

关注我们☞ 英语教师张顺均 2023-03-09



Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in 1980. At 229 centimeters, he was the third tallest player in NBA history. Yao made his first appearance in the NBA during the 2000 Sydney Olympics. He surprised many critics with his first games, and was fast becoming an international fan favorite, as he broke Michael Jordan’s record for votes (投票) received. In July 2011 Yao announced his retirement from the NBA due to frequent problems in his left foot.

He continuously works to raise awareness of endangered species and even went as far as to stop using shark fin soup at his wedding in 2007. Yao has been saying no to shark fin soup since 2006 when he was appointed Goodwill Ambassador (亲善大使) for wildlife protection. “Shark’s are friends of human beings. They are not our food.” Since his retirement he has become a surprise international force in the field of wildlife protection, and he is using his fame to tell us the difficulties faced by sharks.

Most recently he went to Houston Zoo, as part of his continuing effort to educate young people about the importance of wildlife protection. He is part of a large campaign (运动) by the wildlife protection charity WildAid, and has traveled through Africa to see and document the difficulties facing elephants and rhinos in the wild. With elephant and rhinoceros poaching (偷猎) on the rise, Yao also said, “When the buying stops, the killing can too. Get rid of the demand for rhino horn and ivory right at the source. That’s what I want to do.”

Although Yao is not the first Chinese player in the NBA, it could be argued that he is the most important one, not just for his taking part in charity and wildlife protection work. He built a bridge between two completely different worlds and introduced millions to the Chinese way of life, and the American lifestyle separately.

12.The first paragraph mainly tells us ____________.

A. the history of MBAB. how high Yao Ming is

C. the life of Michael JordanD. Yao Ming’s basketball life

13.Why did Yao Ming stop using shark fin soup at his wedding?

A. Because shark fin soup is not food

B. Because he wants to set a good example

C. Because sharks are not endangered species

D. Because shark fin soup is too expensive for him.

14.What do we know about what Yao Ming said in the Paragraph 3?

A. The demand for wildlife leads to killing.

B. He wants to appeal to others to stop illegal selling.

C. WildAid plays an important role in wildlife protection.

D. Young people make a difference in wildlife protection.

15.What is the best title for this passage?

A. The first Chinese player in the NBA

B. A super basketball star --Yao Ming

C. Yao Ming and his wildlife protection

D. When the buying stops,the killing can too


appearance [əˈpɪər(ə)ns] 出现;外貌;露面;外表;外观

retirement [rɪˈtaiəm(ə)nt] 退休;退职;退役;引退

frequent [ˈfriːkw(ə)nt] 频繁的;时常发生的;常见的;常到;常去

continuously [kən'tɪnjʊəslɪ] 连续不断地;连续地

fin [fɪn] 鳍状物;散热片;鳍;鱼鳍;切除鳍;潜泳

appointed [əˈpɔɪntɪd] 指定的;约定的;任命;指定;(appoint的过去式和过去分词)

fame [feɪm] 名望;名声;传闻;声誉;使闻名;使出名;使有名望

document [ˈdɒkjʊm(ə)nt] 文件;公文;证件;文档;记录;证明

horn [hɔːn] 角质;喇叭;角;号角;用角抵撞;对…不忠诚

ivory [ˈaiv(ə)ri] 象牙;乳白色;象牙色;象牙制品;象牙质;乳白色的;象牙制的

source [sɔːs] 来源;原始资料;原因;水源;(从…)获得

completely [kəmˈpliːtli] 完全地;非常;很;完整地

separately [ˈseprətli] 分别地;个别地;分离地;单独地

species [ˈspiːʃiːz] 种类;类型;种;物种;个体;(species的复数)

appeal [əˈpiːl] 呼吁;恳请;恳求;上诉;有吸引力;启发;劝说;上诉;申诉;吸引力;呼吁;感染力;启发

illegal [ɪˈliːɡ(ə)l] 不合法的;非法的;违法的;违反规则的;非法移民;间谍;非法劳工


【答案】12.D 13.B 14.B 15.C


【12题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段中“At 229 centimeters, he was the third tallest player in NBA history. Yao made his first appearance in the NBA during the 2000 Sydney Olympics. He surprised many critics with his first games, and was fast becoming an international fan favorite, as he broke Michael Jordan’s record for votes (投票) received. In July 2011 Yao announced his retirement from the NBA due to frequent problems in his left foot.(他身高229厘米,是NBA历史上第三高的球员。姚明第一次在NBA亮相是在2000年悉尼奥运会。他的第一次比赛让许多评论家感到惊讶,并迅速成为国际球迷的最爱,因为他打破了迈克尔乔丹的投票记录。2011年7月,由于左脚频繁出现问题,姚明宣布从NBA退役。)”可知,本段讲述了姚明加入和退出NBA以及取得的相关成就,因此本段主要讲述了姚明的篮球生涯。故选D项。

【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“He continuously works to raise awareness of endangered species and even went as far as to stop using shark fin soup at his wedding in 2007. (他一直致力于提高人们对濒危物种的认识,甚至在2007年的婚礼上停止使用鱼翅汤。)”可知,因为姚明想树立一个好榜样,因此在他的婚礼上不使用鱼翅汤。故选B项。

【14题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中“With elephant and rhinoceros poaching (偷猎) on the rise, Yao also said, “When the buying stops, the killing can too. Get rid of the demand for rhino horn and ivory right at the source. That’s what I want to do.”(随着大象和犀牛偷猎的增加,姚还说,“当购买停止时,猎杀也会停止。从源头上消除对犀牛角和象牙的需求。这就是我想做的。”)”可知,姚明想呼吁其他人停止非法买卖。故选B项。

15题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Although Yao is not the first Chinese player in the NBA, it could be argued that he is the most important one, not just for his taking part in charity and wildlife protection work. He built a bridge between two completely different worlds and introduced millions to the Chinese way of life, and the American lifestyle separately. (尽管姚明不是第一个进入NBA的中国球员,但可以说他是最重要的一个,不仅仅是因为他参与了慈善和野生动物保护工作。他在两个完全不同的世界之间架起了一座桥梁,让数百万人分别了解了中国人的生活方式和美国人的生活方式。)”可知,本文主要讲述了姚明在保护野生动物方面的努力和贡献,因此本文的最佳标题是选项C“姚明和他对野生动物的保护”。故选C项。











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