
China school threatens sloshed students with parental shame

2018-03-21 GT HangzhouExpat

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A Southwest China university instating a campus-wide alcohol ban is threatening to punish students found inebriated with the ultimate buzzkill - sending a drunk pic to their parents.

Starting this semester, officials at Yunnan Arts University (YAU) will send a physical photo through the mail to the offender's family, along with a summons for family members to come and "assist in educating" the student.

A short video posted by a student to Sina Weibo on Tuesday recording the school's announcement has gone viral.

The ban is part of the university's effort to "strengthen security management," wrote Yunnan.cn. 

It was not reported if the photo policy has been enforced. 

Some at YAU said they were on board with the ban, as the school faces a bar street where students often gather to drink throughout the day. 

In the past, the school had resorted to sending teachers with bullhorns into bars in order to round up students before the dorms close at night.

However, most on social media poked fun at the policy. 

"I wouldn't be so worried. By the time that photo arrives at my house, I'll probably be in graduate school," whote "mimangdeallen."

Source: Global Times



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