礼物9:《Essay Hell's 2015-16 Prompts Primer:Strategies for the Common App, UC, Transfer and Other College ApplicationEssays 》
高清电子书(kindle&PDF) 亚马逊价格:$9.9
点评:This guide is the perfect companion for writing coach JanineRobinson's other popular book, "Escape Essay Hell!," which helpsstudents brainstorm unique topics for their application essays and write themin a powerful narrative style in 10 fast and easy steps.
礼物10:《Conquering the College Admissions Essay in 10 Steps》
高清电子书(kindle&PDF) 亚马逊价格:$8.66
点评:<Conqueringthe College Admission Essay in the 10 Steps>, by Alan Gelb reviews basichigh school composition and how it applies to the college applicant's personalstatement. Developing the technical aspects of conflict, protagonists and timingare critical to an interesting product.
礼物6:《1001 Things Every College Student Needs to Know - Harry Harrison》
高清电子书(kindle&PDF) 亚马逊价格:$7
点评:This is a remarkably readable book for young people ready to enter college. The advice is concise, but often presented in a humorous fashion. Because it isn't a wordy tome, the book invites readers to read just a little bit more, and the topics covered are important for consideration.
The fresh advice covers topics today's high school students probably haven't though about, and it may surprise them to learn that there are often a variety of ways to address a problem.
礼物7:《Succeeding as an International Student in the United States and Canada》
高清电子书(kindle&PDF) 亚马逊价格:$16.45
点评:RIght now I am in USA studying. I bought this book when I was planning to come to the USA. I wanted to have a prepective of what to expect. THe book is accurate and helpful!
礼物8:《Power Ties: The International Student's Guide to Finding a Job in the United States》
高清电子书(kindle&PDF) 亚马逊价格:$24.99
点评:The strategies and concepts are really useful to me as an international student.
礼物1:《The Insider's Guide to the Colleges, 2015》
高清电子书(PDF&kindle) 亚马逊价格 $18.98
礼物2:《The Insider's Guide to Getting into the Ivy League》
高清电子书 (PDF$kindle) 亚马逊价格 $12.96
礼物3:《An insider's guide to international admissions》
高清电子书(PDF&kindle) 亚马逊价格 $4.9
礼物4:Cracking the SAT Premium Edition with 8 Practice Tests, 2015
高清电子书(PDF&kindle) 亚马逊价格 $26.51
礼物5:Cracking the SAT Premium Edition with 8 Practice Tests, 2015
高清电子书(PDF&kindle) 亚马逊价格 $13.89
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