bangin' beats, sick mixes, and harmonious sounds for over two decades; and he's showing no signs of stopping. Originally from Hamburg, Germany, DJ El-mar describes himself as a mix of cultures. He speaks German, English, Chinese, and a little bit of French. Plus his name, El-mar, is Spanish for "the sea"; just a taste of the man's multicultural background.

Every profession and different occupation has a different perspective on the cities we live in, and I can only imagine that being a DJ in Beijing has to give a person a very special vantage-point and outlook that many others may never experience. And after 20 years, DJ El-mar isn't just making music, but he's gotten into much more. He's turned himself into a talented businessman, bringing us delicious food and tasty drinks too. I love music, foods, and drinks, so getting the chance to chat and interview this well-known DJ was a welcomed opportunity.

What brought you to Beijing, and when?

An airplane… I came here in 2000 to study.

What were some of your first impressions of the city?

I was impressed by the sheer size of it and that there was something new awaiting for me around every street corner, like being in a glitzy nice new shopping street on moment, and then turning right to find a rundown neighborhood with donkey driven carts selling Baicai(Cabbage) for the upcoming winter.

Did you imagine at that time that you’d still be here more than 20 years later?

At first I didn’t expect to still be in Beijing after a year, but a little later I knew I was going to become a real Beijinger!


Can you tell us about one of your quintessential first experiences in the city?

There were too many to count. My first months here was a minefield of first experiences.

But my first days in Beijing, I found out that aubergines (eggplant) are a great vegetable, the rest of the world just doesn’t know how to make them taste good.

What’s changed the most since you first arrived?

Pretty much everything. Beijing is now a very convenient, grown-up, international city, back in the day the most simple things could take you days. Traffic has become much better, I still remember 3-hour cab rides from Xidan to Wudaokou. Shopping as well, I remember that once I was on a whole day treasure hunt to locate and buy some decent cheese and sour cream.

How do you think Beijing has changed you as a person?

I came here at a young age, I have grown up just like Beijing has. And not that I have mastered it all, but it has shown me the virtue of patience, which is one thing you really need to survive here.

What are your main reasons of why Beijing continues to be a draw for you to this day?

I find the constant change very interesting. Beijing surprises me every day. You never know what the next few days will bring. Maybe a new road or even a new building next door.

Name your 3 favorite places in the city (aside from your home), could be restaurants, parks, cafes, tourist attractions, neighborhoods, experiences.

1. I do like the whole Goulou/Houhai area especially on summer nights. Houhai has become a bit more quiet again, like back in the day when it only had 3 bars and a couple of restaurants.
2. Coal Hill, or Jingshan Park as most people call it now, has one of the best views in all of Beijing, and in every direction. It is especially beautiful when it snows.
3. 798 Art District. Whether to check out art galleries, do some vinyl shopping, or if you wanna hang out with your motorcycle buddies at ACE cafe, this very funky looking area has it all.

What about your 3 favorite songs/musicians (And from three different genres if possible)?

1. Energy 52 - Cafe del Mar
2. Carsick Cars - Zhong Nan Hai
3. Schlindwein - Beautiful Day

Can you describe one, or a few, of your most amazing party experiences in Beijing as a DJ?

Best ever would be playing for thousands of people at the Great Wall Beach party. I also have very fond memories of all the NB Noise Neon Zoo parties at Lantern. They were always great, and I met my girlfriend at one of them.

What’s one piece of advice you have for relatively recent arrivals (within the last year)?

Learn Chinese! A little bit of conversational Chinese can open up worlds.

Get out of your bubble! There are so many things to explore in and around Beijing and a lot of times they are closer than you think. If someone challenges you to a weird food competition it is ok to say no, for example, boiled sliced dog testicles!

Are you still doing what you came here to do, 20 years ago?

Originally, I came here to study, and I would be a pretty terrible student if I was still doing the same thing. But since back then, I think I can proudly say that I have helped shaped Beijing’s nightlife, and not just with my DJ skills, but also by opening bars like Kokomo and REC Room, throwing raves like The Great Aircraft Carrier Party and the Great Wall Beach Parties, just to name a few (and both of those parties won awards for best or outstanding  event from The Beijinger back in the day) .

Furthermore I am the Co-Founder of China’s first Cider Company, Ping Dynasty Cider, and also a newly opened gourmet slider eatery called Slider Nation, which I am sure many Beijingers had at the recent Burger Cup.

How do you envision Beijing 20 years from now?

Hopefully something like “Back to the Future” (the movie) where all of us have hoverboards.

READ: 20 for 20: Great Wall Explorer William Lindesay

Images courtesy of DJ El Mar


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