Foshan is the backland ofCantonese culture which is represented by the traditional Cantonese gardeningstyle. In most of the local gardens, pond takes the central position, and thebuildings are built around the court to form an enclosed layout. The buildingand its courtyard form a visual contrast between the virtual and the real. Thislayout was used to adjust the transition of light and shade, creating a richerspatial level within a garden full of artistic aesthetics. The combination ofcalming colors and the unpretentious style is the prominent feature oftraditional Cantonese garden, which embodies the pursuit of harmony between manand nature.
开阔的大草坪与入户空间连成一体,仿佛家就在公园里 Open lawns were connected with residentialentrance space, making residents feel their home are built in a nature park.
与架空层连接的平台,是居民感受户外花园的最佳场所 The platformattached to open floor is the best place for residents to enjoy outdoorcourtyard views.
利用茂盛葱郁的本地乔木,营造可以遮荫降温的林下空间;广府地区的冬季虽然不长,但温度相对寒冷,园区设置多处开阔的草坪空间供居民冬天晒太阳 Lush local trees effectively overshadeand lower temperature. Although the winter in the Canton area is short, theweather is relatively cold. So many open lawns were built in the garden for residentsto enjoy the sunshine in winter.
园区设置多种类型的水景,有点状的小涌泉,有潺潺的溪流,有开阔的湖景,既能达到降温降噪的效果,又可供居民戏水玩耍 There are various types of waterscapesin the garden, such as fountains, gurgling streams and open lakes. It could help achieve a better cooling andnoise reduction effect, while provide residents with a water playing space.
Learning from the compact layout of traditional Cantonese gardens,different types of small courtyard spaces were interspersed in each plant cluster of FoshanCloud Hills, and spatial level was lifted as well as residents' experience to the whole site.In three interconnected plant clusters, eight courtyard spaces with differentcharacteristics wereconnected in series.
Each small courtyard is the epitome of China's naturalmountains and waters, including pavilions on higher hills, a stream on the hill, the moon overhead a lake, thehall for gathering together, bonsais made by huge stones, springs in courtyards, forest on the terrace and the footpath in themountain—these small courtyards formed a spatial sequence. They are scatteredrandomly in heights, change orderly in density and with rich levels and diverseexperiences.
传统的广府庭院布局紧凑、层次幽深,具有空间丰富的园林艺术效果 Traditional Cantonese gardens have compactand deep layout, as well as rich landscape art effect.
The project extended the unpretentious style ofCantonese gardens, implanting regional characteristics and humanistic feelings onthe site. Modern design and construction techniques were used to createdetails.
Hard landscapedesign extended the low-key color and unpretentious style of traditional Ling-nanarchitectures.
There are no gardens without stones. Various techniques were adopted to provide aprofound meaning, such as using stones to create rockwork. Drawing lessons fromthe stone setting techniques of Cantonese gardens, new ideas were brought intothe techniques. Many landscape nodes in this project were built with stackedstones, rocks by water, or peaks made of a single rock, which had enriched theartistic conception in the garden.
Finally, the winterin the Canton area is relatively short. Although there are frosts in someyears, it’s basically a dry season with less rainfall, good weather and plentyof sunshine. So many open lawns were built in the garden for the owners toenjoy the sunshine in winter.
This project isexpected not only to be a multi-functional space that is enjoyable, playableand make people stop-and-go, but also to have exclusive space for people ofdifferent ages. The details of each functional space were carefully created tomake it convenient and user-friendly as much as possible.
In these activityspaces, people could interact with others and touch with nature morefrequently. Based on the complex functions of public spaces, the designactivated community operations, restored neighborhood relations and built asafe and harmonious living environment.
景观设计:奥雅设计 广州公司 项目二组
施工单位:广州市林华园林建设工程有限公司 深圳市汉品景观工程有限公司
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采写 / 奥雅设计 广州公司 项目二组
编辑 / Christine
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