

BEJ/CLT 联合国教科文组织 2023-02-22


(English version below)









工作坊全体成员在神树坪熊猫基地前合影© 中山大学


参加工作坊的学员参照项目三期下编写的蜜源植物手册鉴别遗产地蜜源植物 © 中山大学

工作坊全体学员正在学习养蜂知识 © 中山大学


Launch of “Panda Ambassador” three-year sustainable livelihood and heritage education activity in Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries World Heritage site


Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, inscribed to the World Heritage List in 2006, cover 924,500 ha with 7 nature reserves and 9 scenic parks in the Qionglai and Jiajin Mountains, and span across 12 counties in 4 municipalities including Chengdu, Ya’an, Aba and Ganzi. The sanctuaries constitute the largest remaining contiguous habitat of the giant panda, and are home to more than 30% of the world's pandas which are classed as highly endangered (relabeled as vulnerable in 2016), as well as other globally endangered animals such as the red panda, the snow leopard and clouded leopard. They are among the botanically richest sites of any region in the world outside the tropical rainforests, with between 5,000 and 6,000 species of flora in over 1,000 genera.


From 2017 to 2021, within the project framework of “Conservation and Management of World Heritage Sites in China” Phase III, UNESCO implemented the beekeeping sustainable livelihood activity in Ya’an of Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, developing a standard process for environmentally friendly bee keeping and honey production, supporting local communities in cooperative establishment and in registering trademark for cooperative-made honey products. In 2018, the project extended its pilot region to Wolong, developed heritage education modules based on project experience in cooperative governance and participatory monitoring of biodiversity, and organized 13 trial sessions targeting local primary school students and community members.


With the commencement of Phase IV of the project, UNESCO aligns its efforts with China’s strategic emphasis on eco-civilization and rural revitalization in the 14th Five-Year Plan, and upgrades the beekeeping sustainable livelihood pilot activity into the “Panda Ambassador” initiative in collaboration with the UNESCOC hair on Sustainable Tourism in UNESCO Designated Sites based in Sun Yat-sen University. This initiative highlights the iconic image of the giant pandaas one of the core values of the site, and draws attention and participation of especially young people. “Ambassador” also symbolizes the connection between human and nature. Utilizing the natural and cultural resources of Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, in the context of the establishment of the Giant Panda National Park, this initiative seeks to facilitate the exploration of local tourism industry transformation, to set up guidelines / standards and to cultivate talents for heritage education, as well as to make community livelihoods more diverse and resilient.


As the first step of the “Panda Ambassador” initiative, from 2 to 6 October 2021, the workshop on sustainable livelihood and heritage education in Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries took place in Wolong. 31 university students (77% women) from over 10 universities participated in the workshop. The workshop covered theme of heritage value interpretation system, cultural creative industry incubation, study tour module development and talents training, bee raising sustainable livelihood, and heritage promotion, and combined both lectures and field investigation led by experts from Sun Yat-sen University and Wolong Natural Reserve Administration. As outputs of the workshop, the students produced a series of heritage interpretation script, a set of heritage education handbooks and modules, ten potential creative cultural products, and honey marketing strategies for beekeeping cooperatives. Mobilizing the outputs from the workshop, an online training on improving packaging was organized for 7 villagers (42% women).


In the coming years, the “Panda Ambassador” initiative will continue to focus on building a strong narrative of heritage values, building capacity of local communities and enhancing public communication, and will enhance the heritage interpretation system, develop aheritage education curriculum for local middle and primary school students, build networks for local communities and practitioners in the field of cultural and creative industries, build capacity of local residents in facilitating heritage education and in e-commerce and social media marketing, and enhance diverse, resilient and sustainable livelihoods for communities in and around the World Heritage site. 

