
Spartan Race coming to Hangzhou, register now ! 斯巴达勇士赛杭州站

Spartan斯巴达 HangzhouExpat 2019-01-29

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Race Date 比赛时间

3rd November 11月3日

Race Venue 比赛地点

Hangzhou (TBA) 杭州 ( 具体地址待解锁 )

Race Type & Category 赛事级别与组别

Spartan Sprint 竞速赛 (6+KM 20+Obstacles) including 2 categories: Elite Group 精英组, Age Group 年龄段组 and Open Group 公开组

Spartan Kids 儿童赛 (0.8KM-4.5KM 8-20 Obstacles)

Price 报名费用

* If your team is less than 20 members when you join in them, you need to pay the current registration price of open team. If your team has more than 20 players before the race, your overpaid registration fee will be return to your payment account about 15 working days after the race. 若您在加入战队时,战队未满20人,则您需要支付公开组当前报名价格,若您的战队在赛前超过20人,满足战队优惠价格政策,则战队前19位选手多缴的报名费用将在赛后15个工作日左右退还至您的支付账户。

Special for you

For Adult: 

439 RMB ? No

399 RMB but need more than 20 persons ? No

As a special offer for Hangzhou Expat readers, no matter when you buy tickets, whether you are the 1st one to buy ticket, you can directly enjoy the 399 RMB/person with our link  (you can extract the QR code below or click Read More at the bottom left to register to get the special offer, the password is 123456)

通过HangzhouExpat的专属链接(解码下图海报中的二维码开始注册, 密码123456),你可以直接享受399每人的最低价格,即使没有20个人也会直接享受,有效时间至报名结束。请长按识别二维码进入报名

* You will be required to input the password 123456


For Kids: 

The price includes spectator Tickets of 2 parents 价格包含2名家长入场券, Finisher T-shirt and medal 完赛T恤与奖牌

10% OFF with our promotion code, please send "Spartan" to our account to get the code

对于孩子们虽然没有团队优惠,但我们特别申请到了9折优惠码, 发送Spartan到公众号,自动获取优惠码

Win a FREE Ticket 


Share the post on your wechat moment with the text starting with "I will run the Spartan Race" (visible to all and keep it till the raffle day on Aug 30)

分享到朋友圈并留文字以"我要参加斯巴达勇士赛"开头, 所有人可见


Add wechat 13216484898, send editor the screenshot.  then you will be invited to the raffle group


How to make it fair ?

we will send Hongbao in the group, the 1st one that get the least will get the prize.


Somthing to ask ?

Add our wechat

What is the Spartan?

Spartan is more than a race; it’s a way of life. We believe that you can’t have a strong body without a strong mind, that you can’t grow without pressure, that obstacles help shift our frame of reference and make us more resilient. We believe that signing up for a race holds us accountable and keeps us motivated to train harder and eat healthier. With more than 200 events in over 30 countries there’s no excuse to take the first step.




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