
【AT】公告 | 河北省第八届(保定)园林博览会吉祥物设计方案征集启动

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The 8th (Baoding) Garden Exposition of Hebei Province

Announcement for the Solicitation of Mascot Design Proposals

河北省园林博览会是河北园林行业高水平的博览盛会,也是全省园林系统和花卉、盆景、赏石等方面的行业盛会,是推动承办城市经济社会发展的重要引擎。河北省第八届园林博览会将于2025年在保定市举办,办会主题为“蓝绿交融 品质保定”。

The Garden Exposition of Hebei Province is a high-level exposition of the garden industry in the province, an industry event for the garden system and the flowering plant, bonsai, stone appreciation and other relevant sectors in the province, and an important engine to promote the economic and social development of the host city. In 2025, the 8th Garden Exposition of Hebei Province will be held in Baoding under the theme of “Quality Baoding Blending Blue and Green”.


To ensure the high-quality organization of the 8th (Baoding) Garden Expo of Hebei Province, to showcase Baoding’s rich cultural heritage and city spirit, to further boost the Expo’s publicity, and to enhance its brand, reputation, and influence, it is aimed to select a string of mascot design proposals that embody “International Impact, Chinese Elements, and Baoding Features,” providing high-quality, visionary, innovative, and practical mascot designs for the promotion of the 8th (Baoding) Garden Expo of Hebei Province. The detailed implementation rules of the activity are as follows:


                征集内容 Content of Solicitation


Mascot design proposals for the 8th (Baoding) Garden Exposition of Hebei Province


                征集时间 Time Period of Solicitation


This solicitation activity will start from March 1, 2024 and end on April 15, 2024. Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted by the organizer.


                创作要求 Design Requirements

(一)吉祥物形象要具有突出的国际影响、中国风格、保定特色。紧扣“蓝绿交融 品质保定”的园博园办会主题,贯彻“五个保定——创新保定、智造保定、山水保定、人才保定、文化保定”的城市发展战略。突出保定历史文化名城、戏曲之乡、奥运冠军之城的文化特色,通过吉祥物的创作来塑造一张“保定品质生活之城”的城市名片。

The mascot image should have a prominent international impact and be imbued with Chinese style and Baoding features. It should closely follow the theme of the Garden Expo “Quality Baoding Blending Blue and Green” and implement the city development strategy of “Five Baoding, namely, Innovative Baoding, Smart Manufacturing Baoding, Mountain & Water Baoding, Talent Baoding, Culture Baoding.” The mascot should highlight Baoding’s cultural traits as a historic city known for its culture, opera, and as a city of Olympic champions, using the design of the mascot to shape the city’s image as “Baoding, City of Quality Life”.


Proposal submissions should be positive, healthy, and optimistic, and must not violate national laws, regulations, public order, or good customs.


All mascot submissions must be complete works; drafts will not be accepted.

(四)吉祥物作品要求:Mascot Creation Requirements:


The mascot submissions must be original, and have not been published on public journals or websites. There is no dispute concerning copyright or any other kind.


Mascot design proposals must come with colored standard drawings, scale drawings, three-view drawings, and explanations of the work.


Mascot designs can be either abstract or concrete, with novel concept and vivid image, with strong affinity, artistic and three-dimensional effects, reflecting the theme of the Expo and highlighting the regional cultural characteristics of Baoding. The mascot name should be symbolic, easy to remember and spread. The work should be suitable for using in print advertising, electronic media, and model fabrication for further dissemination and creative purposes.


The naming of the mascot should be appropriate, catchy, and unambiguous. The work can be represented by a single image or a series of images in different contexts and poses. It can consist of a single character or multiple characters, but in general no more than two distinct characters.


Mascot submissions should be primarily iconic, capable of triggering media buzz and conducive to promotional dissemination.


Mascot submissions should be provided in JPG format electronic files (including both RGB color version and black & white version, with the image size within 2383*1683 pixels. The color mode must be RGB, file size should be under 10MB, and image resolution should be above 300dpi.) Corresponding vector graphics should be submitted simultaneously, along with specifications (color standards, standard fonts, proportions, auxiliary graphics, etc.). Submissions should use a unified A1 size template (Please download the template attached to the end of the document). Meanwhile, designers should keep high-resolution original drawings for provision to the organizer if selected.


                征稿细则 Solicitation Details

(一)征集对象 Target Participants


The call is open to professional design agencies, independent designers, studios, design students from major universities and colleges, and design enthusiasts worldwide. Participation can be in the name of individuals, organizations, or teams, with each team consisting of no more than three members. For group entries from universities, colleges or institutions, each submission can have one appointed mentor. 

(二)资料提供 Required Documents


The participants must submit the Application Form, Letter of Commitment and Mascot Design Proposal as required. Submissions lacking these or not meeting the requirements in this respect will be considered invalid.

(三)投稿方式 Submission Method


Electronic versions of the submissions should be sent to the email address: baoding_idic@163.com. The subject of the email and the title of the compressed file should be: “Mascot + Name of Applicant + Name of Submission.”

(四)报名信息 Application Information


Applicants must accurately and completely fill out each item on the Application Form. Submissions with incomplete, inaccurate, or unexplained information will be considered invalid.


                评选办法 Selection Process

(一)初评 Preliminary Evaluation


After the submission deadline, professionals will be engaged to conduct preliminary review of all the entries, and works standing out in this round will enter the online voting process.

(二)网络投票 Online Voting


Online voting will be initiated on a designated website to select the “Internet Popular Award”.

(三)终评 Final Evaluation


Based on the rankings from the preliminary evaluation and weighted online voting  works that meet the requirements will be selected for the final round of evaluation. The final jury will then determine the winners of the “First, Second and Third Award”, “Finalist Award”, and “Outstanding Mentor Award”.


                奖项和奖励 Awards & Rewards





First Prize: 1 group, prize money RMB 10,000/groupSecond Prize: 2 groups, prize money RMB 3,000/groupThird Prize: 3 groups, prize money RMB 1,000/groupA number of Finalist Award”, “Outstanding Mentor Award” and “Internet Popular Award”, with corresponding certificates of honour.
备注:为获奖者颁发荣誉证书和奖金(税前);应征组织或个人在应征过程中产生的一切费用自理。获得一等奖的设计者须根据主办方要求进行深化工作。Note: Winners will be awarded Certificates of Honor and prize money (including tax) . All expenses incurred by participating organizations or individuals during the submission process shall fall on themselves.The designer who wins the First Award must carry out the deepening work according to the requirements of the organizer.


                特别声明 Special Statements


Participation in this activity is free of charge and submissions will not be returned. Participants must retain their own copies of the submissions.


The design entries must not contain any information related to the participants.


The designers participating in the solicitation should further refine their final proposed designs. 


Entrants must ensure that their works are original and have independent, complete, and unambiguous copyright ownership. Any submission that fails to meet these requirements and raises copyright issues, the legal responsibility shall lie solely with the entrant. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify the participant, reclaim any remuneration paid for the work, and retain the right to pursue legal action.


The designated email address provided by the organizer serves is the platform for mascot submissions, and the mascot design competition section on the official Garden Expo website is the designated public announcement platform.


Ownership of Submissions: The copyright of all selected works belongs to the organizer of this mascot design solicitation activity. Under no circumstances may the author independently publish or authorize other organizations or individuals to publish or distribute the selected works.


All entrants are deemed to agree to and abide by the above-mentioned rules. The final interpretation right of this solicitation activity and its related documents belongs exclusively to the organizer of this mascot design solicitation activity.


报名流程图 Enrolment Flowchart









Creation of works




Submit your work



Click on 'Read Original'

Get the Application Form


                联系方式 Contact Information


(+86)18514480831 王老师, (+86)13811614672 周老师

咨询邮箱: baoding_idic@163.com

工作时间: 北京时间周一至周五9:00-12:00,13:30-17:30

Consultation Tel: (010)57368037

Mr Wang (+86)18514480831, 

Mrs Zhou (+86)13811614672 

Contact Email: 2660101225@qq.com

Working Hours: 9:00-12:00, and 13:30-17:30 (Beijing time), Monday to Friday


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