Chinese Seal Engraving 视频来源:中新视频 As a cornerstone of Chinese fine arts, Chinese seal engraving manifests the beauty of Chinese characters to the utmost. From the ancient imperial seals made of jade, to the more common seals used by all, history unfolds itself through these intricate curves and lines.The art of engraving requires mastery of calligraphy and a high degree of virtuosity. The imperial jade seals were used by the Chinese emperors as a sign of power and authority. Over 2000 years ago,China’s first imperial seal was created for China’s first emperor Qin Shi Huang. This Heirloom Seal of the Realm was carved out of Heshibi, a sacred piece of jade. Later,the seals become more widely used in lieu of signatures and as artistic collections.Today,Chinese seal engraving still enjoys great popularity. It helps improve one’s concentration and observation skills, also enabling the development of aesthetic taste. Consisting of the Chinese character “Jing” which also portrays a human figure running forward and embracing triumph, the emblem of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was also inspired by this art.Chinese seal engraving is a combination of craftsman spirit and classical Chinese aesthetics, endowed with the wisdom of ancient Chinese people and the value of Chinese culture. “解码中华文化基因”系列视频 “解码中华文化基因”系列视频面向国内外“Z世代”群体,以60项中国非物质文化遗产为主要内容,讲述非遗背后的故事,每集2分钟,让非遗里的传统文化基因“活起来”。系列视频以竖屏构图适应移动传播,以青春话语诠释非遗内涵,对中华优秀传统文化进行创造性转化和创新性传播。 出品:中国新闻网&中国传媒大学 总策划:俞岚策划:吴庆才 齐彬统筹:王凯 曾鼐编辑:范丰辉