
Do you know him?

2017-08-17 Guccini SNMandarin南北中文
Monkey King

What's the deal with Chinese and the Monkey King? Every year there are at least two movies about this guy? Who is he?

Monkey King is a famous character in 西游记(xī yóu jì)-- one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China. To Chinese...

He is a hero.

When the authority looked down upon him and underestimated him, he made them pay. He stands against the Jade Emperor and the empire. He detests fate. He fight against 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and all the powerful celestials. No on can stop him


                       ...except the Buddha.

He is childhood.

The 1986 version of Journey to the West(西游记) has been a Chinese childhood memory. Every summer holiday and winter holiday, when all the children have come back from school, the TV chanel would rerun the Journey to the West(西游记). They have been doing so ever since 1986.

He is Tradition

The fiugure of Monkey King first appeared in Yuan Dynasty. During which time, Chinese traditional opera was trending. Since then, Monkey King has always been an important character in traditional opera such as Beijing Opera. He even gets his own Chinese facial make up!

Although there are four main character in the Journey to the West, Monkey King has always been the more popular one. First, he is a monster. A beast with great power and a good heart. He can't stand injustice, which is more than what we can say to some human.

At the end of the journey, he is no longer a monster. He becomes a Buddha.

Nowadays there are many adapted versions of Journey to the West. To those who would like to know about the original story, I still recommend 1986 TV show.

What do you think of the Monkey King? What is Monkey King to you? You can give your answer in the comment zone.

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