
20 for 20: Education Consultant Michele Camargo

Aaron Eagles theBeijinger 2022-05-07


As we continue our celebration of 20 years of the Beijinger, we’re taking a closer look at some of the expats who have been here for two decades and those who have had an oversized impact during their stay.

Michele Camargo is yet another amazing person who has been in Beijing more than 20 years, and who has been making an impact since day one. You might know her as Michele, or Mich, but whatever you know her as, those who know her know what a passionate, energetic, beacon of light she is.

Camargo describes herself as a tree hugger, sun gazer, and nature lover, among other things, and says, "If life is a tapestry, mine is so colorful." This rockstar chef has indeed had quite a colorful life, and the stories she could tell you about the rockstars, musicians, and artists she has met and worked with all over the world is pretty mesmerizing, and a whole other story in itself!

I asked her how it was to transition from working with musicians to working in Montessori education, and her response was perfect. "I just went from working with big children, to working with little children," she said, "and now I can look at any person and see the child in them." In many ways, Camargo is still the same colorful music lover she always was, but the unique, exceptional, and one-of-a-kind training that she received in Montessori education in Italy was life-changing, and was in some ways a moment of enlightenment as she went and found her true calling. In her classrooms she is still able to mix a bit of her spirit into her teaching, and she is able to enrich her students' learning with the music that she loves, introducing them to everything from Mozart to Marley.

Catching up with Camargo's old neighbor in Xiaopifang Hutong, 1996

Camargo says that Beijing has always had greatness, but what many may not know is how impactful she has been to the growth of that greatness. She has been a monumental part of making Beijing's early childhood education top notch. She has helped mold and shape many international schools, training centers, and has been involved in helping Beijing and all of China understand the amazing impact of the "true" Montessori teachings, stating, "I have been blessed to be here and be a part of this history. The potential for human development is incredible."

What brought you to Beijing, and when did you first arrive?A
In 1991 I was living in Miami, Florida and working as a touring chef. At that time I was working with a professional musician, but was looking for a change and had been applying to be an onboard chef on a yacht in the Caribbean. That's when I met an American business lady who was looking for someone to take care of a newborn and travel with her throughout China. Long story short, that is what first brought me here. And that American business lady is still one of the best parts of my life and we are forever family.

Camargo and her daughter on the latter's first birthday, 2000

What were some of your first impressions of the city?A
I first arrived in Beijing on Mar 11, 1992. We landed at night, and I remember it was very cold, very dry, and very gray. Back then there was no airport expressway, so we took what is now the Fu Lu. While at the airport I felt like I'd stepped back in time to an old Soviet-era movie. The airport was still just one terminal and, except for our flight, it was empty. The following morning I had my first real introduction to Beijing, and was able to see the sights, hear the sounds, and feel all the sensation of life in the Beijing hutongs.

It was a lot for anyone to take in, and especially for me, someone who'd grown up in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Everywhere I looked was full of activity. There were people shouting out to each other, guys on flatbed bikes picking up furniture, another guy rattling knives while yelling to neighbors to come get theirs sharpened. Everyone was busy and happily getting on with their day.

A few people stared, and some tried to speak to me. At first, I thought I'd done something wrong, as people used raised voices, but I soon realized that they were just being friendly and raised voices was the norm, same as in Italy.


Was there any great music to be found in Beijing back then?A
Wow, yes! That could be a whole article in itself, and I have experienced some of the best music ever here in Beijing. More underground greatness than international headliners, but some really memorable music memories. I even remember times riding my bike, hearing music somewhere in the distance, and following the sound of the songs. It was always underground, but it was so amazing.
Did you imagine at that time that you'd still be here more than 20 years later?A
I was committed to stay at least one year. I still had a home in Miami, but after the sudden death of a loved one, I felt I had no reason to return to the US and decided to stay in Beijing.

Representing Ireland at the Children's House school fair, 1994

Can you tell us about one of your quintessential first experiences in the city?A
There were so many things that were different, like having two currencies, RMB and FEC (foreign exchange certificate), and really only being able to shop at the Friendship Store on Jianguomenwai and Xiao Youyi in Sanlitun. Plus, there was the two-tier pricing systems in most restaurants, where foreigners paid double the local price, and the same applied to train and plane tickets. Another newness was the lack of color everywhere. Even in the parks, the only flowers there were often plastic.

Something else that took some getting used to was seeing so few foreigners. So few, in fact, that if you did bump into one on the street, you were sure to have immediately made a new friend. And for me, some of those random encounters in and around the Friendship Store have led to lifelong friendships.

What's changed the most since you first arrived in Beijing?A
Everything. Everything except how much people value their families. That's probably the only thing that hasn't changed.Q
How do you think Beijing has changed you as a person?A
I'm not sure it changed me, but it's definitely helped mold me into who I am today. In 1997 my world changed when I went to Italy to study the true traditions of Montessori education, and being able to bring those traditions back to Beijing has been one of the most impactful parts of my life and career.Q
What's one piece of advice you have for relatively recent arrivals (within the last year)?A
Make the most of every minute. Also take time to learn some Chinese history and don't worry too much about the language. I've survived 30 years with no one really understanding what I'm saying.Q
Can you tell me your three favorite places in the city?A
Jingshan Park at sunset, Lama Temple at any time of day, and the hutongs. Always the hutongs.

The foundation of the Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) was built by the most awesome of human beings, 2018

Are you still doing what you came here to do, more than 20 years ago?A
Strangely enough, one of my tasks 30 years ago was to open a crèche (daycare), but at the time we hit all sorts of legal loopholes . So instead, I started working at the first Montessori School in Beijing, at the China World. The two Irish Montessorians who carefully prepared the school advised me to train with the London Montessori Center, where the mother of one of the girls was a lecturer. I spent the following summer in Hong Kong, and had an internship at the newly opened Lido Campus.

The following year we opened the first Infant Toddler community in Beijing. I feel super blessed to still have contact with several of those students today. That really was the beginning of my life as a Montessori teacher, and I was later invited to start a class at the newly opened Western Academy of Beijing, in a factory building in Wangjing, and again made more lifelong friendships. Gosh, I could go on and on!


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Images courtesy of Michele Camargo


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