American Football vs Chinese Football 巡演
一个是美国传奇独立乐队 American Football
一个是中国热血摇滚先锋 Chinese Football
New Noise Proudly Presents
American Football vs Chinese Football
7月30日 北京 疆进酒 Omni Space
7月31日 上海 MAO Livehouse
预售票:220元 | 现场票:260元
American Football 2019新专辑 中国巡演 宣传片
American Football
对许多在早期就开始接触独立音乐的乐迷来说,American Football绝对是独树一帜、无可替代的前辈乐队之一,是许多后辈乐队以音乐致敬的楷模,他们的音乐更影响了一整代人。他们在国际独立音乐场景中的坚守与突破,为他们赢得了在这场长期战役中的空前胜利。目前为止三张高水准专辑作品足以让American Football备受瞩目,受邀登上Pitchfork/Reading/Fuji Rock等国际各大音乐节的舞台。
2019年3月22日,American Football发布了第三张全长专辑LP3,这部作品再次掀起独立乐界评论热潮,各大音乐媒体赞誉有加,不仅仅是因为合作的艺人够量级,当然更是因新作品本身高度的音乐性和深刻的情绪触动,LP3的诞生,证明了乐队不仅能经得起时间的考验,而且愿意拥抱声音的进化,大胆以勇往直前的态度为独立音乐代言。
American Football - " Uncomfortably Numb" MV
American Football来自美国伊利诺斯州,由吉他/贝斯/主唱 Mike Kinsella, 鼓手/小号SteveLamos和吉他SteveHolmes 组成。
乐队自1997年成立之后发行的首张专辑《American Football》(1999年)获得了极佳的口碑,All Music评价其为“每首歌都精心雕琢,却丝毫未损失专辑梦幻般惬意的感觉。整张作品由一种可能性和青春特有的好奇心驱使,不仅仅是一张类emo-jazz-post rock的混合物,更是独立音乐模糊的历史上具有标志性的一道色彩。”
《American Football》(1999年)更被滚石杂志评为历史上40张最佳Emo专辑之一,确立了这张专辑在历史上不可替代的重要地位。
在经历2000-2014年的中断之后,乐队于2014年重新出发,2016年推出的《American Football》(又称LP2,因为乐队每张专辑都叫American Football)相比第一张专辑的阴暗,采用了更明亮、更清脆的色彩,击中人心,就像闷热潮湿的印第安夏日之后凉爽的秋风。相比大学时期,乐队的创作能力也更加成熟——双吉他不再有毛躁的摩擦,在单曲“My Instincts Are the Enemy”中,双吉他互锁,像节拍器一样稳固,乐曲编排有着充分而合理的过渡。
今年3月22日,American Football推出全新专辑LP3,大获好评。专辑封面抛弃了前两张专辑封面上那座伊利诺斯州心爱的房子(它象征着乐队青少年时期的乡愁),转而采用了一抹日出,和弥漫的雾罩。
新作除了一如既往的高质量外,还邀请到三位独立乐界举足轻重的女音乐人参与合作。单曲"Uncomfortably Numb"邀请到Paramore女主唱Hayley Williams献声;"I Can‘t Feel You"客座女主音则由Slowdive的Rachel Goswell担任;“Every Wave to Ever Rise”中,邀请到Landof Talk乐队的Elizabeth Powell献唱。
American Football -“Every Wave To Ever Rise" MV
7月30-31日,American Football将携这张绝佳的新作首次亮相中国,带来前所未有的现场。
Chinese Football
冲出亚洲,走向世界,全力以赴,体无完肤。Chinese Football是一个无比真诚的玩笑,一个成立于2011年愚人节的真人游戏,他们是四个来自东方芝加哥的年轻人,他们是97一代国足的噪音遗产与97世代独立摇滚的回响余温。
Chinese Football所有的作品都在讲述同一个故事:一个幻想及其挫败。这些简单/糅杂/流畅/生涩的音乐中充斥着说话(在蒸发)、梦想(在坍塌)、热血(仍未冷)、呐喊(怯意地)。这样一支令人崩溃的纠结体乐队自然也拥有令人崩溃的音乐源流与亲缘系谱:骨子里流淌着envy/fugazi的硬核热血,又在jimmy eat world/get up kids的陪伴下度过了矫情的青春期,想像number girl/cap 'n jazz那样一路横冲直撞,又难以割舍the sea and cake/yo la tengo般甜美旋律,但归根结底,他们仍是一支貌似高冷志在洗脑的热血流行天团。
Chinese Football首张同名专辑《Chinese Football》获得2015年迷笛板砖奖最佳新乐队提名,豆瓣阿比鹿音乐奖最佳摇滚单曲,最佳摇滚专辑,最佳摇滚乐队三项提名。入选豆瓣音乐,That’s Mag,无解音乐网,摇滚客等音乐媒体年度十佳专辑。
2018年2月底,Chinese Football开始了为期20天的东亚巡演,足迹遍布台湾/日本/韩国,共演出12场,其中台北/台南/东京3场/札幌/京都等场次均sold out。2019年3月,Chinese Football发布最新作品《Continue?》,7月末,他们将担任American Football中国巡演特邀嘉宾。
The quietest voices can be the most durable.
New Noise proudly presents American Football vs Chinese Football! Yes you got that right,
We welcome emo math rock wonders American Football for their long-awaited China debut on July 30 at Beijing / Omni Space and July 31 at Shanghai/Mao Livehouse. What’s more, Chinese Football will be opening the evening!
With their landmark self-titled debut album in 1999, American Football set the seminal standard for the emo post rock world to follow. They then split up pretty much on release, leaving a generation of fans yearning for more. Fast forward fifteen years, and the group reunited, now as a four piece with Nate Kinsella joining the fold playing huge shows to audience that have been waiting to see them for over a decade. Their first release since their reunion LP2 was widely praised by fans and critics alike, but the band members still felt like their best work was yet to come. “ LP3 “ just released in March 2019 is a body of work that is bold, contemplative, rich and as expressive as fans have come to cherish with American Football and marked them out as a band reformed that has truly augmented rather than tainted their musical legacy.
New Noise have been supporting Chinese football since their early start inviting them to open up for multiple shows in their hometown of Wuhan. Throughout the years Chinese Football have established themselves as the voice of a new generation. The band just released their new EP “Continue?” and sold out shows all over the country, making them more than ready to take up the battle against American Football!
American Football will play their first ever show in the territory. Tickets for this double bill come on a first come first served basis, surely to be one of the most anticipated shows of the year.
New Noise Proudly Presents:
American Football vs Chinese Football
China Tour 2019
July 30 Beijing Omni Space
July 31 Shanghai MAO Livehouse
演出预告Upcoming Gigs
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