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To everyone who may not yet have heard the news, our dear Australian friend Tony Reynen has experience a devastating diagnosis. A fund has been established to assist the family’s efforts to cover medical cost. If you would like to donate, just extract the QR code below or click Read More at the bottom left to the donate page, donate whatever you can. If you are not able to donate don’t forget you can still share it, leave messages and comments for.

Throughout his years in Hangzhou, Tony has always stressed the importance of learning and cross cultural education. 

Thank you for helping us to honor all of the good that Tony stands for. You can be assured that your efforts are greatly appreciated not only by his family but by members of this community.  


来自澳大利亚的Reynen Anthony Martin Matthew ,被中国的学生们亲切地称为Tony老师,2004年来到杭州,十几年来他一直定居在这个美丽的城市,兢兢业业地从事英语教学,他友善、亲切、正直的为人令他深受学生和同事们的爱戴。然而今年4月的体检却被诊断出了盆腔恶性肿瘤,并且已全身多处转移。在浙江省人民医院住院后每天高额的治疗费为他和家人带来了巨大的压力,请大家一起来帮帮这位身处异国他乡的外国老师恳请各位好心人士伸手相助,多多转发,您的每一次转发对我们都至关重要,每一次转发对我们来说都是莫大的帮助!

Long press the image, Extract the QR code to the donate page

How to donate

1. Click "我要捐款", which means "I want to donate"

2. Click "Allow" to login with your wechat ID

3. Select how much you would like to donate

4. Click "立即支付" which means "Pay", it will go to Wechat Pay page


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