
BJ Cyclist with Cerebral Palsy Preps to Bike to Lhasa

Irene Li theBeijinger 2023-07-09

A cyclist from Beijing named Lucky is embarking on an extraordinary adventure as he prepares to cycle from Sichuan to Lhasa on May 17. This incredible feat is considered one of the most challenging endeavors for cyclists, with the route spanning a total distance of 2,166 km and climbs reaching altitudes of 4000 and 5000 km in some sections. This should be a piece of cake for the 37-year-old though, as he has overcome obstacle after obstacle, and it all started with a cerebral palsy diagnosis.

Lucky discovers his passion in cycling

Born a miracle

Born an only child in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang province in 1986, Lucky's mother experienced a harrowing delivery, finding herself in a precarious and life-threatening condition. The situation escalated to such an extent that Lucky's survival hung in the balance. Reflecting on the intense experience in a later interview, his mother recounted the desperate measures taken by the doctor, who ultimately used forceps to deliver Lucky safely into the world.

Lucky was unable to crawl or sit like a normal child until he turned two years old. His concerned parents, who were both unemployed at the time, took him to the hospital for a checkup, after which he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. His parents had to juggle taking care of his medical needs while also running a business they started, following the diagnosis.

Lucky's cycling adventures

Around age six, Lucky recalls, he walked everywhere with a twisted gait, would lose his balance when others would bump into him, and could hardly speak. Other children his age would occasionally regard him with a different perspective, and a few even resorted to using derogatory nicknames such as "dummy" or "fool."

Lucky began attending elementary school at the age of eight, and despite being bullied from time to time, he never felt like he was different from the other students in his class due to his physical disability. Instead, he tried to fit in and befriend his peers. Every day, he would arrive early at school to help with tasks such as mopping the classroom floor. Despite facing mockery and odd looks from others as he grew up, Lucky never allowed these misunderstandings to bother him.

Lucky beams with joy upon accomplishing his Solo 200km Endeavor

Upon completion of Junior high school, Lucky enrolled in a vocational high school in Jiasuming where he pursued a degree in computer science. However, he encountered difficulties in securing employment after graduation. Consequently, he opted to assist his family's business.

Lucky Craves for Independence

While some may have accepted their situation and continued living as they were, Lucky had a different mindset. He desired independence and did not want to rely on his parents indefinitely. He harbored a long-standing desire to explore the wider world beyond his hometown and finally took action by boarding a train to Beijing on Jul 18, 2006.

Initially, Lucky applied for a position as a bao'an near Xihongmen. However, he had to leave the job after just three days due to complaints from other employees. They noticed that his hands were shaking while he was eating, which prevented him from carrying out his duties effectively.


With no other options, Lucky sought the assistance of his uncle, who works in logistics in Beijing, to help him with the delivery and unloading of goods. Lucky was fascinated by the bustling metropolis and was keen to explore the streets and hutongs. After working for two months, Lucky offered to transport goods within the fifth ring road for his uncle. He even suggested that his uncle buy him a tricycle, thereby saving transfer costs. Within three days of training, Lucky mastered the skill of riding a tricycle and began delivering goods on the road.

Lucky's memories of cycling stored on his phone will never fade away

Lucky secured a job with CHEERS on Oct 8, 2011, where he was tasked with delivering wines. While working there, he met a colleague who had a passion for cycling and commuted 20km to work every day. This sparked Lucky's interest and he secretly purchased his own bike without informing his family. Familiar with the streets of Beijing from his previous delivery experience, Lucky rented a place in Xihongmen while working in Jianguomen with the goal of one day commuting by bike between the two. To build up his cycling skills, he practiced short-distance cycling at night, gradually increasing the distance until he was able to commute to work on his bike.

Lucky developed a strong passion for cycling in a short amount of time. Although his legs would often ache from extended rides, he remained determined to cycle. One day, while riding, a negligent driver hit him and sent him flying over ten meters. While many would have been discouraged after such a traumatic experience, Lucky remained resolute in his belief in cycling.

Lucky's passion for cycling blossomed as he explored every nook and cranny of Beijing. From Pingu to Huairou, and from Miyun to Mentougou, Lucky's cycling expeditions took him to all these places. His colleagues saw him as the one who vanished into the horizon on his bike, leaving behind a trail of awe and admiration.

Lucky successfully finished the Expo 100km Gravel Road Challenge in 2015

The Unbreakable Lucky

Lucky strongly believes that cycling has transformed his physical and mental well-being, despite his previous ailments. He relied on numerous medications during a period of ill health, but cycling helped him regain his strength and gradually eliminated the need for pills. Lucky's cycling routine includes a 50 km loop from Sihui to the Bird's Nest every three days, and a monthly bike ride in Miaofeng mountain, which he continued to pursue with unwavering determination.

Lucky's cycling journey has been well-documented with over 200,000 pictures, each capturing a unique story. On Jul 2, 2014, he embarked on a 500 km, eight-day cycling adventure around Qinghai Lake from Xining with 12 other cyclists. Despite encountering challenges along such a strenuous route, Lucky remained resilient and continued to pedal through, earning him the nickname "The Unbreakable Lucky."

Over a span of seven years, from 2012 to the end of 2019, Lucky has cycled an impressive 70,000 kilometers. However, his determination to achieve greater heights continues to grow. This year, on May 17, Lucky will be embarking on a new adventure with two other cyclists, as they take on the daunting 2,400 km journey from Chengdu to Lhasa. This route is known to test even the most experienced cyclists with challenges like altitude sickness, making it a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Undertaking a challenging journey like this requires a significant amount of funds. Lucky, in particular, needs around RMB 60,000 to successfully complete this daunting task. Unfortunately, he has only managed to raise RMB 10,000 thus far, making the task even more challenging for him. Adding to the pressure is the fact that he will be commencing the journey in less than seven days.

Lucky firmly believes that cycling has transformed his life, making him more independent than other individuals with cerebral palsy. If you wish to contribute to making Lucky's dream a reality, you can show your support by scanning the QR code below. This will help him achieve his fundraising target and continue his inspiring journey.

Note: You can add Lucky on WeChat to note your name and contribution and to stay updated on his trip by scanning the QR code in the poster below.


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Images: Courtesy of Lucky


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