
Paulina 2018-05-30

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Please help, and don’t be a passer-by. Life can be tough and cruel to those who are truly amazing personalities!

My beautiful, intelligent friend and amazingly talented ballet dancer Salima, who has lived in Hangzhou for more than 15 years, is now seriously ill.

The treatment she requires is extremely expensive, and her insurance unfortunately doesn’t cover the experimental cancer treatment she is undergoing in one of the Hangzhou’s hospitals. 

I’m asking you to help, every penny helps! Please be humane and compassionate. Life is so very short, and you never know what may befall your most cherished and beloved friends from one day to the next.

The link is entirely legitimate, and all donations will go directly to helping cover Salima's critical treatment. God bless you and your beloved ones, and may they remain always healthy.️

from a trustable reader 

Long press the image below, Extract the QR code to the donate page

患者是我的朋友,她的病折磨着她8 年,希望大家帮助我的朋友早日摆脱疾病困扰,在此谢过。本人是萨利吗外国人来自吉尔吉斯但生活在杭州的一名芭蕾舞老师,他的老公是美国人,因萨利吗为外籍人士,不享受医保,故全家一直在承担全额的高医疗费用,治疗期间的住院费用,检查费用、化疗药剂费用及相关营养品费用相加已达极大数目。现家里已花光全部积蓄,一直在找亲戚借款治疗。虽然疾病很严重但求能尽最后的力量抓住仅存的一线希望。本人所描述的情况全部属实,可提供各项单据报告.希望社会爱心人士能够伸出援手,不胜感激。恳请各位好心人士伸手相助,多多转发,您的每一次转发对我们都至关重要,每一次转发对我们来说都是莫大的帮助!恳请各位好心人士伸手相助,多多转发,您的每一次转发对我们都至关重要,每一次转发对我们来说都是莫大的帮助!


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