
Webinar | Experts Talk: French Election 2022's Implications

聚焦公共事务的→ 中国欧盟商会European Chamber 2022-04-30

The year 2022 was always destined to be a turbulent political year for France, with the country taking over the six-month presidency of the European Union (EU) Council from January and holding a national presidential election in the middle of that period. However, the direction and acceleration of events around Ukraine is likely to reshape the EU’s geopolitical landscape fundamentally, while also prescribing a host of uncertainties for the candidates for presidency, incumbent Emmanuel Macron and the right-wing Marine Le Pen.

While Macron emerging victorious over Le Pen in the runoff election on 24th April to win another five years at the helm of Europe's second largest economy, his narrowing margin of victory since their last run-off five years ago, as well as the challenges at home and abroad, present the prospects of another rocky term for the incumbent. Vital questions on what is at stake for France and the rest of the world—such as the place of NATO in France’s future, France’s place in Europe as well as in NATO, and its future strategy towards Russia, and EU-China relations— remain to be answered.

To address the above and other questions, we’ve invited several distinguished thought leaders from renowned think-tanks, research institutes, and multinational corporations to join the latest session of the European Chamber’s Experts Talk Series, to share fresh insights and perspectives just after the French presidential election.

Time | 2022-04-29 | 16:00 - 17:30

Fees | Member: 200 rmb

           Non-member: 400 rmb

Venue: Online

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16:00 – 16:05 

Opening Remarks

  • Bruno Weill, vice president, European Chamber

16:05 – 16:15 

Debrief on French Election

  • Dr François Godement, senior advisor for Asia, Institut Montaigne, Paris

16:15 – 17:00

Experts Dialogue

  • Dr François Godement, senior advisor for Asia, Institut Montaigne, Paris

  • Dr Cui Hongjian, senior research fellow and director of the Department of European Studies at the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS)

  • Isabelle Lasserre, diplomatic correspondant, Le Figaro

  • Hosted by Mr. Bruno Weill, vice president, European Chamber

17:00 – 17:30 


Moderated by Ms. Ester Cañada Amela, senior business manager for European Affairs, European Chamber


