

M艺术空间 MArtCenter 2021-02-06

摄影师:施佳宇   视频制作:邹巍


更新风景 — 微光闪现中的文化凝视

《更新风景》系列主要为作者自2012旅居亚洲六年延续环境议题的创作脉络,主要拍摄地点为台北 - 上海等城市  ;《 超越平凡 》是作者2018年再次返回欧洲生活,面对环境快速变迁与文化崩坏的冲击与哀伤,其系列创作完成于柏林-巴黎两地历时一年。在此个展中精选展出季勇2017- 2019期间的作品,作为呼应展览主题的探讨。

此双系列作品以当代摄影的视角,结合了英国浪漫主义风景画家威廉·特纳 (William Turner 1775 -1851),和德裔美国风景画家阿尔伯特·比尔斯塔特(Albert Bierstadt 1830-1902)等著名作品的创作视野。艺术家对绘画和摄影两种媒材的高度掌握,让观众在乍看之下,形成合理的错视画面。


对于艺术家来说,摄影只是绘画的延伸,画面中田园诗般的自然景观,与当代城市景观形成讽刺性的对照,自然融合的画面重塑了我们的感知和审美,诗意地描绘了生态和文化的悲剧。作者向观者不断地发出呼求并向观众提问 - 所有这些滋养艺术的文化遗产都去了哪里?!





备注:《更新风景》系列作品自2018年在欧洲摄影青年艺术节- CIRCULATION(S)《循环》首度发表,得到欧洲评审团的公共大奖与观众票选出最喜爱的艺术家。大型作品墙被装置在巴黎的市政府及卢森堡地铁站展示,并荣获在2018第49届阿尔勒摄影艺术节开幕晚会中特别推荐的殊荣,欧美媒体以头版和专题探讨季勇崭新的创作风格并在网媒引起热烈的讨论;巴黎前卫摄影杂志鱼眼《Fisheye》更将其代表作品选入在2018的年鉴当中。

法国出版社CORRIDOR ELEPHANT (大象走廊)历时一年的策划,完成艺术家限量作者签名版的纪念画册《 IN A LANDSCAPE 》法文/ 英文/中文三种翻译版本。

季勇 Guillaume Hebert

冬日 Winter2019

艺术微喷 Archival Pigment Print

127 x 110 cmEdition 1/3 (3+2AP) 

季勇 Guillaume Hebert

更新风景-3 Updated Landscape #3, 2017

艺术微喷 Archival Pigment Print

119 x 96 cmEdition 1/3 (3+2AP) 

季勇 Guillaume Hebert

滑板公园 Skatepark, 2019

艺术微喷 Archival Pigment Print

159 x 140 cmEdition 1/3 (3+2AP) 

季勇 Guillaume Hebert

更新风景-13 Updated Landscape #13, 2017

艺术微喷 Archival Pigment Print, 

124 x 109 cmEdition 1/3 (3+2AP) 

季勇 Guillaume Hebert

更新风景-39 Updated Landscape #39, 2017

艺术微喷 Archival Pigment Print

124 x 100 cmEdition 1/3 (3+2AP) 

“Updated Landscape” 

- Cultural Gaze in Glimmering

“Updated Landscape” is mainly about the environmental issues since Hebert’s six years residency in Asia in 2012. The imageries are from Taipei, Shanghai and other cities in China. “Beyond the Ordinary” is created by Hebert when he moved back to Europe in 2018. Facing the impact and sadness of rapid environmental change and cultural collapse, these series took a year to complete in Berlin and Paris. These two series of works created between 2017 - 2019, as the theme of the exhibition. 


Using the perspective of contemporary photography, “Updated Landscape” and “Beyond the Ordinary” combines the works of William Turner (1775-1851) ‘Avernue lake Aeneas and the Cumaei Sibylle’; William Marlow (1740-1813) ‘View of Matlock Bath’; and Cole Thomas (1801-1848) ‘The Course of Empire The Savage State’. Grasping painting and photography enables the audience to form a misperception at first sight. 


Photography is just an extension of painting. The idyllic natural landscape in the picture forms a satirical contrast with the contemporary urban landscape. The naturally integrated picture reshapes our perception and aesthetics, and poetically depicts the tragedy of ecology and culture. The work constantly appeals and questions the audience - “Where are all these cultural heritages going?” 


At this moment, the global press the pause button to start afresh, hoping that this exhibition will arouse everyone's attention and cherish for the natural ecology and cultural environment. 

Nien Lienhua

June. 2020

Notes: “Updated Landscape” won the 2018 ‘Public Prize’ at the Ciruclation(s) festival in Europe and voted as the favorite artist by the audiences. The large scale work was installed in the City Government metro station and the Luxembourg metro station in Paris. The series also won the ‘Best Recommended Work” in the opening night of the 49th Arles Photography Festival in 2018. “Fisheye”, the avent-garde photography magazine in Paris, selected “Updated Landscape” as the representative works in 2018. 

French Publisher, Corridor Elephant publishes “IN A LANDSCAPE” in three different languages (English, French and Mandarin), which is a limited edition of the commemorative artist book signed by Guillaume Hebert.



季勇  Guillaume Hebert 

Guillaume Hebert 又名 ( Guillelmus Paulus Julianus ) ( 中文别名 季勇 ) , 法国视觉艺术家,专注于摄影创作,1969年出生于法国诺曼底,毕业于卡昂美术学院(DNSEP:国家造型艺术高级文凭)。他于2012年起旅居台湾六年,开始他的摄影创作。期间并经常往返中国大陆旅行。他目前与上海画廊M艺术空间长期合作,并参加许多艺术节和博览会。在亚洲朝圣后,2018年他回到欧洲并在柏林定居一年进行主题创作。目前返回法国在南法阿维尼翁生活和工作。



M Art Center | M艺术空间



+86 21 62996610

1F, Building 2, No.50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai, 200060


