

2016-07-13 iGigMusic MAOLivehouse上海


Wrecking Ball吗?



殊不知那是“Tear Me Down Down”的发音。




为绵羊Ellie Goulding,灭迹Erasure及撸姐Ru Paul制作歌曲,

为土婆Lady Gaga,毒后Amy Winehouse,猫姐Nicole Scherzinger,鸟姐

Nelly Furtado,杀婊Natalia Kills,电台司令Radiohead,蠢放克

Daft Punk,基音乐队Keane,宠物店男孩Pet Shop Boys,米卡Mika及

Far East Movement 等专属混音,

与麦姐Madonna,杀手乐队The Killers御用制作人Stuart Price合作



大家不仅可以欣赏到新专辑《For You》的曲目,

还可以重温《Wrecking Ball》《No ID》等经典歌曲,

甚至还有Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse,Radiohead混音作品






试听《Wrecking Ball:


【巡演信息 Tour Information】

演出日期:2016/10/21 周五 FRI


演出场馆:摩登天空 Modernsky Lab


                   South Yinhe SOHO, Chaoyangmen,Dongcheng District

演出票价:180RMB (预售) /220RMB (现场)



演出日期:2016/10/22周六 SAT


演出场馆:TU凸空间 T:union


           Dongfanghuayuan, #361-365, Guangzhou Str., Yuexiu District

演出票价:160RMB (预售) /200RMB (现场)



演出日期 2016/10/23 周日 SUN


演出场馆:MAO LiveHouse上海


        3rd Floor, #308, SouthChongqing Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

演出票价:180RMB (预售) /220RMB (现场)




Note: You can get one FREE laserlight ring at the venue if you purchase the ticketnow. Only 100 left for each stop.

试听《No I.D.》:


艺人简介 Short Bio

千禧年间,还扮演着口技达人的角色,转眼间,他已成为当今炙手可热的音乐创作才子。化名Frankmusik的歌手、音乐制作人Vincent Turner现已是英伦音乐的中坚力量。2007年出道早期,他推出的《Complete Me》《Do It in the AM》等流行电子专辑大获好评,在英美两国单曲、专辑榜单上都有不俗的成绩。与英伦摇滚乐队Keane和英国老牌电子组合Pet Shop Boys同台献艺后,名声大震,之后更是与亚裔流行电子嘻哈组合Far East Movement开启美国巡演,共同演唱《Fighting For Air》和《Rocketeer》等热门单曲。与此同时,他还为英国新生代流行女歌手Ellie Goulding,英国合成电子大咖Erasure及美国变装皇后Ru Paul等制作专辑。


在去年10月发行的新专辑《For You》中,Frankmusik继续以独立唱作人的身份制作专辑,这也是他继《Between (Us)》《By Nicole》后独立发行的第三张专辑。专辑一经发行,便冲进英美两国电子专辑榜前十。关于这张新专辑,Frankmusik表示不管是创作还是演唱,都是他有史以来最自由最即兴的一张专辑。在迈向三十岁的年头里,他的创作无疑也越发成熟和自信:在新专辑中,Frankmusik打磨着他的声音,润色着他的唱功,为广大乐迷们呈现出最温暖、最明朗、最令人振奋的新音乐。

Vincent Turner aka Frankmusik is acreative force to be reckoned with. From his beginnings as a beatboxer in theearly 2000’s, to his chart toping electro-pop albums in both the US and UK,he’s had many noteworthy moments since the birth of Frankmusik in 2007.Favorites include performing alongside Keane, Pet Shop Boys, and touring the USextensively with Far East Movement as lead vocalist their hit songs"Fighting for Air", and “Rocketeer”. He has produced records for thelikes of Ellie Goulding, Erasure, and Ru Paul.


His most recent work “For You” isFrankmusik’s third independent album released October 2015 and reached the TopTen for both UK and US Electronic Charts. The new music culminates Vincent’swriting, singing, and unique production in a way that allows for his mostliberated album yet. As Vincent approaches his 3rd decade there seems to be anew ease and confidence within his work. This album refines and hones Vincent’ssong writing and production skills to its most concise moments yet. There's anease and happiness that allows for his warmest, brightest, and most upliftingmusic to date.


艺人详介 Extended Bio

 英伦创作歌手、混音制作人及音乐全才Frankmusik本名为Vincent Turner。他从伦敦时装学院肄业后便专攻音乐,2007年签约环球旗下小岛唱片出道后,他创作的是时下最酷、最拥有强大能量及爆发力的流行电子音乐。在欧美乐坛充斥着电子元素的今天,如果你也是电子音乐人,能不能把音乐做得独树一帜就成了关键。Frankmusik出道时的亮点就在于将电子乐的特性上升到了极致,进而转化为了自己的优势。在由麦当娜Madonna,杀手乐队The Killers和基音乐队Keane御用制作人Stuart Price操刀的首张大碟《Complete Me》中,你可以听见光晕、迷离、舞动、跳跃、神秘和快乐,这都是Disco的内核所在,也是电子乐最吸引人的地方。在这张专辑里,有《Better Off As 2》这样的歌曲冲击着听觉神经,也有《3 Little Words》这样清新的节奏叩打着心房。当旋律与节奏交织在了一起,《Complete Me》这张一举夺下全英专辑榜第十三名佳绩的商业口碑专辑便出炉了,这颗英国乐坛的新星就这样开始迅速崛起了。

2009年初,Frankmusik与英伦摇滚乐队基音乐队Keane开启“Perfect Symmetry”的全英巡演。同年6月,他又与英伦老牌电子乐队宠物店男孩Pet Shop Boys展开巡演。而他的“Complete Me”个人巡演也在稍后7月登陆伦敦、布莱顿、格拉斯哥及曼彻斯特等地。不仅如此,Frankmusik还受邀参加八卦天王Perez Hilton的系列演出,与英国嘻哈歌手Tinchy Stryder和本土电子音乐人High Contrast等在O2场馆同台献艺。

 在宣传首张大碟的同时,Frankmusik积极为其他音乐人制作混音作品,其中包括Pet Shop Boys的《Love etc.》, Lady Gaga的《Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)》, Alphabeat的《Fascination》和 10,000 Nights》, MikaRelax, TakeIt Easy》与CSS的《Move》等,还翻唱了Amy Winehouse的《Rehab》和The Postal Service的《Such Great Heights》。在音乐制作方面,他与Tinchy Stryder Ellie Goulding等多有合作。之后,他签约了大西洋唱片,于2010年间发行了第二张专辑《Do it in the AM》。(大家耳熟能详的《Wrecking Ball》、与呛辣嘻哈女歌手Colette Carr合作的《No ID》和与亚裔流行电子嘻哈乐队远东韵律Far East Movement合作的同名单曲《Do it in the AM》都收录在该张专辑中) 将重心放在了美国音乐市场后,Frankmusik开始了大量的巡演,与Far East Movement合作的《Fighting for Air》登上了“Jimmy Kimmel Live”“Lopez Tonight”等知名电视节目现场。同年,他还携手Computer Club发行了单曲《Losing Streak》。次年,Frankmusik加入了英国老牌合成电子灭迹乐团Erasure新专辑《Tomorrow’s World》的合作计划中,并参与了稍后的巡演计划。2012年,Frankmusik更是受Rihanna团队之邀,成为其澳洲巡演的开场嘉宾。同年,他还是LMFAO加拿大巡演的开场嘉宾。

 20137月,Frankmusik推出了的第三张大碟《Between》,这也是他独立创作的第一张专辑。蛰伏两年后,他一改早期电子舞曲氛围为主的感觉,已经逐渐融汇到更为大气的掌控之中,不再单纯青睐强烈节奏,而是用人声与电子音色叠出层次建立起更完整的结构。听到抒情歌《Final Song》后更加让人百感交集。为了体现专辑中的真情质感,三个月后他更推出了不插电版本的新专辑《Between Us》,用款款深情的嗓音娓娓道来我和你的故事。


稍后,Frankmusik20144月推出了第四张专辑《By Nicole》。这张专辑中,他的唱功依然毋庸置疑,其实,早在专辑《Between》中,他就展现出极大优势,尽管这次过半作品都把人声都安排在相对靠后的听觉位置,但Frankmusik对嗓音的驾驭能力并未因此被遮盖。《Uh Oh》中,几近民谣的叙述型唱腔让其在整张专辑中脱颖而出。《Ephemeral Summer》和之前就发过EP的《Dear Nicole》都以舒缓的旋律逐渐起伏。相比之下《Conclusions》和《We End》更从一而终,即使歌曲后半部分还是以上扬唱腔为主导,但编配并未因此添加过多元素而改变整体情绪。《These Streets》有着轻快的节奏和轻松的唱法,在专辑中也显得尤为特别。


2014年,Frankmusik加入了美国变装皇后RuPaul新专辑《BornNaked》的阵容,并合作一曲《Fly Tonight》。之后更是继续合作了《Die Tomorrow》等歌曲。随之而来的是201510月第五张大碟《For You》的发行。专辑一经发行,便冲进英美两国电子专辑榜前十。关于这张新专辑,Frankmusik表示不管是创作还是演唱,都是他有史以来最自由最即兴的一张专辑。在迈向三十岁的年头里,他的创作无疑也越发成熟和自信:在新专辑中,Frankmusik打磨着他的声音,润色着他的唱功,为广大乐迷们呈现出最温暖、最明朗、最令人振奋的新音乐。


今年,Frankmusik将与Lindsay Lowend合作,发行全新EP《Day Break》,同时,他将于10月首次来华,在北京、广州、上海给广大的中国乐迷带来精彩演出。




Vincent Turner's first taste of fame cameas a beatboxer and electropop act Mr. Mouth back in the mid 2000s. It was atthe beginning of 2007 when Mr. Mouth gave way to his electronic/pop aliasFrankmusik, which last year (2014) became a registered trademark in the UnitedStates. Frankmusik signed a deal with Island Records and EMI Publishing UK in2007. 2008 he made the long list of the BBC's Sound of 2009 poll and released hisdebut full-length album Complete Me (#13 UK) and two hit singles, Better Off AsTwo (#27 UK) and Confusion Girl (#26 UK).

 In January and February 2009, he was thesupport act for Keane on their Perfect Symmetry tour in the UK. In March 2009,he headlined National Student Pride in Brighton's seafront club Digital withJodie Harsh and Dan Gillespie Sells (The Feeling). In June 2009, Frankmusik wassupport act for the Pet Shop Boys in London, Manchester and Liverpool. He did ashort tour to launch the album Complete Me, starting in Brighton on July 17thwith stops in London, Glasgow and Manchester. Complete Me debuted on the UK Albums Chartat number thirteen in August 2009, after its second single, "ConfusionGirl", was A-listed by BBC Radio 1. Later that year, Frankmusik joined thePerez Hilton Presents tour in Autumn 2009 participating as part of a line-up atThe O2 Arena 3D ELEKTRO RAVE alongside Caspa and Rusko, Tinchy Stryder, HighContrast, and Dancing Robot Music.


During recording and promotion of his debutalbum, Frankmusik remixed material by other artists, including Pet Shop Boys'"Love etc.", Lady Gaga's "Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)",Alphabeat's "Fascination" and "10,000 Nights", Mika's"Relax, Take It Easy" and CSS's "Move", and has covered"Rehab" by Amy Winehouse and The Postal Service's "Such GreatHeights". Frankmusik also co-produced "First Place" on Tinchy Stryder's2009 album, Catch 22, and "Wish I Stayed" on Ellie Goulding's Lights (2010).Thereafter he packed his bags, moved definitively to the United States andsigned with Cherrytree/Interscope Records, through which he released hissophomore full-length album, Do It In the AM.


In 2010, Frankmusik extensively toured theUS with Far East Movement performing their hit song "Fighting forAir", from their album Free Wired. Performances included, televisionappearances on “Conan”, “Jimmy Kimmel Live”, “Lopez Tonight”, and “The LateLate Show with Craig Ferguson”. The same year he collaborated with Computer Clubon a track called "Losing Streak". In February 2011 had begun workproducing the new Erasure album entitled Tomorrow's World, which was releasedon the 3rd of October 2011 in the UK, and 4 October 2011 in the USA. DuringOctober and November 2011, Frankmusik was the supporting act on the ErasureTour across the US and Europe.

In the beginning of 2012 Frankmusik was aleading member in Far East Movement’s Live Show, which was the opening act forRihanna’s Australia Tour. Later that year he was the opening act for top popperformers in the US that year, LMFAO, on their Canadian Tour. February 14th2013 Turner released his sixth EP, titled, Far From Over. The EP consisted offour songs and was released for free through his website. The EP was not availablefor purchase, instead it was free but fans were asked to donate to the charity Oxfamany amount they thought the EP was worth.


Between, his 3rd album was released next on7 June 2013 also independently. On 10 September 2013, Turner released a fullacoustic album called Between Us featuring 10 songs from Between as well as anew song called "Hymn" to coincide with Between. In June of 2013Frankmusik released his fifth studio album Dear Nicole which reached #1 on theiTunes electronic charts that month with two hit singles ‘Dear Nicole’ and Stabilizer’.In February 2014, to coincide with thelaunch of Season Six of RuPaul's Drag Race, RuPaul released his sixth studioalbum, Born Naked, including the track "Fly Tonight" featuringFrankmusik. 2015 began with Frankmusik’s production for RuPaul’s single “DieTomorrow” released in March on his newest album Realness. That September heproduced Anya Hindmarch’s SS16 Runway music and later that year, Vincentreleased his fifth studio album For You in October 2015. The album made the TopTen Electronic iTunes Charts for both the US and UK.


2016 Frankmusik will release his firstendeavor into Synthwave via his EP ‘Day Break’ and later that year, his firstsummer release featuring co-producer Lindsay Lowend.



制作作品 Production

TEef - "Take Me Out" (2009)

Tinchy Stryder - Catch 22: "First Place" (2009)

Sky Ferreira - "American Dream" (2009)

Ellie Goulding - Lights: "Wish I Stayed" (2010)

Colette Carr - "(We Do It) Primo" (2011)

Skitszo Part 1: "F16","Delusional", "Killswitch" (2012)

Skitszo Part 2: "Hearsay (2013)

Not Sure Yet: "Jealous Type","Rebound" (2014)

Static.Start.: "Static","Moments in Love", "3%", "Walking in Place"(2015)

Believe in Us: "Play House"(2016)

Erasure - Tomorrow'sWorld (album) (2011)

Quigley - Pleiades (EP) (2012)

SRH - Drive and Smoke (EP) (2012)

Kentö - "Complicated" (2013)

Katrina - "Ready to Love"(2013)

Ellie Rose - Memory Foam / Speed Bump:"Memory Foam", "Mask" (2013)

Ashley Roberts - Butterfly Effect: "Midas Touch", "WildHeart", "Standing in the Rain" (2014)

Ray Noir - "Double Trouble"(2014)

Secaina Hudson - "I Ain't withYou" (2015)

Supercub - "Dancing Inside"(2015)


混音作品 Remix Works

Amy Winehouse - "Rehab" (2007)

Chromeo - "Needy Girl" (2007)

Dead Disco - "You're Out"(2007)

Mika -"Relax, Take It Easy" (2007)

Remi Nicole - "Rock N Roll"(2007)

I Was a Cub Scout - "Out Smallest Adventures" (2007)

Alphabeat - "Fascination"(2007)

The Clik Clik - "Did You Wrong"(2008)

Alphabeat - "10,000 Nights"(2008)

CSS -"Move" (2008)

Daft Punk - "Digital Love" (with Alphabeat & LeonJean-Marie) (2008)

Keane -"Perfect Symmetry" (2008)

Go:Audio - "Made Up Stories"(2008)

Telepathe - "Chrome's On It"(2008)

The Black Ghosts - "I Want Nothing" (2008)

Erasure -"Phantom Bride" (2009)

Lady Gaga - "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" (2009)

Pet Shop Boys - "Love Etc." (2009)

Space Cowboy - "Falling Down" (2009)

Nelly Furtado - "Night Is Young" (2010)

Natalia Kills - "Zombie" (2010)

Erasure- "When I Start To (Break It All Down)" (2011)

Nicole Scherzinger - "Right There" (2011)

Natalia Kills - "Mirrors" (2011)

Far East Movement - "Rocketeer" (2011)

Killian Wells - "STRFKR" (2012)

Simon Curtis - "Flesh"(2012)

Alphabeat - "Love Sea" (2012)

Ride The Universe - "A Little Better" (2012)

Buffetlibre - "Fade Into You"(2013)

Empire of the Sun - "Walking On A Dream" (2013)

Ride The Universe - "You And I"(2013)

iGig Music Group艾歌音乐
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公司电话 Contact: +86 15618702806

公司邮箱 Email: willy.igigmusic@hotmail.com

MAO Livehouse




这就是MAO Livehouse!

电话:021-6445 0086(11:00-19:00)


演出预告Upcoming Gigs


07/13 WED 佛罗里达另类摇滚乐团SURFER BLOOD 2016首次中国巡演上海站 

07/15 FRI “纪念品与神秘门” 2016 JacksonWells 巡演上海站

07/16 SAT Girl’s fluorescent night 荧光女孩之夜

07/22 FRI 【bad news 呈献】CONNECT SERIES PRESENTS 大型马戏团 

07/23 SAT 【野马现场】呈现:纽约传奇女子朋克乐队Baby Shakes中国巡演上海站 

07/24 SUN HER TOUR——听 她制乐高歌,看 她兴风作浪! 



08/12 FRI  林比克人 DOC x 鸭打鹅 一次声像体验 上海、北京联合专场 

08/13 SAT 「不变的永远」奥华子海外首场个人演唱会 

08/14 SUN【Big-time】美国新迷幻摇滚Of Montreal 2016首次中国巡演 

08/17 WED CROSSFAITH ASIA New Age Warriors Tour 2016 上海站 

08/20 SAT HuunHuurTu恒哈图乐队2016中国巡演「流浪的英雄」-上海站 

08/26 FRI 【万有音乐系】《东南美》—Matzka's Party Night2016全国巡演上海站 

08/27 SAT 【Bad News呈现】日本独立流行乐团advantage Lucy首次中国演唱会 


