WeChat ID vegplanet Intro 我们只教一种神奇魔法,它能把蔬菜水果变得有滋有味,把朝九晚五过成火树银花。全球10亿人已经登陆,持本人护照敲门,暗号:我爱星球! 素食者被最经常问的一个问题就是“你的蛋白质从哪里来?” 这个问题或许只有现代人才会问,因为,电视和杂志广告上一再宣传“只有肉里才有蛋白质”,“牛奶能够补钙”,人们听多了,就逐渐信以为真。可事实真的是这样吗? 今天就为你揭开真相!一起来听听这首幽默搞笑又好听的MV,了解素食的真相吧!(往下拉,你能看到富含钙和蛋白质的植物来源图表~) Hey Ivory! 嘿,Ivory Yeah Jonathan? 嗯,Jonathan You're Vegan,right? 你是纯素食者? Yes, that's right,I am! 是的,我是。 Can I ask you some questions, then? 那么可否问你些问题? Sure, Mann, of course you can! 当然,Mann,你当然可以问。 Are you ready for the questions, then? 那你准备好回答这些问题了吗? What are you waiting for? 还等啥呢(问呗)? Where do you get your protein, protein, protein 你从哪儿获取蛋白质,蛋白质,蛋白质 Only meat has protein so where do you get your protein 只有肉含有蛋白质,你是从哪儿摄取蛋白质滴涅? Actually lots of things have protein: Beans have protein 事实上很多东西都含蛋白质:豆类有蛋白质 Greens have protein, fruits and nuts have protein, grains and seeds have protein 绿色蔬菜有蛋白质,水果、坚果有蛋白质,谷物、种子也有蛋白质 and here's the thing that'sso obscene: 每100克的每种食物中所含有的蛋白质:牛肉28g,鸡蛋12.5g,南瓜籽30g,花生酱25g,杏仁21g,黑豆21g,藜麦14g,豆腐8g,西兰花3g,菠菜3g,蘑菇2.5g…… 有个事实就是: We don't need so much protein 我们不需要那么多蛋白质 Most people eat more than they need 可大多数人吃了很多蛋白质,远远超过他们本身的需求量 研究显示,三分之一的美国人超重,另外还有四分之一的人肥胖。 Well,I'd never knew that before. 哦,我以前不知道这些。 It's true. 是这样的(我以前也不知道)。 Where do you get your calcium? Only milk has calcium 你咋获取钙?只有奶有钙。 Healthy bones from cow's milk, calcium, I drink it, yum 健康的骨骼源自牛奶、钙,我喝牛奶的,很好喝哦~ Lots of plants have calcium,and lots and lots of calcium 很多植物含钙,很多很多的钙。 And cholesterol,well they have none of the fat found in milk 还有胆固醇,它们中完全没有牛奶中所含有的脂肪。 素食钙来自:深绿色蔬菜、豆腐、植物奶、加钙橙汁、谷物、豆类和种子。 Calcium no fat? 没有脂肪的钙? No fat. 没有。 Greens give me calcium?? 绿色蔬菜能提供给我钙质? Lots of calcium! 很多钙! What about our ancestors? Didn't they eat meat? 我们的祖先呢?他们不吃肉吗? If I wasn't supposed to eat it, then why do I have these teeth? 如果我不是吃肉,那么我为啥有这些牙齿(犬齿)捏? Do your teeth look like a carnivore? All sharp and pointy, like? 你的牙齿看起来像肉食动物的吗?全都尖锐无比,像吗? No you gotta cook your meat over a roaring fire light! 不,你会在大火上烹饪肉的。 Furthermore, all carnivores act on instinct. 并且,所有的肉食动物都是凭着本能行事的。 Humans make choices, they consider and they think 人类会做选择,他们会顾虑、会思考 If humans of old ate meat 远古的人吃肉 It was a choice not anecessity 其实是一种选择,而不是必需 Well,I'd never gotten about that way. 哦,我从没了解过那些。 Now you have your choices. 现在你可以有你自己的选择。 If everyone were vegan, what about all the cows 如果每个人都是纯素食者,那现在在农场里的奶牛 and all the gajillion chickens that living on farms now? 和肉鸡们都会怎样呢? If everyone turned vegan it wouldn't happen over night and demand wouldjust decline and so would the supply. 不可能一夜之间人们全都变为素食者 但需求量会下降,供应量也随之下降 Isn't vegan food just bland and gross? 素食是不是淡而无味的? No! It's yummier than most! 不!素食比大多数食物更美味! You care about animals more,you do! 你一定更加关爱动物,一定是的! I care about animals, people too! 我在乎动物,也一样关心人类! Aren't vegan men weak and girly? 素食男人会不会更虚弱、更娘一些? I find vegan men quite sexy! 我觉着素食男人很性感啊! B12, so there,haha! 那维生素B12也在植物里,哈哈! B12's from bacteria! Vb12来自细菌! Where do you get your protein? 你从哪儿摄取你要的蛋白质? Plants! 植物! Where do you get calcium? 你从哪儿摄取钙? Plants! Where do you get your iron? 你从哪儿摄取你要的铁? Plants! Where do you get your zinc? 你从哪儿摄取你要的锌? Plants! Hey Ivory! 嘿,Ivory Yeah Jonathan? 嗯,Jonathan I think I get it now. 我想我已经知道了。 Yeah, it's all about plants. 全都是植物。 Yep, that's pretty much it. 是啊,那已经足够了。 OK, cool, glad we cleared it up! ok,很好,很高兴这事儿越来明朗(无疑惑)了! Me too! Let's have a snack! 我也是!我们去吃东西吧! OK. OK. 如果你觉得这篇文章有用,请推荐给其他对素食好奇的朋友! 如果你喜欢这篇文章,就点个赞让我们知道吧!^_^ Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account