There is a world, fast and slow,dynamic and static. Knowing, there is something to do.
I heard there is lightthere. Where there is light, there will be stories, and many stories come frommountains, fields, and woods. If you stop and stay, it will find you and giveyou warmth and light. This beam of light resides among the green forests and isaccompanied by the breeze of the fields. When you come here, you only need tofree yourself and slow down your life.
Manfangshe is locatedin Xiashantou Village, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City. It is located in theTiedingyou Paradise with the largest, longest, and highest slide theme in theworld. The project revolves around the innovation of modern agriculturaltourism, combining aesthetics, culture, locality and other elements to blendmodern design into the countryside.
Bathed in the luster of time, the simple and quiet beauty of simplicity.▼餐厅局部,阳光透过天窗洒落进来。In part of the restaurant, thesun shines in through the skylight.▼亲子书吧,Parent-child bookbar▼通往餐饮包厢区的楼梯, Stairs leading to the dining box area▼包厢藏酒区,Private room wine areaWith window frames, frames of natural scenery and space intersecteach other.▼隐藏在客房区的消防楼梯 Hidden fire stairs in guest room area从商业运营角度满足不同房型规划。每间客房大面积落地窗,最大程度引入自然采光,保证室内空间的通透。山野风光融于室内,年岁光景在窗影之间,通过日出与日落余晖,感受四季的更替。From the perspective of commercial operations, it can meet the planning ofdifferent room types. Large area floor-to-ceiling windows in each guest roomintroduce natural light to the greatest extent and ensure the transparency ofthe interior space. The scenery of the mountains and wilds are integratedindoors, and the scenery of the years is between the windows and shadows.Through the sunrise and sunset, you can feel the change of the four seasons.客房室内采用质朴的老木板,结合暖白色灯光和艺术涂料将民宿融入自然。The interior of theguest room uses rustic old wooden boards, combined with warm white lighting andartistic paint to blend the homestay into nature.Looking at the mountains, seeing thefields, fascinated, pastoral.▼建筑总平面,Building master plan客户:方玉友、杨丙军、蒋正剑 | 乐清慢方适文化旅游有限公司主创及设计团队:徐晶磊、胡佳、齐俊师、陈锦辉、张弛、胡蝶、章可楠、苏炳建注:图文内容均来自杭州慢珊瑚投稿,玖玖文化编辑整理,转载请留言。杭州慢珊瑚文旅规划设计有限公司是一家以乡村文旅项目和城市精品项目为主的综合设计公司。设计内容涵盖策划、规划、建筑、景观、室内、软装全案。代表作:上海腾远科创园、珀莱雅集团总部大楼等。品牌文化:源于对设计的热衷与初心,坚持与信仰,从无到有,日积月累的沉淀,如同海底珊瑚,是伟大的海洋建筑师,微小的个体拥有着强大的凝聚力和创造力,造就海底奇观。