
迈丘新作 | 武汉城建中央云城

metrostudio 迈丘设计 2023-09-17

 | No.1440 |







01 项目背景


△ 场地

Wuhan Urban Construction Sky Center is located in the north of the junction of Qingnian Road and Hangkong Road, Hanjiang District, Wuhan, and in the south of the junction of Qingnian Road and Wansongyuan Cross Road. The base of the project was originally Wuhan Film Studio, located in the core urban area of Wuhan, with complete commercial, medical and educational facilities and convenient transportation. It has the most superior location and landscape resources. This project is a tribute from Wuhan Urban Construction Group to the upgrading of Wuhan's urban renewal complex, and is committed to building a large-scale high-quality urban composite landmark in the core area of Wuhan that integrates residence, office, commerce and culture.

02 设计理念


△ 草图推演
展示区建筑通透大气,如同高奢定制的专享宝石,高端大气,通透简洁。景观设计以建筑为联想,以“晶石”为载体,以“闹市天府,启耀珠宝”为理念, 在繁华都市中,创造具有传承价值的居所,演绎永恒不朽之美。源于场地,取其韵,高于场地,升其华,赋予场地独一无二的专属尊享气质,致敬场地,回归生活。
The building in the exhibition area is as transparent and simple as luxury customized exclusive gemstones. The landscape design takes architecture as the association, "crystal" as the carrier, and "downtown Tianfu, shining jewelry" as the concept to create a residence with inheritance value in the prosperous city, and interpret the eternal beauty. Originating from the venue, taking its charm, surpassing the site and upgrading it, it gives the site a unique exclusive quality, pays tribute to the site, and returns to life.

△ 分析图

Extract, evolve, sublimate, extract the crystal elements, and the crystal radiates dazzling light, and the delicate three-dimensional shape forms a multi-dimensional surface and line space; The crystal elements and building are unified and extended to each other, and the evolution connection extends to the landscape; The space is connected in series to extract the divergent dazzling light  and the linearly divided surfaces and lines form a diamond like high luxury custom space shape.

△ 总图

△ 现场视频

△ 实景

△ 效果图

The Chinese tallow at the entrance is swaying, forming a soft contrast with the simple and atmospheric architectural lines. The distant light fell mottled on the still water through the glass, drawing a faint appearance, which caused a flicker of light and shadow. Against the backdrop of the white cut landscape wall, the blue purple tone Sapium sebiferum forest creates a low-key calm, reflecting the expectations for the future.

In the distance, the space turns and changes. One step at a time, the trees on both sides play a cheerful welcome song with the rhythm of the wind.

转身前行几步,豁然开朗。两侧折线形成大镜面水景,投影着熠熠闪光的钻石建筑体块。缓缓的流水从斜坡的边沿留下,仿若风轻柔的拂过水面,波光粼粼。且听风吟 ,在这简单清净的空间里,渐渐沉淀。在温暖治愈的氛围中,找回内心的平静和归属。

Turn around and walk forward for a few steps, suddenly enlightened. The broken lines on both sides form a large mirror water feature, projecting the glittering diamond building block. Slowly flowing water is left from the edge of the slope, just like the wind gently brushing the water surface, sparkling. Listen to the wind and gradually settle in this simple and clean space. In the warm and healing atmosphere, find the inner peace and belonging.

道路两侧,丰富且多姿的植物,淡紫色的花卉,温柔而不艳丽,在这静谧的时光里,时间似乎停留在树梢和花丛中。由身至心的惬意轻松, 伴着树叶的清香、和煦日光下的花香,有各种不同语言表达赞叹、喜悦、满足和流连忘返。

On both sides of the road, rich and colorful plants and lilac flowers are gentle but not gorgeous. In this quiet time, time seems to stay in the tops of trees and flowers. It is pleasant and relaxed from body to heart. With the fragrance of leaves and the fragrance of flowers in the warm sunlight, there are different languages to express admiration, joy, satisfaction and lingering.

Moving from one scene to another, in the multi-dimensional flow of time and space, the red maple at the waterside draws a unique beauty in the light and shadow, attracting people to participate in it, and wandering in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Walking through the graceful Sapium sebiferum forest, you will find yourself in the flower path, with flowers and butterflies on both sides of the road. 
The feather maple in the central waterscape is like a quiet listener, listening to the secrets in the garden. The faint yellow color of the afterglow, from the terrace on the second floor, you can see the birds skimming the water, and the rising waves sweeping in the wind, making you intoxicated.


Walking through the forest, you will find a secret garden. It is like entering a midsummer dream in the afternoon, with blue and purple romance within your reach. The afternoon sunshine flows through the flowers, making visitors feel lazy, comfortable and warm. A leisurely time without thoughts, the passage of time becomes long and full at this time.


The blue mist flowers, fragrant tea plants, endless summer hydrangea, verbena, etc. of the blue purple series are used as the main colors. They are either charming or flexible, swaying and dancing in the breeze, like lilac cloud spirits, looming in the green.

03 施工过程




景观设计:Metrostudio 迈丘设计 事业2部







▼ 推荐阅读


Metrostudio迈丘设计,是一家拥有超前视野与国际背景的综合性设计公司。以“Every line has a meaning(每根线条都有它的意义)”为设计理念。2000年起源于意大利萨莱诺,2005年进入中国市场,以深圳为总部,在伦敦、上海、广州、成都、重庆、武汉等国内外开设多家分公司,凝聚200多名不同区域设计精英,为世界多个国家地区客户提供涵盖规划、建筑、景观、室内、儿童游乐设计及施工一体化等优质的综合性设计服务。






