Waston被MD安德森肿瘤中心浇冷水 IBM霸气回应

2017-02-23 相海泉(整理) 健康界 健康界



来源:健康界 作者:相海泉(整理)

2月21日,《科学》等媒体报道,全球顶级癌症研究与临床诊疗机构MD安德森肿瘤中心中止了与IBM Watson的人工智能合作项目,原因是涉及购买IBM Watson人工智能和深度学习技术的违规。



声明还表示,Watson与世界上多个医疗机构合作的项目均显示出有效性,“IBM Watson将继续与全球越来越多的医疗专家合作,进一步加深人们对Watson的认识,并将这项前沿科技推广给更多的医生及其病人,从而在与癌症斗争中尽一份力。”


此次中止合作涉及购买IBM Watson人工智能和深度学习技术的违规。

MD安德森肿瘤中心和IBM Watson深度学习大数据项目始于2013年,主题是“大数据人工智能应用将加速对癌症疾病的认知和完善癌症临床治疗”,该项目由MD安德森肿瘤中心Ronald DePinho院长夫人Lynda Chin(知名肿瘤专家)负责。

媒体报道称,在未明确Watson人工智能深度学习能力的前提下,MD安德森肿瘤中心全额支付了IBM 6210万美元研发费用。业内人士分析,诸如此类的合作开发项目,MD安德森肿瘤中心完全占据优势,可以依靠其雄厚的临床研究资源和国际品牌效应,事先支付相关研发费用或知识产权费用有悖常理。

在这项合作中,Lynda Chin显然是焦点,因为许多资金和费用安排都由其协调。而该项目资金的投入,其中5000万美元来自被认为非常喜欢炫耀的马来西亚投资大亨Low Taek Jho(资金至今未到位),由此引起了美国司法部对该项目资金的来龙去脉的关注和审计。

引发对IBM Watson人工智能的质疑

虽然此事肇始于经济问题,但媒体仍对IBM Watson人工智能对医疗的帮助提出质疑。


甚至有业内人士质疑:“IBM Watson深度学习能力究竟帮上多少忙?还是医生在帮Watson的忙?”





声明特别强调:“本报告所描述的结果是基于采购活动文件和工作人员的相关说词,不应被视为对Watson项目现阶段系统的科学基础或功能方面的评价。”并列举了IBM Watson与世界上多个医疗机构合作的情况,“十多个相关研究显示Watson能协助医生更有效率地制定医疗决策并进而影响患者”。

声明在最后称,IBM Watson将继续与全球越来越多的医疗专家合作,进一步加深人们对Watson的认识,并将这项前沿科技推广给更多的医生及其病人,从而在与癌症斗争中尽一份力。


IBM Statement on UT Report on MD Anderson

The University of Texas Administration recently recently published a review of procurement practices related to this program (“Special Review of Procurement Procedures Related to the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Oncology Expert Advisor Project”). The report was focused on MD Anderson practices and did not assess the value or functionality of the OEA system. As stated in the report’s executive summary, "results stated herein are based on documented procurement activities and recollections by staff, and should not be interpreted as an opinion on the scientific basis or functional capabilities of the system in its current state."IBM is working with multiple partners in the fight against cancer. In just a few short years, Watson for Oncology has helped more than 12,000 patients.

For example, IBM’s work Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center resulted in a commercialized offering that is now in use, helping doctors to personalize cancer care in India, China, Korea and the United States.

Working with experts at Manipal Hospitals in India, Watson for Oncology achieved 90 percent concordance with the hospital’s tumor board.

And just this month, Jupiter Medical Center became the first community hospital in U.S. to adopt IBM Watson for Oncology, which is now available to doctors treating breast, lung, colorectal, gastric, cervical and ovarian cancers.

Doctors’ positive, real-world experience with Watson for Oncology is underscored by a growing body of clinical evidence. More than a dozen early studies demonstrate the efficacy of Watson in supporting physicians’ decision making and the impact on patients, including data recently presented at the 2016 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. More evidence will be presented this year at the ASCO Annual Meeting.

We will continue to partner with more and more healthcare experts across the globe to deepen Watson’s understanding and help bring this technology to more physicians and their patients battling cancer.





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