

计量经济圈 计量经济圈 2021-10-23



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Pictured here (left to right): Eugene F. Fama, Joshua Angrist, and Jörn-Steffen Pischke.

今天,主要是给圈友通报一个News,那就是“Mostly Harmless Econometrics”(基本无害的计量经济学)获得了第二届“Fama奖项”。这个Fama奖项是以2013年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Eugene Fama的名义成立的,旨在奖励那些对于经济和金融学博士教育做出突出贡献的教科书。要知道这个奖项是每三年才颁发一次的,而且书籍需要适合美国经济和金融领域的博士生阅读层次的,因此这种难得的荣誉也从侧面表明,MHE是计量经济圈圈友必须反复熟读的杰出教材(outstanding)

Second Fama Prize Awarded to Mostly Harmless Econometrics

Fama奖项介绍:Awarded every three years, Chicago Booth’s Eugene Fama Prize for Outstanding Contributions to Doctoral Education recognizes authors of exceptional PhD-level textbooks in economics and finance. The prize was created to honor Nobel laureate Eugene F. Fama, Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, and was made possible through the generosity of a group of Booth alumni and friends:

Eugene Fama教授介绍:Fama is best known for his work analyzing markets and securities prices, pioneering research closely followed by academics and financial services professionals alike. He received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2013, along with Lars Peter Hansen, David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Finance; and Robert J. Shiller of Yale University. Fama is among the most cited American academics and has maintained an active teaching role at Booth.

The Fama Prize is intended to encourage the development and diffusion of innovative approaches to doctoral education and the publication and wide distribution of exceptional educational materials.

第二届Fama奖项获得者:The second Fama Prize has been awarded to Joshua Angrist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Jörn-Steffen (Steve) Pischke (London School of Economics) for their book Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist’s Companion, published by Princeton University Press in 2009. Angrist and Pischke will share the $250,000 prize.

MHE获得Fama奖的理由:“The book draws on readers’ interests and empirical curiosity to motivate the analysis, training future generations of applied researchers who can push forward our understanding of economics and finance,” said Pietro Veronesi, Roman Family Professor of Finance, who is also deputy dean for faculty and chair of the selection committee. “The committee ultimately selected this book, as we believe it best represents the aspirations and the objectives of the Fama Prize.”

Angrist和Pischke相识和合作写出创造性MHE的心路历程:Angrist and Pischke met as PhD students at Princeton University in the late 1980s, but got to know each other well when they both taught at MIT in the mid-1990s. Mostly Harmless Econometrics grew out of their applied econometrics course and their shared affection for Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and its humorous take on science. The material in the book marks a turn in econometrics instruction, emphasizing the estimation of causal effects and the measurable consequences of changes in economic policy. This approach to empirical work gained traction in the 1980s and 1990s, especially among labor economists like Angrist and Pischke. The pair noticed a need for instructional material aligned with this new and increasingly important style of work. Angrist had toyed with the idea of writing an applied econometrics text of some kind since the late 1990s. He invited Pischke to join and expand the project when Pischke returned to MIT as a visiting faculty member in 2006-07.

作者之一Angrist的反应:“I’m thrilled by this recognition. It’s not something I anticipated, and I know Steve feels the same way. Mostly Harmless Econometrics became a kind of cult favorite, as they say in the movies,” said Angrist. “But the Fama Prize shows Mostly Harmless Econometrics is not just ‘Night of the Living Dead’ for econometrics. I love teaching and care deeply about instruction as well as research, so it’s gratifying to win a prize for a contribution to doctoral education in general economics and finance.”

作者之一Pischke的反应:“It’s a great honor to receive this prize, as Eugene Fama is such a giant in the profession,” shared Pischke. “What creates a particular connection for us is the close parallels between the empirical methods we discuss in the book, and Fama’s 1969 paper with Fisher, Jensen, and Roll. That paper is considered the template for modern event studies in finance, a close cousin of the difference-in-differences methodology used in other fields.”

延伸到第一届Fama奖:The Fama Prize was first awarded in 2015 to John Campbell (Harvard University), Andrew Lo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and A. Craig MacKinlay (University of Pennsylvania) for The Econometrics of Financial Markets.


  • Preface

  • Acknowledgements

  • Organization of this Book

  • I. Preliminaries

    • 1. Questions about Questions

    • 2. The Experimental Ideal

  • II. The Core

    • 5. Parallel Worlds: Fixed Effects, Differences-in-Differences, and Panel Data

    • 4. Instrumental Variables in Action: Sometimes You Get What You Need

    • 3. Making Regression Make Sense

  • III. Extensions

    • 6. Getting a Little Jumpy: Regression Discontinuity Designs

    • 7. Quantile Regression

    • 8. Nonstandard Standard Error Issues

  • Last Words

  • Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • Empirical Studies Index

  • References

  • Index






4.我是安神, 我为因果推断计量代言


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③研究小组:因果推断, 空间计量, 面板数据(最专业),


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