
新作 | 未名美术馆 No Name Art Museum(原吴大羽美术馆)

乌镇,浙江,中国 (未完成)
Wuzhen, Zhejiang, China (Unfinished)


Since a collection of Wu Dayu’s work might not be exhibited at this museum, the name of Wu Dayu Art Museum has been discontinued. We use No Name Art Museum only as a temporary measure. However, the design of this piece of architecture was very much inspired by him. 

吴大羽- 1903-1988 -


Wu Dayu (1903-1988) was a painter, educator, poet and considered the founding father of Chinese abstract painting. He was born in Yixing, Jiangsu, and went to France in 1922 to study oil painting and sculpture. After returning to China, he established the National Art Academy (now China Academy of Art) in Hangzhou along with Lin Fengmian and others and headed its Department of Western Paintings. Wu lost his teaching position in 1950’s and painted in a ten-square-meter attic at home until his passing.


Lift:Wu Dayu's studio;Right: 10m2 exhibition attic in No Name Art Museum


Our architectural design was influenced by Wu Dayu’s art. His pursuits of ‘Li’ (force) and ‘Ning’ (serenity) in his small postcard-size paintings urged us to contemplate carefully the scale of architectural space.


Wu Dayu's paintings


Wu’s poem, King Kong, further portrays vividly the dynamics and volatility of architectural experience:





Shadow cheats on figure

Time laughs at space

With no sound and no trace

I come in and out of the darkness of time

 时  间  |  Time



Wu’s poem inspired us to explore the temporal dimension of architecture.

Can time be designed?




Borrowing French philosopher Francios Jullien’s book On Time for a theoretical guideline, we compared the time of China and Europe:

The classic Western time: The observer is without time; time and space are separated; time is evenly paced, dividable, one directional, with beginning and end. Past and future are clearly defined but not present. This is the objective time.

The traditional Chinese time: The observer is within time; time and space cannot be separated; time varies, is continuous and oncoming, without beginning and end. This time is always present and can be named as the subject time.


Comparison of Chinese and Western time. Top: Western, Bottom: Chinese


The elasticity of Chinese time offers design possibilities.


The case of Bridge with Nine Bends: If a body of water can be crossed with 3 steps, with a Nine-Bend Bridge, it may take 27 steps, which means the time is 9 times longer, consequently the space feels much larger.

九曲桥Chinese Zigzag bridge


We combined the Chinese time and Western perspective and designed wedge-shaped spaces, including both programmed one and pure one: These spaces are stretched by perspective in one direction and compressed in the other; thus, the temporal-spatial perception changes with every move of the visitor. It demonstrates the immeasurability of time and space and enriches the experience to the point where one may get lost and embark on a journey of discovery.

空间张力对比©张永和Spatial tension contrast
概念草图©张永和Concept sketches

空间功能关系草图©张永和Space-function sketch


No Name Art Museum is a playground of space and time.

鸟瞰未名美术馆及周边环境Bird's-eye view of No Name Art Museum and surroundings

 空  间  |  Space


The essence of an art museum is to provide a You or wandering experience. Spatial relationship naturally become the main design focus. Therefore, besides perspectival manipulation, we introduced the concept of “pure architectural space”: a series of outdoor or semi-outdoor spaces serving as transitions among programs. They are configured to possess dramatic tensions, intensifying the temporal and spatial dynamics during the process of journey through the architecture. The overall spatial structure of this building complex is arranged in Yuan (courtyards) and Jin (layers), generating a dialogue with the Chinese architectural traditions and overlaying another layer of experience onto the perspectival play.


Main Entrance and Reception Area

鸟瞰入口及接待区Bird's-eye view of main entrance and reception area
左:主入口;右:主入口室内Lift: Main entrance;Right: Interior space of the main entrance

从主入口看接待区走廊View of passage to reception area from main entrance
锐角水院(水景待施工)Water triangle (waterscape to be constructed)

透过楔形窄院的门廊看延续的茶室前廊Through the doorway of wedge-shaped courtyard looking at the continuing overhang of tea-room

多功能厅与接待区之间的走廊Corridor between multi-functional hall and reception area

沿河一侧的接待区和交流中心Reception area and tea-room along riverside

 院 Yuan 

楔形窄院Wedge-shaped courtyard


Overlooking the Wedge-shaped courtyard(right)and the Water-court(left)

从茶室檐下的半室外空间看楔形窄院Looking at the Wedge-shaped courtyard from semi-outdoor space under the eaves of the tea-room

回看楔形窄院门洞Look back the doorway of wedge-shaped courtyard

左:楔形窄院的一端通往画廊主入口,一个楔形天井引入自然光Art gallery main entrance at one end of the wedge-shaped courtyard, and a wedge-shaped patio bring in natural light右:楔形窄院沿河一端的狭长开口A narrow opening at riverside end of the wedge-shaped courtyard

从河对岸看楔形窄院尽头End of the wedge-shaped courtyard viewed from across the river


Studio Area

俯瞰水院及工作室区Overlooking the Water-court and studios

工作室入口Studio entrance

室外走廊及半室外走廊交汇The outdoor corridor and the semi-outdoor walkway converge

院 Yuan

俯瞰水院Overlooking the Water-court
水院设计效果图Water-court design rendering
水院 (水景待施工)Water-court (waterscape to be constructed)
水院沿河一端View of the riverside end of Water-court
沿河步行道Footpath along the river bank
从河对岸看水院Looking at the Water-court from the other side of the neighboring river

商业区 Commercial Area

鸟瞰商业区和工作室Bird's eye view of the commercial building and studios

三角院内檐下的半室外空间Semi-outdoor space under the eaves in triangular courtyard


Exhibition Area

俯瞰展览区Overlooking the exhibition area

画廊次入口Art gallery secondary entrance
左:画廊室内空间;右:画廊室内效果图Left: Art galleries interior space; Right: Art gallery exhibition rendering
左:小展厅入口的弧形走廊;右:展厅室内空间Left: Arc corridor to small exhibition hall entrance; Right: Interior space of small exhibition hall

多功能展厅入口Multi-functional hall entrance

多功能厅室内Multi-function hall interior space

 院 Yuan


Spindle-shaped courtyard

俯瞰梭形窄院Overlooking the spindle-shaped courtyard

梭形窄院及相邻的小展厅入口弧形走廊Spindle-shaped courtyard and adjacent arc corridor to small exhibition hall entrance

梭形窄院内In the spindle-shaped courtyard

居   所 


鸟瞰艺术家居所及多功能厅Bird's-eye view of artist's residence and multi-functional hall

艺术家居所客房Artist's residence guest house

艺术家居所Artist's residence

院 Yuan


Crescent-shaped courtyard


Overlooking the crescent-shaped courtyard

在月牙形窄院中看艺术家居所View of the artist's residence towards the end in the crescent-shaped courtyard

 形  式  |  Form


Paying attention to time-space experiences allows us a break away from static compositions, which means the formal relationship between stereoscopic volumes and planar elevations are dissolved. Hereto, the work of a Swedish architect, Sigurd Lewerentz, provided us with great inspirations.

莱弗伦茨,圣彼得教堂东立面Lewerentz,St. Peter's Church east façade

未名美术馆南立面©FCJZNo Name Art Museum south elevation 

俯瞰南立面Overlooking south elevation
街景 ©FCJZStreet view

从河对岸看交错的建筑View of the staggered buildings from across the river

 结  构  |  Structure


The structural system of this project is partly beamless concrete slabs with irregular-shaped columns without beams and columns; and partly steel frames.

混凝土无梁板+异形柱结构体系Structural system of concrete slab with irregular-shaped columns

钢结构框架Steel frames


Regional Culture + Material


Besides space, we also pay tribute in our design to the vernacular houses in Wuzhen, which is part of Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River), in terms of material and color. Hence, using clay tiles on the roofs and concrete tiles on the walls as well as exposing concrete walls constitute a rich and subtle color scheme of black-white-gray.

不同材质形成多样的质感Different materials form a variety of texture


Tile-louvre wall


Plaster with broken shells


Tile wall cladding

未名美术馆与白墙灰瓦的乌镇建筑和谐相融No Name Art Museum is in harmony with the white walls and gray tiles of Wuzhen buildings


At this point, the construction of landscape and interior of this building remain incomplete.

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项目信息/ Project Info

客户/Client: 浙江雅达国际健康产业园/Zhejiang Yada International Health Ecologic Park    

地点/Location: 浙江省桐乡市乌镇/ Wuzhen, Zhejiang

主持设计/Principal Architect: 张永和/Yung Ho Chang

项目团队/Project Team: 李启悠,王玥,程艺石,李相廷,吴瑕,刘扬,陈尤优,侯佳利/ Simon Lee, Wang Yue, Cheng Yishi, Li Xiangting, Wu Xia, Liu Yang, Chen Youyou, Hou Jiali

工地监察与技术配合/Site Supervision and Technical Cooperation:胡有彬/ Hu Youbin

结构和机电/Structure & MEP: 同济大学建筑设计研究院都境建筑设计院/ 

Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd (Dujing Architectural Design Institute)

结构材料/Structure and Material: 混凝土剪力墙结构,钢结构/Reinforced concrete shear wall and steel structure

建筑面积/Building Area: 6159.59m2

基地面积/Site Area: 124244.34m2

占地面积/Footprint Area: 9152.7m2

建筑高度/Building Height: 4.3m-12.3m

设计时间/Design Period: 2016

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2021

摄影师/Photographer:田方方/Tian Fangfang

非常建筑 FCJZ

