

2017-10-27 明思文教

之前小明为大家整理了人教版九年级英语课本Unit 1至Unit 5的重点单词、短语和句型,方便大家学习,想要回顾,请戳☞九年级英语课本重点单词、短语、句型全汇总(上)。期中考试就快要到来了,这次小明为大家整理了Unit 6至Unit 8的重点单词、短语和句型,希望大家能好好利用这篇文章对自己进行查漏补缺哦~

Unit 6 When was it invented?


heel   n. 鞋跟;足跟

electricity  n. 电;电能

style  n. 样式;款式

project  n. 项目;工程

pleasure  n. 高兴;愉快

daily  n. 每日的;日常的

website  n. 网站

pioneer  n. 先锋;先驱

list  n. 名单;清单

mention  v. 提到;说到

ruler  n. 统治者;支配者

boil  v. 煮沸;烧开

remain  v. 保持不变

smell  n. 气味

national  adj. 国家的;民族的

trade  n. 贸易;交易

doubt  n. 疑问;疑惑

fridge  n. 冰箱

low  adj. 低的;矮的

translate  v. 翻译

lock  v. 锁上

earthquake  n. 地震

sudden  adj. 突然的

biscuit  n. 饼干

musical  adj. 音乐的

instrument  n. 器械

sour  adj. 酸的

the Olympics  奥林匹克运动会

Canadian  adj. 加拿大的

divide  v. 分开;分散


1. It's my pleasure.  我的荣幸

2. seem+to+动词原形  好像做某事

3. such a great invention  如此伟大的一项发明

4. in my daily life  在我的日常生活中

5. have a point  有道理

6. without doubt  毫无疑问

7. at the same time  同时

8. by accident  偶然地;意外地

9. over an open fire  在篝火上

10. It is said that...  据说......

11. It is believed that...  人们相信......

12. fall into(过去式 fell into)= drop into  掉进…...

13. in the 19th century  在19世纪

14. spread to other countries  传播到其他国家

15. at a low price  以很低的价格

16. bring(brought) sth. to sp.  把某物带到某处

17. all of a sudden  突然地

18. less than  少于

19. more than = over  超过

20. at that time  在那时

21. advise sb (not) to do sth  建议某人(不要)做某事

22. start doing sth  开始做某事

23. work on sth  致力于某事

24. (be) similar to  与……相似

25. not…until… 直到...…才…...

26. by mistake  错误地;无意地

27. make a mistake  犯错

28. divide ...into…  把…...分成…...

29. in the end = at last = finally  最后

30. give sth. to sb.  给某人某物

31. give sb. sth. 给某人某物

32. make sb./sth+形容词  使...…怎么样

33. make sb./sth+名词  让…...做…...


1. I gave a pen to him.  


2. I gave him a pen.  


3. It made me happy.  


4. It made me laugh.  


5. I didn't go to bed until I finished my work.  


Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


license  n. 证件

safety  n. 安全

smoke  v. 吸烟

tiny  adj. 极小的

cry  v. 哭;叫喊

field  n. 田野

hug  n.& v. 拥抱

badly  adv. 严重地

awful  adj. 很坏的;讨厌的

regret  v. & n. 感到遗憾;懊悔

poem  n. 诗;韵文

community  n. 社区

chance  n. 机会

educate  v. 教育

manage  v. 完成;应付

society  n. 社会

support  v. & n. 支持

enter  v. 进来

choice  n. 选择


1. get his driver's license  取得驾驶执照

2. no way  没门,不行

3. sixteen-year-old  十六岁的

4. be worried about = worry about  担心

5. have part-time jobs  做兼职工作

6. get one's ears pierced  打耳洞

7. get / have / make sth. done  使某物被做……

8. stop doing sth.  停止做某事

9. stop to do sth.  停下来去做某事

10. spend time with sb.  花时间和某人在一起

11. take photos  照相

12. use a flash  使用闪光灯

13. all night  整夜

14. stay by my side  待在我身边

15. make sure = be sure  确保;确定

16. keep sb. (away) from sth.  使某人远离某物

17. hurt oneself  伤害某人自己

18. give sb. a hug = hug sb.  拥抱某人

19. lift sb.up  举起某人

20. cough badly  剧烈地咳嗽

21. talk back  回嘴

22. an adult  一个成人

23. think back to  回想起

24. regret doing sth.  后悔做了某事

25. make one's own decision  某人自己做决定

26. too + adj.+ to do sth.  太…...而不能做某事

27. learn…from…  从…...学到…...

28. agree with sb.   同意某人的观点

29. disagree with sb.  不同意某人的观点

30. move out  搬出去


1. I don't think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.


2. They talk instead of doing homework.


3. He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm.


4. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.


5. What school rules do you think should be changed?


6. The two pairs of jeans both look good on me.


7. The classroom is a real mess.


8. Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?


9. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.


10. They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.


11. We have nothing against running.


Unit 8 It must belong to Caral.


truck  n. 卡车;货车     

rabbit  n. 兔;野兔                      

attend  v. 出席;参加

valuable  adj. 很有用的;宝贵的

pink  adj. 粉红色的  n. 粉红色       

picnic  n. 野餐                  

somebody  pron. 某人;重要人物

anybody  pron. 任何人

noise  n. 声音;噪音

policeman  n. 男警察

wolf  n. 狼

laboratory  n. 实验室

coat  n. 外套;外衣

sleepy  adj. 困倦的;瞌睡的

pocket  n. 衣袋;口袋 

alien  n. 外星人

suit  n. 西服;套装

express  v. 表示;表达

not only… but also...  不但……,而且......

circle  n. 圆圈  v. 圈出

Britain  n. (= Great Britain) 大不列颠

receive  v. 接受;收到

leader  n. 领导;领袖

midsummer  n. 仲夏;中夏

medical  adj. 医疗的;医学的

prevent  v. 阻止;阻挠

energy  n. 精力;力量

position  n. 位置;地方 

burial  n. 埋葬;安葬

honor  v. (= honour) 尊重;表示敬意  n. 荣幸

ancestor  n. 祖宗;祖先

victory  n. 胜利;成功

enemy  n. 敌人;仇人

period  n. 一段时间;时期

mystery  n. 奥秘;神秘事物 


1. belong to…  属于…... 

2. toy truck  玩具卡车

3. her favorite writer  她最喜爱的作家

4. the only little kid  唯一的小孩

5. listen to pop music  听流行音乐

6. hair band  发带

7. attend a concert  参加音乐会

8. in the music hall  在音乐大厅

9. something valuable  贵重的东西

10. go to a picnic=go for a picnic  去野餐

11. at the picnic  在野餐时

12. the rest of my friends  我其余的朋友

13. pick it up  捡起,拾起

14. each other=one another  互相;彼此

15. nothing much  没什么(事)

16. something unusual  不寻常的东西

17. something strange  奇怪的事

18. anything else  其它的东西

19. be interviewed by…  被…...采访

20. strange noises  奇怪的声音

21. outside our window  在我们的窗外

22. next-door neighbor  隔壁邻居

23. at first  首先;起初

24. run away  逃走

25. feel uneasy  感到不安

26. have no idea=don’t know  不知道

27. go away  走开,离开

28. noise-maker  噪音的制造者

29. have fun doing sth.  做某事开心

30. create fear  制造恐惧


1. If you have any idea where it might be,please call me.


2. It's crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% to the final exam.


3. What do you think "anxious" means?


4. He could be running for exercise.


5. He might be running to catch a bus.


6. Why do you think the man is running?


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