习近平总书记指出,“掌握一种语言就是掌握了通往一国文化的钥匙”。英语作为“世界普通话”,在国际交往中发挥着重要的桥梁作用,随着上海商务经济高质量发展,在提升国际贸易中心能级、建设国际消费中心城市、打造吸引外资新高地过程中都会频繁使用。英语除了作为交流工具,还非常讲究技巧和艺术,特别是商务英语,它承载着商务理论和商务实践,良好的交流能够准确的阐释意图、加深理解、增进互信,为商务工作的成功开展奠定坚实基础。同时,英语交流也是跨文化的理解过程,不同国别、民族有着不同历史背景、风俗习惯,国际交往中要理解语言背后的文化,准确找到对应的词语,离不开持续、系统地学习。希望青年同志们能够充分运用“眼界VISTA”学习专栏,提升语言能力、增强跨文化交流水平,也祝愿“眼界VISTA”多出精品、越办越好!祝贺“眼界VISTA ”商务英语学习专栏的开通!
市商务委党组书记、主任 顾军
上海是一座因商而兴的城市,商务发展的重要性不言而喻。2022年商务工作会议于近期召开,想要了解双向投资、国际贸易、消费市场、营商环境等等吗?Stay tuned!
If you live in Shanghai, you must have repeatedly heard of this: Shanghai is a city that thrives upon commerce.
Exactly what is the magnitude of Shanghai’s commerce? What about two-way investment, international trade, consumer market and business environment?
A heavy-weight conference can tell you all about it: Shanghai Municipal Conference on the Work of Commerce.
According to the conference, in 2021, Shanghai managed to have achieved robust commerce growth whilst keeping COVID-19 under control. "Stable growth with upward momentum, exceeding expectations" was the clinching comment on last year's performance.
Six focal points setting the tone for the year ahead:
National strategies(RCEP、High-level Reform and Opening-up of Pudong, the 5th CIIE, Hongqiao International Open Hub, OBOR Initiative);
Consumption upgrade;
Innovation in market circulation system;
Transformation in foreign trade;
Improved services for foreign investment;
Better safeguards for the people’s livelihood.
Every single one of these aspects entails rich and diversified contents, some of which are quite relevant to our daily lives.
Approved by the State Council and spearheaded by MOFCOM, the International Consumption Hub is a national initiative to further energize cities in China. As a reputable modern international metropolis, Shanghai is taking the lead to transform its consumer sector, along with other 4 cities in the first pilot of the initiative.
With Debut Economy, May 5 Shopping Festival, Shanghai Nightlife Festival...shaping new shopping experience, last year, a legion of world class shopping complexes and lifestyle landmarks mushroomed in our city, adding a rainbow of colors to the already sizzling hot consumer market. International brands are all gearing up with a plethora of pipeline launches packed into their already intense annual schedules. Consumer spirit has never been higher with people queuing up everywhere for whatever that's in style: fashion, restaurant, garage kits, even photo-ops with a statue.
前滩太古里 Taikoo Li Qiantan
天安千树 1000 Trees
太阳宫 Hall of the Sun
What VISTA has to do with any of these?
We are a vibrant team of young professionals in the civil service with the ambition of making a difference at our hearts. As Shanghai’s effort in commerce development trickles down through various levels of administrations to businesses and individuals, we are determined to visualize this process in an engaging and interesting fashion through a series of our humble endeavors, which, hopefully, could help the rest of the world to better understand this truly fantastic city.