// 关注疫情 城市地区
© 联合国图片 | 越南河内,一队摩托车穿过红河上的长边桥。
Urban areas are ground zero of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 90 percent of reported cases.城市在这次危机中首当其冲——许多城市的卫生系统不堪重负,水和卫生服务不足,并存在其他挑战。Cities are bearing the brunt of the crisis– many with strained health systems, inadequate water and sanitation services, and other challenges.
©️ 联合国图片 | 政策简报数据图:水与卫生服务相关数据。
This is especially the case in poorer areas, where the pandemic has exposed deeply rooted inequalities.
But cities are also home to extraordinary solidarity and resilience. Strangers helping each other, streets cheering in support of essential workers, local businesses donating life-saving supplies.
©️ 联合国图片 | COVID-19大流行期间布宜诺斯艾利斯的日常生活场景。
We have seen the best of the human spirit on display.在我们应对大流行病并努力复苏之时,我们视城市为社区精神、人类创新和聪明才智的集中体现。As we respond to the pandemic and work towards recovery, we look to our cities as hubs of community, human innovation and ingenuity.*如今,我们有机会反思我们如何生活、交往和重建城市的问题并重新规划。
*Today, we have an opportunity to reflect and reset how we live, interact, and rebuild our cities.
That is why we are launching a “Policy Brief on COVID-19 in the Urban World”.
©️ 联合国图片 | “城市世界的冠状病毒病政策简报”封面图。
It offers three key recommendations.
首先我们要确保应对大流行病的各个阶段都致力于克服不平等和长期存在的发展赤字问题,维护社会凝聚力。First, we need to ensure that all phases of the pandemic response tackle inequalities and long-term development deficits and safeguard social cohesion.
我们必须优先考虑城市中最脆弱的人,包括保证人人都有安全住所,为无家可归的人提供紧急住房。We must prioritize those who are the most vulnerable in our cities, including guaranteeing safe shelter for all and emergency housing to those without homes.
©️ 联合国图片 | 在阿富汗的赫拉特,一名妇女在街上走着,她的孩子在她的斗篷下。
Access to water and sanitation is also vital.
许多城市的公共服务不足,非正规住区尤其如此。需要紧急关注这一情况。The inadequate state of public services in many cities requires urgent attention, particularly in informal settlements.Nearly one-quarter of the world’s urban population lives in slums.
©️ 联合国图片 | 政策简报数据图:城市中的贫民区及非正式定居点相关数据。
地方政府已经在采取行动,其中包括禁止在危机期间驱逐房客和为最脆弱的地区新建清洁水站。Local governments are already taking action– from prohibiting evictions during the crisis to putting in place new clean water stations in the most vulnerable areas.
Second, we must strengthen the capacities of local governments.
This requires decisive action – and deeper cooperation between local and national authorities.
Stimulus packages and other relief should support tailored responses and boost local government capacity.
©️ 联合国图片 | 为流离失所的海地人提供了一个新的营地,一个小市场开张,出售包装食品和香烟。
Third, we must pursue a green, resilient and inclusive economic recovery.
Many cities have created new bike lanes and pedestrian zones, reclaiming public spaces and improving mobility, safety and air quality.
By focusing on high ecological transformation and job creation, stimulus packages can steer growth towards alow-carbon, resilient pathway and advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
©️ 联合国图片 | 我们务必追求绿色、抗冲击和包容各方的经济复苏。
The rapid adoption of telecommuting illustrates how societies can transform seemingly overnight to confront urgent threats.
We must act with the same urgency and resolve to transform cities and address the climate and pollution crises.
Now is the time to rethink and reshape the urban world.
©️ 联合国图片 | 亚太地区正在迅速城市化。就整个世界而言,城市人口增长率为2.0%,而亚太地区为2.3%(2010)
Now is the moment to adapt to the reality of this and future pandemics.
And now is our chance to recover better, by building more resilient, inclusive and sustainable cities.