影像纪录 | CHAE Sung-Pil「上善若水 - from the soil」Video Tour | 杜梦堂 上海
蔡成珌 CHAE Sung-Pil,"上善若水 - from the soil",杜梦堂(上海)
Video ©DUMONTEIL and the Artist
杜梦堂(上海)荣幸通过「影像纪录」,在艺术家蔡成珌(CHAE Sung-Pil)的导览下介绍此次展览「上善若水 – from the soil」,通过二十件最新布面色粉创作呈现 “一种诗意的,对自然之‘道’的绘画类比”。展览将持续至7月29日。
—— 蔡成珌 CHAE Sung-Pil
CHAE Sung-Pil | 蔡成珌 (b.1972)
DUMONTEIL is pleased to share with you the artist-guided tour of "上善若水 - from the soil" (the highest excellence is like that of water), the solo exhibition of newly represented Korean artist CHAE Sung-Pil, featuring his last twenty works created with natural pigments on canvas. What Chae does in the virtual space is "a poetic pictorial metaphor to the ‘Tao’ of nature”. The exhibition is on view till 29 July, 2023.
I really like the word 'boundary'. Most people think 'boundary' is the point that distinguishes this and that, but to me, it is also the point where they meet.
—— CHAE Sung-Pil
CHAE Sung-Pil | 蔡成珌 (b.1972)
—— 蔡成珌 CHAE Sung-Pil
CHAE Sung-Pil | 蔡成珌 (b.1972)
Contemporary art is largely filled with complex, diverse visual fragments and trivial trends. In the midst of such a torrent, I believe, on the contrary, that the essential beauty lies in the most primitive and rooted place.
—— CHAE Sung-Pil
The artist represents the earth through 'soil' and tells the story of water through the earth. To him, using "the highest excellence is like water" as the primal space is the best approach to the elements of earth and water. Thus this exhibition starts from the soil and depicts the most predominant ideal space.