

2017-09-14 国际人才交流 国际人才交流杂志



Traditional Chinese Medicine:The Best GiftChina Sends to the World

近年来,中国女科学家屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖、美国游泳名将菲尔普斯热衷拔罐等事情,让中医又一次次展现在世界面前。如今,如果看到外国留学生来中国学习中医 ,或者在异国他乡看到中医受人欢迎,这些已不会让人感到奇怪。那么,中医的魅力究竟在哪里?国际朋友们对中医有哪些体会?本期“国际朋友说”走进北京贵宾楼饭店的玉兰厅,与中医学博士王春勇对话中医与世界的缘分。

In recent years,Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has constantly shown its value to the world.For instance, both Tu Youyou, the Chinese female scientist who won the 2015Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and the renowned American former competitiveswimmer, Michael Phelps, have showed interest in Cupping Therapy. Nowadays, Itsglamour has long been spread into distant lands, and an increasing number offoreign students are coming to China to learn traditional Chinese medicine. Whyindeed does traditional Chinese medicine attract the world, and how do mostforeigners partake in it? Today at Yulan Suite in Grand Hotel Beijing, Dr. WangChunyong, an expert in traditional Chinese medicine, talked with our foreignguests about how TCM relates to the world.


吴星铎,中国(Wu Xingduo,China) 


苏莉,俄罗斯(Anastasia Sukhoretskaya,Russia);

吴求,孟加拉国(Shayer S. Utsho,Bangladesh)

特邀嘉宾(Special Guest):



(Doctor intraditional Chinese medicine, associate chief physician of the TraditionalChinese Medicine Department at Peking University Third Hospital, member ofChina Association of Chinese Medicine, and executive member of World Federationof Chinese Medicine Societies.) 



吴求:谈到中医,浮现在我脑海中的首先是针灸, 然后是推拿。我两三年前和一个中国的推拿师学过将近一个月,慢慢地体会到穴位、经脉的存在,这是我感到最神奇的地方。


The Best Cultural Embodiment for China

Anastasia: The traditional Chinese massage first came tomy mind when speaking of TCM. I go for a traditional Chinese massage frequentlyto refresh myself. Cupping therapy is another magical way to get relaxed.

Shayer: Acupuncture and traditional Chinese massage arethe first two things coming to my mind. I learned traditional mas- sage from aChinese massagist two or three years ago and have been deepening mycomprehension towards the very existence of different acupoints and meridiansof the body, which is truly a magical process for me.

Wang: TraditionalChinese medicine is the best cultural embodiment for China. According to aglobal report of China’s national image by Center for InternationalCommunication Studies, the top three cultural elements representing China areTraditional Chinese Medicine, martial arts, and Chinese food, in whichtraditional medicine ranks at the top.












Magical Chinese Medicine

Host: Several traditional Chinese medical techniques werementioned like acupuncture, Chinese massage, and cupping therapy, what are theybased on?

Wang: Acupuncture, Chinese massage, and cupping therapy are all basedon the Chinese theory of body meridians. Thorough anatomical researchesconcerning the vascellum, lymph, nerve, muscle, and bone have been done inmodern medicine. However, theories of meridians and collaterals haven’t beenconvincingly proved yet. For instance, the conception of qi in traditionalChinese medicine remains undetectable by scientific instruments, yet thefeeling of it is sensible when we are tired, it is a state which can bedescribed as being the lack of qi in Chinese. We feel sorrow, upset (chui tousang qi), and become lacking in spirit and energy (jing qi shen). These are allof which are demonstrations of various states of qi in the human body. Apatient in his clinical session is able to sense the very existence anddeposition of qi. The fact is that the neural system in the human body canoperate in a more keen way than any mechanical equipment.

Host: Acupuncture and Chinese massage both have a lot todo with acupoints of the body. There are many related descriptions aboutacupoints in Chinese martial arts, fiction works, movies, or TV plays. Forexample, a character cannot speak after being hit on his acupoint for muteness,or will have a nonstop laugh when hit on his acupoint for laughing. Well, dothese acupoints truly exist in traditional Chinese medicine?

Wang: They do. To hit an acupoint is to deploy qi in thehuman body. To put it simply, you can be motivated by a movie full of dramaticplots; you cry and laugh as the story goes. Well, medical experts could alsomotivate you as a movie does by deploying qi in your body. Acupoints run withthe deployment and are built up upon a critical point in human body; byinserting this particular point the qi in your body can be regulated.

Host: How was acupuncture spread into other countries?

Wang: The history of acupuncture dates back to the early1970s, when the ice between the US-China relationship just got broken. Apartfrom the renowned Ping-Pong Diplomacy, China also showed its American gueststhe acupuncture narcotherapy. In May of 1971, two scientists from Yale and MITvisited China and observed the whole acupuncture operation done by a Chinesedoctor. Later, a columnist for New York Times, called Reston, tried acupunctureand moxibustion to ease the pain and flatulence caused by an appendixoperation, and his report making acupuncture a hit at that time. However, thetechnique was so exaggerated in his report and mystified by local media that itwas said that an acupuncture doctor’s salary for one month can afford a grandmansion in America. Afterward, people’s passion on acupuncture became toneddown and this technique started to be regulated by law and related technicalschools appeared. The first Academy for acupuncture in the U.S. was founded in1975, while exam in medical acupuncture was put into effect later in 1982.

Host: Michael Phelps’ passion for cupping therapy becamenews in Rio Olympic Games last year, please share with us some information onthis therapy.

Wang: In fact, Phelps isn’t the only celebrity who ispassionate about cupping therapy-Canadian singer Justin Bieber, Oscar winnerGwyneth Paltrow, and Chris Brooks are all member of the group. Pictures oftheir therapy processes can be searched out online. Cupping therapy has enjoyeda developmental history in China for around 3000 years, and was widely putinto practice in foreign countries, including in Egypt and the Middle East. Itwas also named Jiao Fa in ancient Chinese records, referring to the specificexternal treatment of using hollow animal horns to cure abscesses. Suchtreatment can be found in a book named Handbook of Prescription for Emergency writtenby Ge Hong during the Eastern Jin dynasty. Through suction, the skin is drawninto the cup by creating a vacuum in the cup placed on the skin over thetargeted area. The vacuum can be created either by the heating and subsequentcooling of the air in the cup, or via a mechanical pump to cause localcongestion so as to activate the meridians and blood, relieve swelling, andexpel body coldness. In summer it’s much more effective as all the pores andinterstitial spaces among muscles will be relaxed. In this season, people tendto overuse the air conditioner and are susceptible to sunstroke, for whichcupping therapy can be a great treatment. However, people consciously preventbeing cold in the winter, thus tend to be less cold than in the summer.

Host: Chinese femalescientist Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, whatdoes that mean to the world?

Wang: It has brought Chinese herbology to theworld, which is truly big news for traditional Chinese medicine. She is thefirst person to ever discover artemisinin (also known as qinghaosu) and inventits treatment of malaria, which is regarded as a standard treatment whichbenefits hundreds of millions of people. She actually got her inspiration from Handbookof Prescription for Emergency by Ge Hong (also named Bao Puzi), a well-known philosopher in Daoism and a medical expert during the Eastern Jin Dynasty ofChina. A detailed extraction method of artemisinin was recorded in the book,which is to tightly grasp a bundle of artemisia, twist it for its sap, andextract artemisinin from it.





Artistic Names for Chinese Medicine

Host: Most of the traditional Chinese medicinesenjoy beautiful names. In the classic Chinese novel, The Heaven Sword andDragon Saber, Zhang Wuji learned medicine from master Hu Qingniu.Severalprescriptions were mentioned in the story, like Dang Gui, Yuan Zhi, Sheng Di,Du Huo, and Fang Feng, all of which are pretty artistic. Are there any rulesfor TCM naming? 

Wang: The names of traditional Chinese medicine themselves implythe properties and effects of different kinds of medicines. For example, DangGui literally means “should come back” in Chinese, the medicine is normallyused to regulate menstruation, especially to call back normal menstrualcycle. Yuan Zhi is used to calm the heart and induce tranquilization. Du Huo isused to dispel wind-dampness, alleviate pain, and release exterior ailments.Another type of traditional medicine is called Wu Ling Zhi (FaecesTrogopterori), a very beautiful name, right? Well, it is originally theexcrement of bats. Therefore, the artistic names actually make the medicinesmore acceptable to patients. A similar case was in the classic Chinese novel,Journey to the West, where the monkey king called the horse urine Ma Dou Ling,another artistic name, to cover for its original essence.










A More Advanced Language

Shayer: Chinese Massage—from an amateur to an expert

I ama huge fan of the Chinese massage. I stayed in Beijing from 1997 to 2006 andwent back to Bangladesh in 2006. At that time I was endemic due to young age.Luckily, my family invited a Chinese masseur who served for the Prime ministerof Bangladesh then. He gave massages for me for only one month and I quicklybecame more accustomed to the new environment. Thus, traditional Chinesemassage became so magical to me and I began my imitation andlearning.

Afterward, I started to give massages for my parents and brother,which were very productive. I gradually became more skilled as I gave massagesfor my relatives even for a slight fever. Actu- ally, one can sense thelocations of pain during the treatment, whether for deposition or relaxation.Currently, I’m specializing in the acupoints of the head, shoulder, and back.

What made me curious is the very idea of qi intraditional Chinese medicine. Although it is a virtual concept which is undetectable, we are able to directly sense it and apply it to various treatments.I majored in computer science, thus I am used to approaching and understandinga concept in a quantitative way. However, Traditional Chinese Medicine can’t beexplained with data in detail. From my point of view, TCM has a more advancedlanguage, whose principle can’t be clarified yet it can be put into practicelike C++ or Java.

Anastasia: Traditional Chinese Massage is My Favorite

I go for a Chinese massage every week. I tend to feelexhausted after a long-day work at my office, and my legs have become numb. Idon’t have specific experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine, but I didattempt to try it, only to find it not effective enough. Perhaps a longerprocess is needed for the medicine to take effect, but I regard myself a more western-medicine person and would like a more rapid treatment.

I tried acupuncture once when I was little inRussia. I was in primary school and had a poor eyesight, so I was basically aregular customer of Russian doctors. I went to the hospital once a year to getacupuncture therapy on my head and tried cupping therapy as well, and boththerapies were not that painful according to my memory .





Wang: Nowadays, some foreign doctors learn Traditional Chinese Medicine for only a short period of time and go back to their owncountry to run a clinic. If they are not capable of fully practicing TCM, thereputation of it will be somewhat damaged. Therefore, the accreditation systemfor qualified TCM doctors shall be perfected to provide better medical service.After all, the traditional Chinese medicine is a bridge connecting Chineseculture with human health, and it’s the best gift China sends to the world.

(Chinese text editor: Wu Xingduo, Wang Zhaofeng.Englishtext editor: Yan Caiping. The meeting place was provided by Grand HotelBeijing. Special thanks: Cui Daiyuan.) 















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