
新教材 | 2019 北师大版 高中英语 B2-U4-L3 The Internet VS Friendships

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The Problem with Online Friendship


The problem with online friendship is that when things go wrong, we split. When I say something that makes you uncomfortable, or when you offend me, we’ll go our separate ways more often than not. And this flies in the face of how people actually become friends.

Photo credit: LordKhan (Creative Commons)

True friendship only happens when people honestly share their lives with one another. Inevitably, one person will upset the other. This is what happens when you put flawed humans in a room together: they start breaking things. Usually each other.

But something beautiful happens when we push through that initial discomfort and offense and learn to forgive each other. Intimacy is formed. Trust is established. And this, incidentally, is why the Internet makes for a pretty lousy matchmaker between friends.

A decade or so ago, we started doing something we’ve never done before.

We started making friends with people we had never met. Sure, we used to do pen pals and long-distance relationships, but we’ve never had a 24/7 shared connection as is now available to us, thanks to the web.

Something odd happens with this heightened level of intimacy without commitment. People get sensitive. Some turn into jerks.


Because I know what you ate for breakfast or what TV show you watched last night, I feel like I know you. We are connected to each other — and sometimes not always superficially. We may share legitimate, real-life interactions.

As a result, we feel like we really understand each other. And maybe we do, in some way.

But the problem comes when one of us says something to get on the other’s nerves.

And trust me: it’s going to happen. Then, we are in a pickle. Because it’s easy to ignore people online, to play passive-aggressive and give the cold shoulder. And the worst part is they have no idea.

It’s easier to write off online relationships than offline ones. And this scares me. Because I have a few of these web-based friendships. And I want them to count. I want this connection to matter — as much as it can.

What if we didn’t walk away when things got hard?

What if we pressed into the mess of relationship and got to know each other, warts and all? Is that too much to ask?

I’m not talking about another ridiculous network or campaign. I’m just talking about buy-in. What if we were really committed? What if I cared enough to stick it out, even after that dumb tweet or stupid status update you wrote?


Well, then we might actually be friends.

附2:Internet Friends


Internet has become not only become a vital necessity but also a virtual world for people. Not only people use it for business liaisons and work, it has also become a popular medium for social networking. With increasing internet usage, the trend of internet friendship has also become popular. Online friends are those people who have known each other through the Internet. Making internet friends is similar to making pen pals. There are many well known sites that offer decent internet friendship. One can find numerous people on these sites who share similar interests and mind sets. When a person logs on to such a site and starts to talk to people, he / she may find a friend for life. There are certain precautions to be kept in mind while making internet friends.

How To Make Internet Friends?

It is not very easy to nurture a friendship with someone you cannot see or feel. This is the main issue that internet friendship faces. Without the physical presence of the person, it is very difficult to form a friendship that would last forever. Yet some people argue that not being able to see each other is an advantage. Some people are not quite confident about their looks and some are afraid to speak up in public or a group. Online friendship is very helpful for such people.

However, the chances of deception are very high in an internet friendship. Any anonymous person with a computer can log onto such a site and make friends with wrong intentions. Thus, while making friends over the internet, one has to be extremely careful and follow certain precautions. There are certain guidelines that are to be religiously followed if you are going for online friendship. Also, remember that online friendship can't remain online forever, because after some time it becomes mandatory to meet a person to take the relationship to the next level.


Tips For Online Friendship

  • Do not divulge personal information like your telephone number, address, location, school / college name, professional details of your parents, etc. with unknown people on the internet.

  • Disconnect the line if you feel the person is probing in too much detail about your personal life.

  • Do not disclose anything about friends or relatives or other family members.

  • Do not exchange personal photographs of yours or any family member with people you meet over the internet.

  • Don't go to meet a person you have just met over the internet. Consult elder people or someone who is experienced and if you have to go, take someone trustworthy with you.

  • Do not disclose information such as your email password, credit card numbers, ATM password, etc to someone you have just met over the internet.

  • If you feel someone is not genuine, do not accept his / her friend's request. Do not forward emails to unknown people nor read unknown mails.



The Internet Harms Friendships


While the Internet can bring people closer together, it can also harm friendships.



Firstly, talking online is no replacement for face-to-face Robert contact—images really cannot replace a real-life smile or hug. According to a parenting expert, Denise Daniels, communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others. As we know, important social skills are developed through direct contact with other people. It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships.


Secondly, the Internet can make people self-centred—not thinking of anyone or anything but themselves. For example, instead of having proper conversations with their friends, some people are only concerned with their online popularity—How many “likes” did I get? How many followers do I have?—though we know that the number of “likes” or followers cannot compare to having long-term and rewarding friendships. In addition, a lot of the content posted on social media is shallow or trivial. Posts about funny cat images do not necessarily help form meaningful relationships. 



Thirdly, online relationships may not be what they appear to be. Friendships are built on the basis of trust, and with online communication you can never be 100 percent sure that the people you are chatting to is being honest about who they are. Because of this, going online can be particularly dangerous for people who are easily influenced or too trusting.


In my opinion, friends should focus more on face-to-face communication, and less on online communication. This is the best way to maintain healthy relationships.


The Internet Helps Friendships


The Internet can help develop friendships in many ways.



Firstly, the Internet makes communication much more convenient. You can stay in touch with friends no matter where you are or what you are doing. Using a smartphone, a tablet or a computer, you can be in contact at home and also when you are on the move.


Secondly, the Internet has also made communication more fun. Traditional ways of communicating, like letters and phone calls, can be limiting and take time. However, you can share photos, videos, news stories and websites with your friends online. You can give a brief response to a message with an emoji or a picture. There are so many online tools you can use to be creative!


Thirdly, online communication can actually bring people closer to each other. Nowadays, your friends are just a click away. Whenever someone needs help, friends from all over the world can immediately provide useful suggestions or information. This makes friends feel loved and cared for. To me, this is a very thought-provoking argument, as it points out the benefits of online friendships. As Eileen Kennedy-Moore, an authority on the subject, points out, online friends “fill holes real-life friends can’t”.



Finally, I believe the Internet brings people closer together and makes communication with friends more convenient and interesting.


