We are excited to announce our project team of Ningbo New World Phase 2 has been awarded with the Best BIM Architect Award at the third International BIM Awards cum Conference hosted by BuildingSMART Hong Kong (bSHK) on 21 November. As an advocate of innovative technology, LWK has been one of the earliest architectural firms in Hong Kong in applying BIM and is the first Hong Kong architectural design practice that uses BIM to complete General Building Plans submissions to Hong Kong Buildings Department. We are glad to be recognised for our mastery in BIM and will continue our commitment to promote BIM application.
Our director Mr. William Cheung was invited to give a speech on “BIM Thinking for Design” at BIM Conference, illustrating the current BIM practice in LWK and showcased its benefits over conventional approaches. He was also invited to participate in Panel Discussion.
Established in 2015, the International BIM Awards is an annual award to commend outstanding BIM projects and recognise global enterprises and project teams for their achievements in BIM application, research and education. Over 500 applications were received from all over the globe in the past two years of contest, including applicants from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Britain, America, Austria and Norway.
LWK ∣梁黄顾
(香港) 九龙尖沙咀海港城环球金融中心北座15楼
(深圳) 深圳市福田区福华一路115号投行大厦13A
(上海) 上海市普陀区长寿路868号中港汇大厦2801室
(广州) 广州市天河区林和西路159号中泰北塔19楼全层
(沈阳) 沈阳市和平区长白十四街和盛巷6号甲万科中心2008室
(重庆) 重庆市渝北区黄山大道中段67号1幢 办公楼 18-1号、18-2号